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Case Study: Medieval Castle Site

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

While inspecting a castle which is listed as a scheduled monument you notice the holes in the photo.

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 1:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

You come back the next day and record the holes. There are 30 holes in total located on the castle motte.

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 2:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 3:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 4:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 5:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

The monument has these signs on access points. Metal detecting is also noted on the adjacent land which has archaeological features and is in Stewardship.

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 6:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 7:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

The detectorist comes forward and admits to detecting on the monument. They claim they did not know it was scheduled.

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 8:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 9:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Question 10:

Use the arrow buttons to move backwards and forwards

Let's continue

Scroll with your mouse to move out of the interactive element and continue the lesson.