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Sofia Kosykh, 10.1-212

Linguo cultural analysis of advertising discourse in video blogs

  • few works considering advertising in video blogs
  • popular branch

Relevance of the study and research gap addressed

Research questions

  • what are the characteristics of the advertising discourse in video blogs
  • are there any differences in English and Spanish discourse

Cultural and linguistic peculiarities proper to the English advertising discourse and the Spanish one in video blogs integrations

Research topic

15 videos in English and 15 videos in Spanishpublished in 2023-2024from 10 to 25 minutes

linguo-cultural analysis of advertisements in video blogs

Research objects

Research subject

Works related

  • T. van Dijk
  • T. Dobrosklonskaya
  • M. Danesi

Key concepts

  • media discourse
  • advertising

Teoretical framework

comparative analysis

discourse analysis

method of total examining


fewer distinct strategiespresense of the key strategies (to demonstrate the logo, to repeat the name of the brand, to use imperative constructions and exclamations and etc.)

differences in the amount and frequency of use of those strategies according to the language of a video

differences in the ength of the advertising integrations

proves that the way of using of the key strategies has not changed a lot


correlates with the existing research on the topic


globalization processes

sophisticated and experienced viewers

natural and non-intrusive marketing

Danesi, M. (2015). Advertising Discourse. In The International Encyclopedia of Language and Social Interaction (eds K. Tracy, T. Sandel and C. Ilie). https://doi.org/10.1002/9781118611463.wbielsi137Ван Дейк Т.А. Язык, познание, коммуникация / Т.А. ван Дейк. – Б.: БГК им. И. А. Бодуэна де Куртенэ, 2000. – 308 с.Ван Дейк, T.A. Дискурс и власть: репрезентация доминирования в языке и коммуникации / Т.А. ван Дейн. – М.: Книжный дом «ЛИБРОКОМ», 2013. – 344с.Добросклонская Т.Г. Медиадискурс как объект лингвистики имежкультурной коммуникации / Т.Г. Добросклонская. – М.: Вестник,2006. – 54 с.


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