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Pipefitters Group 2
Created on September 24, 2024
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ECITB Level 3 Pipefitting RQF
Joshua Coleman Technical Discussion
L3B0109-K36 Why should you use resources efficiently and effectively?L3B0112-K38 Which of these is NOT a way to improve environmental impact?L3B0117-B4 Improving quality through small, incremental improvements is a characteristic of what type of quality management system? L3B0106-K33 What do you do if you encounter a problem that can't be solved? L3A0126-K20 Which of these systems is designed to alert managers to uncontrolled risks? L3A0102-K1 A written Health and Safety policy.. L3A0119-K10 When we talk about Isolation of energy we mainly think about electricity, what other items could we consider when thinking about isolation practices?
L30268-K2 Which of these standards are applicable to engineering drawings? L30266-K15 What method is best suited to checking materials are to the specification quality and quantity?
PF0315-K6 The pictures shows a pipe template, what sort of pipe shape will result when the form is created? PF0312-K2 Where would you generally find a gaseous instrumentation connection?PF0316-K3 How should the surface of a GRP pipe be prepared for marking out? PF0319-K4 If a 90 degrees pipe bend has centre line radius of 100mm, what would be the approximate centre line arc length (Tube length) of the bend? PF0302-K4 A template is to be positioned on a pipe but the centre finder is NOT available, what else can be used to accurately mark the centre line? PF0314-K4 When marking out pipe work for oxyfuel cutting why are centre punch marks preferred? PF0324-K4 A 12 inch thick wall pipe section requires marking out, what is the safest way to support it? PF0309-K4 How can the side centres of a pipe section be easily located in reference to the top centre line?
PF0421-K1 When filing aluminium it is noted that the filings jam in the file blade. What is this process otherwise known as? PF0427-K2 What extra precaution should be taken in to consideration when using a chop saw to cut a section of GRP pipe? PF0420-K2 Complete the sentence - Softer materials should be sawn using a blade with ______ teeth than for harder materias. PF0412-K4 A section of in service 10mm plastic tube appears to have a crease and is permanently bent, what could have caused this defect? PF0418-K4 The machined edge of a piece of carbon steel has turned blue due to over heating, what effect does this have on the material characteristics? PF0435-K5 What is the general specification recommended for carbon steels used in seamless pipework?
PF0510-K2 What has most likely happened if the pump handle is operated and nothing happens? PF0530-K2 When the stresses on the outside radius overcomes the ability of the tube cross section to support it - What is this describing? PF0504-K4 When bending seam welded tubing, in which position should the welded seam be position in relation to the bend radius? PF0507-K7 You are sizing up material for a job, what would be the approximate length needed to for a 90 degrees bend length with a centre line radius of 200mm?
PF0703-K1 Which type of gasket is recommended for sealing high pressure steam flange connections and components? PF0717-K2 A two metre length of thick wall 6 inch stainless steel pipe is to be aligned to a valve, how would the pipe be best supported? PF0714-K2 The picture shows a type of sealing joint, what type of flanged connection would it be used in? PF0707-K2 What should be first carried out before using a torque wrench?
PF0819-K1 Which type of gasket is recommended for sealing high pressure steam flange connections? PF0829-K2 You have just assembled and installed the pictured expansion joint, what should be done next? PF0828-K2 You are installing components on a petrochemical build, what onsite reference should be used to position the component in the correct location? PF0802-K2 The drop in pipe level by introducing a Rise is otherwise know as what? PF0814-K3 The image shows a damaged O seal, what is the most likely cause of the damage?
PF1013-K5 A Final Installation Inspection is to be carried out on a large petrochemical plant build, who should conduct this process? PF1051-K8 During final inspections a plastic pipe is discovered to have been damaged and has a small crack, what is the industry recommended course of action?
PF1127-K7 Which of the following is a form of FME? PF1130-K3 Why is it important to provide engineered supports to components during dismantling operations? PF1128-K6 Which two of the following are preferred methods for marking pipes for reuse? PF1126-K4 Which of the following is breaking containment? PF1113-K9 Which document will provide details on how to identify removed components?