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What's happening in...


1st - 31stBreast Cancer Awareness Month

1st - 31stBlack History Month

1st - 31stNational Cholesterol Month

9th - 15thDyspraxia Awareness Week

1st - 31stADHD Awareness Month

7th - 13thNational Curry Week

5thNational Poetry Day

9th - 15thBaby Loss Awareness Week

27thNational Black Cat Day

7th - 11thNational Work Life Week

4thNo Disposable Cup Day

17thInternational Day for the Eradication of Poverty

11thNational Coming Out Day

2nd - 8thNational Arthritis Week

15thShwmae Su'Mae Day

Click on each of the awareness days in the calendar to learn more. Each page contains:

  • A video
  • A link to further information
  • A game or activity

Snippets link to a printable Awareness Day Reflection worksheet.

Beth sy'n digwydd yn...


1af - 31ainMis Ymwybyddiaeth Cancr y Fron

1af - 31ainMis Hanes Pobl Ddu

1af - 31ainMis Colesterol Cenedlaethol

9fed - 15fedWythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Dyspracsia

1af - 31ainMis Ymwybyddiaeth ADHD

7fed - 13egWythnos Cyri Cenedlaethol

5edDiwrnod Barddoniaeth Cenedlaethol

9fed - 15fedWythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Colli Babi

27ainDiwrnod Cenedlaethol Cath Ddu

7fed - 11egWythnos Bywyd Gwaith Cenedlaethol

4yddDiwrnod Dim Cwpan Tafladwy

17egDiwrnod Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Difodiad Tlodi

11egDiwrnod Cenedlaethol Dod Allan

2il - 8fedWythnos Arthritis Cenedlaethol

15fedDiwrnod Shwmae Su'Mae

Click on each of the awareness days in the calendar to learn more. Each page contains:

  • A video
  • A link to further information
  • A game or activity

Snippets link to a printable Awareness Day Reflection worksheet.

Black History Month is widely regarded as one of the most prominent cultural celebrations of the year.Learn more about the events taking place across the UK:

This clip from BBC Newsround summarises all you need to know about Black History Month:

Test your knowledge of British Black History with this quiz from CBBC:

Mae Mis Hanes Pobl Ddu yn cael ei ystyried fel un o'r dathliadau diwylliannol mwyaf blaenllaw y flwyddyn.Dysgwch ragor am y digwyddiadau sy'n digwydd ar draws y DU:

Mae'r clip gan BBC Newsround yn crynhoi popeth rydych chi angen gwybod am Mis Hanes Pobl Ddu:

Profwch eich gwybodaeth o Hanes Pobl Ddu Prydain gyda'r cwis gan CBBC:

National Cholesterol Month

National Cholesterol Month is run by the charity Heart UK to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining a healthy cholesterol level through habit, diet and exercise.Learn more about it here:

What is cholesterol and how does it affect the body? This clip explains all:

Test your knowledge of cholesterol with this quiz from Web MD:

Mis Colesterol Cenedlaethol

Mae Mis Colesterol Cenedlaethol yn cael ei redeg gan elusen Heart UK i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r pwysigrwydd o gadw lefel colesterol iachus trwy arferiad, deiet ac ymarfer corff.Dysgwch ragor amdano yma:

Beth yw colesterol a sut mae'n effeithio'r corff? Mae'r clip yma yn esbonio popeth:

Profwch eich gwybodaeth am colesterol gyda'r cwis gan Web MD:

Why not organise your own 'wear it pink' fundraising event? Register here:

Every October, people all over the world show their support for everyone affected by breast cancer by raising money and improving awareness.Learn more here:

What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer?This clip from the NHS explains:

Beth am drefnu digwyddiad codi arian 'wear it pink' eich hun? Cofrestrwch yma:

Pob Hydref, mae pobl ar draws y byd yn dangos eu cefnogaeth i bawb wedi'u heffeithio gan cancr y fron wrth godi arian a gwella ymwybyddiaeth.Dysgwch ragor yma:

Beth yw'r arwyddion a symptomau cancr y fron?Mae'r clip gan yr NHS yn esbonio:

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects people's behaviour. People with ADHD can seem restless, may have trouble concentrating and may act on impulse.Learn more about ADHD Awareness Month here:

What are the symptoms of ADHD and how is it treated?This clip explains:

This self-screening tool from ADHD UK can be used to indicate if an adult has undiagnosed ADHD. Please remember to always seek professional medical advice:

Mae Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) yn gyflwr sy'n effeithio ymddygiad pobl. Mae pobl gydag ADHD yn gallu ymweld yn aflonydd, gallent gael trafferth canolbwyntio a gallent weithredu heb feddwl.Dysgwch ragor am Fis Ymwybyddiaeth ADHD yma:

Beth yw symptomau ADHD a sut mae'n cael ei drin?Mae'r clip yn esbonio:

