NCFE L2 Business UNIT 5 Session plans
Created on September 24, 2024
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NCFE Business Level 2 - Working with Others.
Core British Values
Introduction into UNIT 5
Click on the circles with arrows to read more.
Outcome 3
Outcome 2
What we will be looking at
Outcome 4
Outcome 1
Unit summary
REMINDER: you can find the grading expectation in your class notebook area on the introduction to unit page. This will show you how to acheive Pass,Merit, Distinction.
Discuss in small groups what you think this unit is all about.
Starter task - Herd Mentality How does this connect to working with others?
Lets see what you know already - please complete the quiz.
Watch this video - what is this telling you about team work.
1.1 Outline own job role 1.2 Describe how own role fits into their team’s structure 1.3 Outline why it is important to work with others to achieve objectives 1.4 Agree own tasks for a range of team objectives 1.5 Carry out own tasks in line with agreed systems and procedures 1.6 Seek guidance from others where appropriate
Learning Outcome 1
In small groups you will be allocated a coloured section on this flow chart. You will then discuss roles and what you think it may involve.
Here is a team structure for a catering business.
Step 4- Discuss the tasks that maybe necessary to complete that role within a team set up and how these comply with procedures.
Step 3 - Explain how one of the roles fits into the structure of the team.
Step 2 - Break down the roles within that industry and what they do as part of that role.
Step 1 - in pairs choose and industry that you feel you both know alot about.
Activity connected to learning outcome 1
Ensure your work is uploaded to Class notebook - UNIT 5 Outcome 1.
Thanks for your attention!
Click here for some additional questions you could ask yourself.
Lets reflect on the session. Think about this cycle and the questions. Now log some notes on how you feel on class notebook.
NCFE Business Level 2 - Working with Others.
Session 2
What does this image say to you? Come up with a scenerio that could connect to this image. Then create 5 potential solutions to help the team to improve performance. Put them in order of importance/priority.
Starter Task:
Learning intentions: 2.1 Explain why it is important to recognise individual strengths within a team 2.2 Identify individual strengths within their own team 2.3 Suggest ways of working together in a way that makes best use of individual strengths
Think Pair and share 2.1 Explain why it is important to recognise individual strengths within a team - answer this in your classnote book area, then pair up with someone you do not normally work with and share your thoughts.
2.2 Identify individual strengths within their own team
Lets discuss. Consider these questions - click on the numbers below
Here’s an example of a team strengths matrix. This matrix helps identify and visualise the strengths of each team member, making it easier to leverage these strengths for team success.
Lets watch a video about Belbins theory about team roles.
Now consider Belbins theory - which roles do you most identify with?
Activity: Role-Playing Conflict ScenariosObjective: To develop teamwork and conflict resolution skills by role-playing different conflict scenarios and finding effective solutions.
Lets have a go at working in a team
Scenario 1: Two team members disagree on the direction of a project. One wants to take a creative approach, while the other prefers a more traditional method.Scenario 2: A team member feels that their contributions are not being recognised, leading to frustration and disengagement. Scenario 3: There is a misunderstanding about task responsibilities, causing delays and tension within the team. Scenario 4: Two team members have a personal conflict that is affecting their professional relationship and the team’s productivity.
Each group will role-play their assigned scenario. One or two members will act out the conflict, while the others will observe and take notes on the interaction.After the role-play, the group will discuss the conflict and brainstorm possible solutions. They should consider different conflict resolution strategies, such as active listening, empathy, compromise, and finding common ground.
Homework task: based on the activities today, create a team strength matrix for your team and upload into the UNIT 5 channel for your team members to see, remember be professional in your areas for development.
Click here for some additional questions you could ask yourself.
Lets reflect on the session. Think about this cycle and the questions. Now log some notes on how you feel on class notebook.
Thanks for your attention!
Session 3
NCFE Business Level 2 - Working with Others.
Starter Task: Are you on track with all your tasks/work?How about setting yourself a to do list? Watch this video for a helpful tip on how to set tasks in your teams planner from reminders,chats etc..... This could prevent you from getting behind on your workload. Make sure you have completed all the tasks set so far for this unit - check your UNIT 5 Channel.
Setting team objectives and achieving them Understand the importance of setting and achieving team objectivesAgree on personal tasks within a team objective
Learning intentions
DiscussionRole reflectionShare a time where you have worked as part of a team, discuss one challenge you encountered and 1 success from that situation.
Read the information on the link provided.
Present new information
Have a go at setting a smart target for yourself add this into your class notebook area. UNIT 5
Hot Air Balloon Debate
Click image
Apply to Demonstrate
Do the activity
Do the activity.Log everything
Set 3 smart targets to ensure you complete the activity, well Allocate clear roles and responsibilities.
