Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

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A.ANALYSE1.Detect the problem or need: What do we need? What problem do we have or what task have we been set? What conditions are there?


2.Information and research: We collate, study and select information on the different ways that we could resolve the problem. We also study products that meet similar needs. 3.Search for possible solutions: We think of the different options. We study and assess each option to see if it is viable. 4.Choose the solution: We choose the best solution based on the criteria that we set as priorities

B.DESIGN 5. Design: We do drawings (sketches) and diagrams or plans of our chosen solution. 6.Prepare and plan the work: We choose the materials, techniques and tools that we are going to need. We split the work up into small tasks and decide how long we need to spend on each operation.C.BUILD 7. Build the product: This is the stage where we build, assemble and finish the parts and assemble the object. D. EVALUATE 8. Check the results: At this stage, we check that the product works and that it does what we want it to do. We evaluate the aesthetics of the product and, if necessary, we propose changes and improvements. 9.Presentation and assessment: We present our work and have it assessed by people outside the group. 10. Write up the report: We draw up a report on the project that we carried out to put together all the information about the process we followed.

luna patricia, ana ,sofia