Mae'r teclyn hunan-wirio gan ADHD UK yn gallu cael ei ddefnyddio weld os oes gan oedolyn ADHD heb ddiagnosis. Cofiwch chwilio am gyngor meddygol proffesiynol bob tro:

National Curry Week

Since the 1970s, curry houses have become a staple of highstreets in the UK and millions of curries are consumed every week.Learn more about National Curry Week:

Cook up a storm in your kitchen by trying this chicken curry recipe:

Test your knowledge of curry with this trivia quiz:

Wythnos Cyri Cenedlaethol

Ers y 1970au, mae bwytai cyri wedi dod yn hanfod ar brif strydoedd y DU a miliynau o gyri yn cael ei fwyta bob wythnos.Dysgwch ragor am Wythnos Cyri Cenedlaethol:

Cogwch bryd i'r brenin wrth ddefnyddio'r rysait cyri cyw iar yma:

Profwch eich gwybodaeth o gyri gyda'r cwis hwn:

No Disposable Cup Day

Did you know that every day in the UK, we use more than 7 million disposable cups, and 500,000 of those are dropped on the floor?No Disposable Cup Day encourages us not to use disposable cups for one day, and to hopefully stop using them completely.Learn more here:

Learn about the impact of disposable cups by watching this short documentary, The Truth About Paper Cups:

Did you know that coffee is overtaking tea as the UK's favourite hot drink?Test your knowledge of coffee by trying this quiz:

Diwrnod Dim Cwpan Tafliadwy

Oeddech chi'n gwybod ein bod yn defnyddio mwy na 7 miliwn o gwpanau tafliadwy a bod 500,000 o'r rhain yn cael eu gadael ar lawr bob dydd ar draws y DU? Mae Diwrnod Dim Cwpan Tafliadwy yn ein hannog i beidio defnyddio cwpanau tafliadwy am un diwrnod, a gobeithio peidio eu defnyddio yn llwyr.Dysgwch ragor yma:

Dysgwch am effaith cwpannau tafliadwy wrth wylio'r rhaglen ddogfen byw hwn, The Truth About Paper Cups:

Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod coffi wedi pasio tê fel yr hoff diod poeth y DU?Profwch eich gwybdoaeth o goffi gan drio'r cwis:

National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day was founded by the Forward Arts Foundation in 1994 and aims to increase the audience for poetry and celebrate all things poetic by promoting the discovery, enjoyment, and sharing of poetry.Here is a collection of curated poems selected for the lead-up to National Poetry Day:

Does a poem have to rhyme? What actually makes a poem... a poem?Watch this TED-Ed clip to find out:

This Poem Generator can help you to get started on your creative journey:

Diwrnod Barddoniaeth Cenedlaethol

Cafodd Diwrnod Barddoniaeth Cenedlaethol ei sefydlu gan Forward Arts Foundation yn 1994 ac mae'n anelu i gynyddu cynulleidfaoedd barddoniaeth a dathlu popeth barddonol gan hyrwyddo'r darganfyddiad, mwynhad a rhannu barddoniaeth.Dyma gasgliad o gerddi wedi'u curadu sydd wedi'u dewis ar gyfer arwain at Ddiwrnod Barddoniaeth Cenedlaethol:

Oes angen i gerdd odli? Beth sy'n gwneud cerdd... yn gerdd?Gwyliwch y clip TED-Ed i ganfod:

Mae'r Poem Generator yn gallu eich helpu i ddechrau ar eich taith creadigol:

National Arthritis Week

Did you know that arthritis can affect people of all ages, including children?Learn more from the NHS website:

Why haven't we cured arthritis yet?Watch this TED-Ed clip to find out:

Try this Healthy Lifestyle Test to check your general wellness and receive advice on how to improve your lifestyle:

Wythnos Arthritis Cenedlaethol

Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod arthritis yn gallu effeithio pobl o bob oed, yn cynnwys plant?Dysgwch ragor o wefan yr NHS:

Pam nad ydyn ni wedi gwella arthritis eto?Gwyliwch y clip TED-Ed i ganfod:

Ceisiwch y Prawf Bywyd Iach i wirio eich iechyd da cyffredinol a derbyn cyngor ar sut i wella eich ffordd o fyw:

Dyspraxia Awareness Week

Dyspraxia is a developmental co-ordination disorder that can affect day-to-day tasks such as walking, writing and getting dressed. Did you know that the actor Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) has dyspraxia?Learn more about dyspraxia from the NHS website:

What is it like to live with dyspraxia?Watch Abi's story to find out:

Through Your Child's Eyes tool shows how it feels to be a child who faces neurodivergent challenges:

Learners could work in pairs for this task, taking their turn to try the tool. They could also discuss their thoughts and feelings about their neurodivergent experience.

