Week 8 English 1 Munoz ECR (Based on Panyee Football Club)
Samuel Munoz
Created on September 24, 2024
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ESOL I Quarter 1 - Week 8 Block 17 (Monday, Sept 30/Tuesday, Oct 1)
Optional ECR writing format
Bundled TEKS: 10C, 9Bi, 9Bii, 10Di, 10Dv, 10 Dvi
ELPS: 5B, 2G, 1A
- I can read and comprehend a prompt.
- I can use the information I learned to respond to the prompt.
- I can give examples from the text to support my response.
- I can explain or make a connection to my answer.
I am learning to write a response to show my understanding of text including examples used by the author.
I can write a response to a prompt using newly learned and familiar vocabulary.
Success Criteria
Learning Objective
Focus TEKS: 5B, 5G write responses that demonstrate understanding of texts; discuss and write about the explicit and implicit meanings of text
Language Objective
These steps will help you compose an Extended Constructed Response. ___Identify the prompt. Use dictionary to clarify any vocabulary. ___Form a thesis*: ___Answer the prompt ___Give a reason using ‘because’ ___Create an interesting fact that supports your thesis (get the reader’s attention) ___Select a supporting example from the text. Describe it. ___Select another supporting example from the text. Describe it. ___Describe the similarity of your 2 supporting examples. ___Write the lesson (what do people learn from your examples). ___Verify that ALL parts of essay connect to THESIS! ___Revise *Note that for an argumentative essay/letter this is called ‘argument/opinion’ in the rubric
Extended Constructed Response Steps
Teacher Model Scalfold approach
Teacher Model Scalfold approach
Teacher Model Scalfold approach
Teacher Model Scalfold approach
Teacher Model Scalfold approach
Teacher Model Scalfold approach
Teacher Model Scalfold approach
Teacher Model Scalfold approach
Panyee Football Club
The boys of Panyee faced many challenges when trying to form a football club. Based on the information in the story, write a response to the following: Explain how the boys of Panyee able to meet the challenges to be able to form their team . What cultural challenges did they face? Cite evidence from the text to support your response. Write a well-organized informational essay that uses specific evidence from the selection to support your answer. Remember to-
- Clearly state your thesis
- Organize your writing
- After you read a text and answer questions, there can be extended constructed response about your reading.
- Look for the phrase “Write a well-organized (informational essay /argumentative essay /letter)”.
- Identify the prompt (right before)
- prompt=instructions for what to write in the essay
I Do: Intro to Extended Constructed Response
The boys of Panyee faced many challenges when trying to form a football club. Based on the information in the story, write a response to the following: Explain how the boys of Panyee able to meet the challenges to be able to form their team ? What cultural challenges did they face? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.
Panyee Football Club
Thesis: The boys of Panyee were able to meet the challenge of ____________ because ________________.
- The essay prompt is before the words “Write a well-organized. . .”
- Use the prompt to form a thesis:
- Thesis=central idea of essay
- add ‘because’ and an idea.
I Do: Intro to Extended Constructed Response
Write a well-organized informational essay that uses specific evidence from the selection to support your answer.
Panyee Football Club
We Do: Create Introduction The boys of Panyee faced many challenges when trying to form a football club. Based on the information in the story, write a response to the following: Explain how the boys of Panyee able to meet the challenges to be able to form their team ? What cultural challenges did they face? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.
Panyee Football Club
Use text evidence to support your thesis. Find an example from the text, use a transition (The text states,) and copy the text evidence exactly with quotation marks “...” Explain what the example shows about your thesis.
I Do: Supporting Example from Text The boys of Panyee faced many challenges when trying to form a football club. Based on the information in the story, write a response to the following: Explain how the boys of Panyee able to meet the challenges to be able to form their team ? What cultural challenges did they face? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.
Panyee Football Club
***Check that all parts connect to the thesis! What challenges did the boys have?
We Do: Supporting Example from Text The boys of Panyee faced many challenges when trying to form a football club. Based on the information in the story, write a response to the following: Explain how the boys of Panyee able to meet the challenges to be able to form their team ? What cultural challenges did they face? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.
