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Hello Miss Bruneau !

There are some interactive elements during the slideshow. You have to click on them and something will happen...

I hope you'll enjoy myslideshow !

Claire CHOUCHANA 3°4


My visit at Château La Coste

What is Château La Coste ?

Its owner :Its owner is Patrick McKillen, he is an Irish buisness man and investor. He was born in 1955 in Belfast. He fall in love with the Provence so he visited a lot of wine estates.

Definition :Château La Coste is a wine estate, a contemporary art center, a luxury and restaurants. It is situated in Puy- sainte- Réparade. It was created in 2004. Paddy McKillen invited artists and architects to trasform a place in the domain into a piece of art.

Time :We visited it on Friday, September 20th from 10:00 am to 17:00 pm.Purpose of our visit :We visited it to cultivate ourself, discover works of art and comteporary art more prescisely. Rajouter des raisons

Thank you for this visit !

Louise BOURGEOIS – Crouching Spider - 2003

Paddy McKillen

Wine estates ( Château La Coste )