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Design Principles 4 & 5

Cohort 32024-2025Professional Learning and Growth Department

MNPSSupport HubProfessional Learning Series

Review available resources that align with personal interests/needs and enhance engagement with professional learning

Review existing structures for refining and sustaining professional learning efforts

Problem-solve ongoing issues related to professional learning in MNPS

Analyze MNPS Professional Learning Design Principles 4 and 5


What is Design Principle 4?


How can utilizing Schoology enhance participant engagement?

How can facilitating meaningful conversations enhance your PD?

How can I best use Panorama data to demonstrate connections between current trends in MNPS and new learning?

How can the existing Welcoming Rituals library support my offerings?

How can using Canva's design features increase appeal in PD offerings?

How can AVID/WICOR strategies be leveraged to increase PL participant learning?

Blended Learning

Panorama Data

Welcoming Rituals


Discussion Protocols





How can we harness our group's collective wisdom to help us work through some of the dilemmas facing PL in MNPS?

Fearless Conversations Unconference

What are creative ways that asynchronous learning and synchronous virtual learning can be maximized?

What are unique ways that learning can continue after the professional learning session?

What district supports are needed to gain consistency within stakeholders’ professional learning experiences? What should be consistent?

What are unique ways that facilitators can gather information on their learners before the professional learning offering?

How can Professional Learning content creators differentiate the learner experience?

How can the Support Hub optimize professional learning within the MNPS School-Based Approach to Professional Learning?

Why is attendance often low in district professional development offerings, and what can be done to address this issue?


Take time to read over each chart and your peers' ideas. Place a dot on the four thoughts that you think are most meaningful.

UnconferenceHeat Map

UnconferenceHeat MapDebrief

ADVOCATEWhat is something you will advocate for going forward?

CONTINUEWhat is something you are going to continue doing?

STARTWhat is something you would like to start doing?

Think about a memorable learning experience you've had in the past year. On a sticky note, write what made it stick for you.

Welcome Back! What makes learning stick?

What's the difference between Learning Procedures and Engaging Practices?

Q&AWhat's the difference?

Why did we engage in this activity as a welcome back?

Learning ProcedureDirections, summarize main idea

EngagingPracticeWelcoming Ritual - Make it Stick

Learning ProceduresvsEngagingPractices


  1. Why is an Agenda not an “Essential Element”?
  2. What are the differences between Leadership Message and Mission/Vision/Core Tenets? What should these look like?
  3. What are best practices for including all of the Essential Elements in sessions of varying lengths (especially shorter sessions)?

What is Design Principle 5?

+ Panorama

Panorama DataandPrinciple 5

How much do you learn from the teacher evaluation processes at your school?

From whom do you most often receive feedback on your teaching?

From whom do you receive the most useful feedback on your teaching?

How much feedback do you receive on your teaching?

How useful do you find the feedback you receive on your teaching?

Panorama Data for Principle 5

What are your biggest takeaways around how you and your team can build structures that will increase learners' abilities to integrate their new learning into their classroom?


+ genially

Cycles of Professional Learning

Roll AroundIndividually, roll the die and move to the table number that corresponds. Read about that section of the cycle. Discuss the questions with your table.

Cycles of Professional Learning+Faculty PD

+ link

Learning Forward



Cycles of Professional Learning+PD Resources

How do I utilize the MNPS PD Evaluation Tool in Professional Learning?

Application of New Knowledge or Skills

Student Learning Outcomes

Organizational Change

Responses to the Workshop

Participants' Learning

Five Measures of ProfessionalLearningImpact

How do I utilize feedback from session evaluations to refine my professional learning?

Affirming Outcomes

I can utilize mulitple sources of feedback and data to refine professional learning offerings.

I have some solution ideas on issues facing professional learning that I facilitate and plan to implement at least one of the ideas in the coming school year.

I have increased my skill in using available tools to create high-quality professional learning.

I am able to explain and integrate components of Design Principle 4 & 5 into my professional learning.

Write a six-word headline that captures your learning from today's session in Schoology.

This might be...

  • ​Your biggest takeaway​
  • A summary of the learning​
  • How you would advertise today's work to a colleague?

Optimistic ClosureSix-Word Headline

Optimistic Closure Brings a positive end to learning

Affirming OutcomesConfirms our learning

Affirming OutcomesvsOptimistic Closures

Connect with us! Join a PLG book study and/or reach out to us for support.

Attend the Support Hub Leader Professional Learning Series.

Attend Maximizing Instruction with Schoology on October 2nd.

Explore your new tools and implement your new learning - Genially, Padlet, ASCD, Learning Forward, etc.

Bridge to Practice

Bridge to Practice Affirmation


Contact us: jennifer.sharp@mnps.orgtanner.defrancisco@mnps.org

How might this data change your team's work?

Design Principle 5:Sustain learning after the session by providing extended resources and/or support for integration.

Design Principle 2:Utilize common MNPS professional development essential elements for professional learning.

Design Principle 3:Provide opportunities for participants to process through reflective and engaging strategies that honor the adult learner and directly connect to their work.

Design Principle 1:Ensure content is integrative, valuable, and relevant to participant and student needs and grounded in current research and data.

Design Principle 4:Model learning experiences using high-quality strategies and resources that participants can integrate into their practice.

Design Principle 2:Utilize common MNPS professional development essential elements for professional learning.

Design Principle 4:Model learning experiences using high-quality strategies and resources that participants can integrate into their practice.

What might your team do in response to this finding?

As Support Hub personnel have limited involvement in the teacher evaluation, how can your team's work support this action and improve teacher practice?

Design Principle 3:Provide opportunities for participants to process through reflective and engaging strategies that honor the adult learner and directly connect to their work.

Is this data aligned with what you would have thought or what you would hope? If not, what is an appropriate next step for your team?

What does this mean to your department?

Design Principle 1:Ensure content is integrative, valuable, and relevant to participant and student needs and grounded in current raesearch and data.