Panyee Football Club
Table of Contents
***Check that all parts connect to the thesis!
We Do: Create Conclusion The boys of Panyee faced many challenges when trying to form a football club. Based on the information in the story, write a response to the following: Explain how the boys of Panyee able to meet the challenges to be able to form their team ? What cultural challenges did they face? Cite evidence from the text to support your response.
STAAR Argumentative Writing Rubric
Table of Contents
STAAR Informational Writing Rubric
The rubrics show how extended constructed responses are evaluated on the STAAR exam. Which steps do you need to concentrate on?
I Do: View Rubric
Table of Contents
Respond in complete sentences. Which element from the rubric is present in your ECR? Why? Which element from the rubric is not present in your ECR? Why?
DOL: Use Rubric: Practice 1
Teacher Note: Because you have the Fall Common Assessment this week, you might not have time to do the revise/edit portion. This can be done at a different time.
ESOL I Quarter 1 - Week 8 Block 18 (Wednesday, Oct. 2/Thursday, Oct 3)
Table of Contents
Bundled TEKS: 9Di, 9Dii, 9Diii, 9Div, 9Dv, 9Dvi, 9E
ELPS: 1G, 5Ei, 5G
- I can read and comprehend a rubric.
- I can identify an area where the draft needs a change.
- I can make a change to improve my extended constructed response.
I am learning to use a rubric to revise extended constructed response.
I can write an ECR and revise my work for correct verb usage.
Success Criteria
Learning Objective
Focus TEKS: 9C revise drafts to improve clarity, development, organization, style, diction, and sentence effectiveness, including use of parallel constructions and placement of phrases and dependent clauses
Language Objective
Table of Contents
Connection 2
Summary 2
Example 2
Connection 1
Summary 1
Example 1
Move the steps of the ECR to the correct order. Options:
Do Now: Extended Constructed Response Steps
Sábado Gigante
The boys of Panyee faced many challenges when trying to form a football club. Based on the information in the story, write a response to the following: Explain how the boys of Panyee able to meet the challenges to be able to form their team ? What cultural challenges did they face? Cite evidence from the text to support your response. Write a well-organized informational essay that uses specific evidence from the selection to support your answer.
Table of Contents
Use the steps and the examples to compose an ECR. ___Identify the prompt. Use dictionary to clarify any vocabulary. ___ Form a thesis: ___Answer the prompt ___Give a reason using ‘because’ ___Start with a simile or interesting idea that supports your thesis ___Select a supporting example from the text. Describe it. ___Select a supporting example from the other text. Describe it. ___Describe the similarity of your 2 supporting examples. ___Write the lesson (what do people learn from your examples). ___Verify that ALL parts of essay connect to THESIS! ___Revise
You Do: ECR Rough Draft
Use the sentence starters from the outline if you need additional help.
In Panyee, the culture is _____________ because______________. The boys of Panyee were able to meet the challenge of ____________ because ________________.The author says “_____________________________________________________” This is made forming a team difficult because… The boys __________________________________________________.Another example the author used is “ ______.” This caused ______________________________________. This shows _________________________________. In both the example of ______________ and _______________________, ___________________________________________________________________________. This shows that ___________________________________________________________________________.
“Panyee Football Club” Informational text Exemplar
Table of Contents
-Read your assigned partner’s ECR. -Follow the instructions on page 9 of your digital notebook.
You Do: ECR Essay Peer Revision
Table of Contents
- Look at the feedback (comments) your partner gave you.
- Make any necessary changes.
- Complete the checklist below by moving the red X marks by each statement that is complete.
- My introduction paragraph has a simile and thesis that connect.
- My example 1 paragraph has:
- An Example
- A Summary of the Example
- A Connection
- All information connects to thesis
- My example 1 paragraph has:
- An Example
- A Summary of the Example
- A Connection
- All information connects to thesis
- My conclusion paragraph has a similarity and lesson.
- All information connects to the thesis.
- Each sentence starts with a capital letter.
- Each sentence ends with punctuation.
You Do: ECR Self Revision
After editing and revising, you can have a maximum of 2300 characters. You can use https://charactercount.tools to check. Look at the
Table of Contents
Be sure to indent all paragraphs! To indent press tab on your keyboard.
I Do: ECR Presentation
If you would like to give feedback you may either:
- Click the link https://tinyurl.com/y65temok
- Scan the QR code:
Curriculum Feedback Survey