Sales Pipeline
Created on September 25, 2024
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The Evaneos TravelLead
Make a good first impression
Learn about the traveler needs
Offer a tailor-made and inspiring proposition
Adapt your offer
Finalize agreement
The Evaneos TravelLead
The Evaneos TravelLead
What is the Evaneos TravelLead?
Discover the five-step Evaneos sales process, a simple, linear approach to selling. The first step of the sales process begins with initiating contact with the traveler and the last step of the sales process ends after an agent closes the deal. While different salespeople and different offer may necessitate a more detailed or uniquely tailored process, the five-step sales process provides a strong foundation to work with. Once you’ve mastered the process, it will be much easier to adapt your sales approach!.
What is the Evaneos TravelLead?
Discover the five-step Evaneos sales process, a simple, linear approach to selling. The first step of the sales process begins with initiating contact with the traveler and the last step of the sales process ends after an agent closes the deal. While different salespeople and different offer may necessitate a more detailed or uniquely tailored process, the five-step sales process provides a strong foundation to work with. Once you’ve mastered the process, it will be much easier to adapt your sales approach!.
Agent's best practices
The quote is a much awaited moment for the traveler. But it’s also the riskiest part of the sales process – around half of your travelers will stop replying after you send your offer. Make sure to offer a tailor-made trip that meets the needs and desires of each traveler. Is not only about the content, the form also makes a difference.
- % of files with a call (on Request Manager)
- Sales rate on request with a call (on Request Manager)
- Sales rate on request with a video call (on Request Manager)
- Quality & Customisation: Accuracy and attention to details are critical to delivering a high-quality itinerary that meets travelers expectations and budget.
- Easy to Read: presents the itinerary in a clear and organized manner. Avoid long paragraphs and cluttered layouts.
- Attractive: a visually appealing itinerary with nice pictures and maps increase excitement and anticipation for the upcoming trip.
You can go to the next step when: you got enough information to design a tailor-made trip. Make sure you validate the budget before hanging up the phone!
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. You can also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be etched in your audience's memory, and even embed external content that will surprise: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Write an awesome headline
¿Sabías que... Retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve? Es quizá el recurso más efectivo para captar la atención de tu audiencia.
Agent's best practices
Check out Solene's first email
Respond quickly to create a strong first connection with the traveler, maximizing the chances to inspire and convert.
Contact the prospect within 24 hours
- Response Time: Aim for a 4-hour response window during working hours to maintain engagement.
- Personalized Outreach: Use storytelling and personalized with a trip example in your first email to spark excitement and connection.
- Proactive Scheduling: Suggest a meeting time while offering flexibility via Calendly, and follow up with a WhatsApp message to confirm the call.
A call is set up with the traveler
New Request on Request Manager
Zoom on KPIs
Best practices
Mandatory action at this stage
Necessary action to move forward.
Our goal
Respond to the traveler within 24 hours maximum
Immediate response time
😃 ”Very personalised service and quick response time”
At this stage the first reason for dissatisfaction is the reactivity! (37% of the respondants)
+2,5 pts of sales rate if you contact the traveler within 24 hours
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience speechless. You can also highlight a specific phrase or data that will be etched in your audience's memory, and even embed external content that will surprise: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!
Write an awesome headline
¿Sabías que... Retenemos un 42% más de información cuando el contenido se mueve? Es quizá el recurso más efectivo para captar la atención de tu audiencia.
What is the Evaneos TravelLead?
Discover the five-step Evaneos sales process, a simple, linear approach to selling. The first step of the sales process begins with initiating contact with the traveler and the last step of the sales process ends after an agent closes the deal. While different salespeople and different offer may necessitate a more detailed or uniquely tailored process, the five-step sales process provides a strong foundation to work with. Once you’ve mastered the process, it will be much easier to adapt your sales approach!.
Agent's best practices
Video call feature on Request Manager
A discovery call is a key tool in qualifying a traveler as it allows you to gather vital information about the prospect's needs, challenges, and buying intent. This early-stage conversation helps assess whether the prospect is qualified or whether you're wasting time on prospects with unrealistic expectations.
- % of files with a call (on Request Manager)
- Sales rate on request with a call (on Request Manager)
- Sales rate on request with a video call (on Request Manager)
- Understanding the Prospect’s Needs: asks questions to uncover the prospect's specific expectations and pain points.
- Assessing Budget: one of the key elements of qualification is ensuring that the prospect can realistically afford your offering.
- Building Rapport and Trust: by showing that you understand their challenges and are genuinely interested in helping, you create a foundation of trust, which can influence their decision-making later in the sales process.
You can go to the next step when: you got enough information to design a tailor-made trip. Make sure you validate the budget before hanging up the phone!
Check out the discovery script