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Listen to the Audio. This song was recorded in 2008, and written in 1998. But it is a tribute to the Revolution of 1798 and tells the story of 1798. Irish Folk Songs were a common way for people to keep the stories of the Revolution alive.

QUESTION!! Answer this on a piece of paper to turn in! How does the United Irish Rebellion differ from the Other rebellions/revolutions that we have learned about? Have you ever heard about or seen in media (TV, Movies, News, Social Media) the struggle for Irish Independence? Look up one if you don't know one and describe what it is!

QUESTION!!! Write Answer on Piece of Paper and Turn in: Who is Bonnie Prince Charlie and What does he have to do with the Jacobite Uprisings? Were all Scottish People on the side of the Jacobites?

For the span of nearly 30 years the Jacobites of Scotland would lead an uprising to ovethrown the House of Hanover and Restore the House of Stuart ot the British Throne.

Jacobite Risings 1715

Some Guiding Questions

  • What is a Jacobite?
  • Why did they not like the Hanovers?
  • What is the Importance of this Uprising?

Jacobite Declaration of War Click above and look at the Jacobite Declaration of War!

  • Today the Jacobite Rebellion is Remembered as lore and legend in Scotland
  • For the British it is remebered as a time of discontent where their Bonnie Prince had to prove his ability to Govern

  • The Jacobites after numerous Revolutions would come up Empty handed and Bonny Prince Charles would lose the throne
  • Jacobitism as a movement would come to an end and Scotland and England would be Reunited once Again.

Lasting Legacy

By the 1790s, most of the Irish had limited rights and were struggling. Following the Revolutions in France and America, The Irish began to dream of a New Future. In 1798, the Revolution Erupted placing the Irish versus the British.

Irish Rebellion

Some Questions to Think About

  • Why did the Irish Revolt?
  • What was the Result of the Revolution?
  • How did the World Respond to the Revolution?

"What is in your hand a switch or whip? It is a branch. Of what? Of the Tree of Liberty. Where did it First Grow? In America. Where does it bloom? In France. Where did the Seeds Fall? In Ireland." - Catchphrase of the United Irishmen, 1797

  • The War would be a total failure by the United Irishmen
  • Tens of Thousands are estimated to have died during the Revolution and Ireland would not only fail to gain its own rights but would be brought further under British control
  • However Further Rebellions in Ireland would use this Rebellion as an inpiration to keep fighting for Irish Freedom

A lasting Legacy

  • Since the United Irish Rebellion there have been a total of 21 Irish Uprisings, some lasting till today
  • The Republic of Ireland would not be fully formed until 1949 however strife over Northern Ireland would remain until 1998, this part of Ireland is still considered part of the United Kingdom unlike the Republic of Ireland