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Greta thumberg

Malena Ernman

Svante Thunberg

School Strike for Climate

the Swedish election in September 2018

Fridays for Future

“You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words…We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money, and fairy tales of eternal economic growth. How dare you!”

UN climate event in New York City

European Parliament

"Our house is falling apart and our leaders need to start acting accordingly, because at the moment they are not."


“They have had decades of blah, blah, blah - and where has that got us?”

“I have Aspergers and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm. And—given the right circumstances—being different is a superpower

"If I would've been like everyone else, I wouldn't have started this school strike."

“Being different is a gift"