Click the book to find out more. Read about the activity.
Make sure you log everything
In groups of 3
Click here for some additional questions you could ask yourself.
Lets reflect on the session. Think about this cycle and the questions. Now log some notes on how you feel on class notebook.
Reminder start to add answers in your class notebook area in preparation for your assignments going live.UNIT 5 Working with Others
Thanks for your attention!
NCFE Business Level 2 - Working with Others.
Session 4
At the end of the activity, all the images are revealed. The team whose drawing is closest to the actual item they chose wins the game.
Blind Draw Activity In blind draw activity, the team has to instruct their “artist” to draw an item. They have to describe their chosen item without revealing what it is and they are not able to see what the “artist” is drawing. Each team appoints a member to be the “artist” and the “artist” is then separated from the rest of the group. The remaining members select an item from those provided by the facilitator and will instruct the “artist” to draw it without saying what the item is. There is a time limit of 3 minutes for the drawing to be completed. Each flipchart is positioned to face away from the group so that they cannot see what the “artist” is drawing.
Starter Task
Watch this video
Teams channel UNIT 5
Examples of what you could do
Think about the communication cycle - now create 3 different examples that may occur in the work place. Show these using images like the video you have just seen.
Manager informing team of a task to do
Customer complaining about poor service
Employee calling in sick
Let's look at the feedback sandwich model, click on the sandwich to find out more.
Consider feedback needed for each scenerio. Practise the feedback sandwich method for these scenarios. Think about what you would say first, then discuss with a partner. Then share your answers with the group.
Think, Pair, Share Scenerios
Consider all the team tasks we have completed over the weeks - now chose someone in your group and offer some feedback to them considering the steps according to the feedback sandwich.Make sure you log this in your class note book area UNIT 5
Step 4
Reiterate strengths and offer support
Step 1
Positive comment
Step 2
Praise their strengths
Step 3
Constructive critism
Click here for some additional questions you could ask yourself.
Lets reflect on the session. Think about this cycle and the questions. Now log some notes on how you feel on class notebook.
Thanks for your attention!
NCFE Business Level 2 - Working with Others.
Session 5
Recap from last session
You should have now provided feedback to your peers in your group.You will now rotate around the classroom, visiting each students piece of paper to give them some feedback - You will state for each person 1 thing they do well and 1 thing they could improve on. You have 10 minutes. From this you will then create a PDP(personal development plan) 3.4 to address feedback - this will be a homework task which you will need to complete by next weeks session.
2 truths and a lieTell me about a situation where you have had to deal with conflict. This must include 2 pieces of information that is true and one piece that is a lie. The group will then guess which is the lie.
Starter Task
Outcome 4
Learning intention - what do you think we are looking at today? Discuss the image
You will be given a number from 1 - 6, you will then work with the people with the same number to discuss. There is a scenerio on the link for each conflict, you will come up with a new scenerio that connects to this. Share this on the UNIT 5 channel.
Present new information & construct meaning. Outcome 4 - know about conflict in the workplace.
On the link you will find 6 types of workplace conflict.
Read this information - click on the image.
This will be a written task - you will be given a paper version of this quiz to complete.
Quiz based on the summary sheet.
Click here for some additional questions you could ask yourself.
Lets reflect on the session. Think about this cycle and the questions. Now log some notes on how you feel on class notebook.
Thanks for your attention! Reminder your next assignment will go live soon.
NCFE Business Level 2 - Working with Others.
Session 6
Practical Assessment Team Task.
Supporting document for the task.
Team task instructions
Click here for some additional questions you could ask yourself.
Lets reflect on the session. Think about this cycle and the questions. Now log some notes on how you feel on class notebook.
Thanks for your attention! Reminder your next assignment will go live Sunday.
How are the activities preparing you for your next steps? How well are you doing? How do you know?What are you doing, and why are you doing it?What are you now working on? what came before that? whats coming next? how do they fit together? What can you do now that you couldn't do 2-3 weeks ago?Explain the topic to a friend in the class to ensure you are clear on what is being covered. How have your skills developed since starting this course? What skills have you learnt and did you use in this session? How did you use Math and English in this session?
Instructions: Form a Circle: Have all students sit in a circle. This setup encourages open communication and ensures everyone can see each other. Introduction: Explain the purpose of the activity: to recognise and appreciate the strengths each person brings to the team. Sharing Strengths: Start with one student and ask them to share one strength or positive quality they believe they bring to the team. This could be anything from being a good listener, having creative ideas, being organised, or being supportive. After the first student shares, the person to their right will share a strength they see in the first student. This continues around the circle until everyone has had a chance to share their own strength and hear from others.
Activity: “Strengths Circle” Objective: To help students identify and appreciate the unique strengths and contributions of each team member.
Scenario: An employee often has a pessimistic view that affects team morale.
How are the activities preparing you for your next steps? How well are you doing? How do you know?What are you doing, and why are you doing it?What are you now working on? what came before that? whats coming next? how do they fit together? What can you do now that you couldn't do 2-3 weeks ago?Explain the topic to a friend in the class to ensure you are clear on what is being covered. How have your skills developed since starting this course? What skills have you learnt and did you use in this session? How did you use Math and English in this session?
Instructions: Introduction: Explain the importance of conflict resolution in teamwork. Discuss how conflicts can arise and the benefits of resolving them effectively. Divide into Groups: Divide the class into small groups of 4-6 students. Assign Scenarios: Provide each group with a conflict scenario to role-play.
The learner will: Be able to use feedback to improve own performance within a team The learner can: 3.1 Outline why it is important to give and receive feedback within a team 3.2 Provide positive and constructive feedback to colleagues 3.3 Respond positively to feedback from others 3.4 Create a personal plan to address feedback
How are the activities preparing you for your next steps? How well are you doing? How do you know?What are you doing, and why are you doing it?What are you now working on? what came before that? whats coming next? how do they fit together? What can you do now that you couldn't do 2-3 weeks ago?Explain the topic to a friend in the class to ensure you are clear on what is being covered. How have your skills developed since starting this course? What skills have you learnt and did you use in this session? How did you use Math and English in this session?
Scenario: An employee frequently interrupts others during meetings.
You will be looking at: Within the team; outside the team Team role theory Types of Evidence for this Unit could include: • Assignment; learner report • professional discussion • witness testimony • product (plan)
How did it feel to hear others recognise your strengths?
The learner will: Know how to recognise strengths within a team The learner can: 2.1 Explain why it is important to recognise individual strengths within a team2.2 Identify individual strengths within their own team 2.3 Suggest ways of working together in a way that makes best use of individual strengths
Scenario: An employee feels nervous when presenting to large groups.
How can we use these strengths to work better as a team?
How are the activities preparing you for your next steps? How well are you doing? How do you know?What are you doing, and why are you doing it?What are you now working on? what came before that? whats coming next? how do they fit together? What can you do now that you couldn't do 2-3 weeks ago?Explain the topic to a friend in the class to ensure you are clear on what is being covered. How have your skills developed since starting this course? What skills have you learnt and did you use in this session? How did you use Math and English in this session?
How are the activities preparing you for your next steps? How well are you doing? How do you know?What are you doing, and why are you doing it?What are you now working on? what came before that? whats coming next? how do they fit together? What can you do now that you couldn't do 2-3 weeks ago?Explain the topic to a friend in the class to ensure you are clear on what is being covered. How have your skills developed since starting this course? What skills have you learnt and did you use in this session? How did you use Math and English in this session?
Unit summary This unit aims to provide learners with the knowledge and skills required to work effectively with others in a business environment; identifying strengths within a team and how to make the most of these, using feedback to improve own performance, along with an understanding of conflict within a team and how it can be avoided.
How are the activities preparing you for your next steps? How well are you doing? How do you know?What are you doing, and why are you doing it?What are you now working on? what came before that? whats coming next? how do they fit together? What can you do now that you couldn't do 2-3 weeks ago?Explain the topic to a friend in the class to ensure you are clear on what is being covered. How have your skills developed since starting this course? What skills have you learnt and did you use in this session? How did you use Math and English in this session?
Did you learn anything new about your classmates?
Instructions: Introduction: Explain the importance of conflict resolution in teamwork. Discuss how conflicts can arise and the benefits of resolving them effectively. Divide into Groups: Divide the class into small groups of 4-6 students. Assign Scenarios: Provide each group with a conflict scenario to role-play.
The learner will: Be able to work with others to achieve objectives The learner can: 1.1 Outline own job role 1.2 Describe how own role fits into their team’s structure 1.3 Outline why it is important to work with others to achieve objectives 1.4 Agree own tasks for a range of team objectives 1.5 Carry out own tasks in line with agreed systems and procedures 1.6 Seek guidance from others where appropriate
Scenario: An employee's instructions to teammates are often vague, leading to confusion.
The learner will: Know about conflict in a business environment The learner can: 4.1 Identify conflicts that can occur in a business environment 4.2 Give an example of a conflict they have been involved in 4.3 Describe how they dealt with the conflict 4.4 Identify what they would have done differently
Instructions: Introduction: Explain the importance of conflict resolution in teamwork. Discuss how conflicts can arise and the benefits of resolving them effectively. Divide into Groups: Divide the class into small groups of 4-6 students. Assign Scenarios: Provide each group with a conflict scenario to role-play.