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Dyspracsia

Mae Dyspracsia yn gyflwr cydweithrediad datblygiol sy'n gallu effeithio tasgau dydd-i-ddydd fel cerdded, ysgrifennu a gwisgo. Oeddech chi'n gwybod bod gan yr actor Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) dyspracsia?Dysgwch ragor am dyspracsia o wefan yr NHS:

Beth mae o fel i fyw gyda dyspracsia?Gwyliwch stori Abi i ganfod:

Mae'r teclyn Through Your Child's Eyes yn dangos sut mae'n teimlo i fod yn blentyn sy'n wynebu sialensau niwroamrywiol:

Learners could work in pairs for this task, taking their turn to try the tool. They could also discuss their thoughts and feelings about their neurodivergent experience.

Baby Loss Awareness Week

Baby Loss Awareness Week brings together those affected by baby loss in a safe and supportive space to share their experiences and feel they are not alone.Learn more here:

Trigger Warning

This short animation from the NHS highlights the devastating impact of baby loss:

Further support and advice is available from the charity Sands:

Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Colli Babi

Mae Wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Colli Babi yn dod a'r rheiny sydd wedi colli babi at eu gilydd mewn modd diogel a chefnogol i rannu eu profiadau a theimlo nad ydynt ar eu pen eu hun.Dysgwch ragor yma:

Trigger Warning

Mae'r animeiddiad byr hwn gan yr NHS yn dangos effaith dinistriol colled babi:

Mae cefnogaeth a chyngor pellach ar gael trwy'r elusen Sands:

National Work Life Week

National Work Life Week is an annual campaign run by the charity Working Families to get both employers and employees talking about wellbeing at work and work-life balance.Learn more about it here:

This brief clip by TED explains the 3 Rules for Better Work-Life Balance:

How good are your time management skills? Try this quiz to find out:

Wythnos Bywyd Gwaith Cenedlaethol

Mae Wythnos Bywyd Gwaith Cenedlaethol yn ymgyrch wedi'i redeg gan elusen Working Families i sicrhau bod cyflogwyr a chyflogai yn siarad am les yn y gweithle a chydbwysedd gwaith-bywyd.Dysgwch ragor amdano yma:

Ma'er clip cryno gan TED yn esbonio'r 3 Rheol am Gydbwysedd Gwaith-Bywyd Gwell:

Pa mor dda ydy eich sgiliau rheoli amser? Ceisiwch y cwis i ganfod:

National Coming Out Day

Coming out is a unique experience for every LGBTQ+ person. For some, coming out is no longer a big deal but for others, truly being themselves and living an authentic life is a challenge for many reasons.Charity Stonewall explains this in further detail:

ABC News correspondents share their coming out stories in this clip:

Test your knowledge of LGBTQ+ history with this quiz:

Diwrnod Cenedlaethol Dod Allan

Mae Dod Allan yn brofiad unigryw ar gyfer unrhyw berson LHDTC+. I rai, dydy dod allan ddim yn gymaint a hynny o bwys rhagor ond i eraill, i fod eu hun yn iawn a byw bywyd dilys yn sialens am sawl rheswm.Mae elusen Stonewall yn esbonio hyn mewn manylder pellach:

Mae gohebwyd ABC News yn rhannu eu straeon dod allan yn y clip hwnclip:

Profwch eich gwybdoaeth o hanes LHDTC+ gyda'r cwis hwn:

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

People of all backgrounds, beliefs and social origins have gathered every year on 17th October to renew their commitment and show their solidarity for people experiencing poverty. Learn more from the UN website:

This clip outlines the purpose of the day:

Test your knowledge of poverty around the world with this quiz from BBC Bitesize:

Diwrnod Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Difodiad Tlodi

Mae pobl o bob cefndir, cred a chymdeithas yn dod at eu gilydd bob blwyddyn ar y 17eg o Hydref i adnewyddu eu hymrwymiad a dangos eu undod am bobl yn profi tlodi. Dysgwch ragor ar wefan yr UN:

Mae'r clip hwn yn amlinellu pwrpas y diwrnod:

Profwch eich gwybodaeth am dlodi ar draws y byd gyda'r cwis yma gan BBC Bitesize:

National Black Cat Day

National Black Cat Day is held each year on 27th October by Cats Protection with the aim of promoting the beauty of black cats who, on average, take 7 days longer to get adopted. In the past, black cats have suffered from a bad reputation, with superstition and folklore around the world playing a huge part in this.Learn more here:

This animation from Cats Protection celebrates Black Cat Heroes:

Test your knowledge of our feline friends with this quiz:

Diwrnod Cath Ddu Cenedlaethol

Mae Diwrnod Cath Ddu Rhyngwladol yn cael ei gynnal bob blwyddyn ar y 27ain o Hydref gan Cats Protection gyda'r nod o hyrwyddo harddwch cathod du sydd, ar gyfartaledd, yn cymryd 7 diwrnod yn hirach i gael eu mabwysiadu. Yn y gorffennol, mae cathod du wedi dioddef o enw gwael, gyda ofergoeliaeth a llên gwerin ar draws y byd yn chwarae rhan mawr yn hyn.Dysgwch ragor yma:

Mae'r animeiddiad gan Cats Protection yn dathlu Black Cat Heroes:

Profwch eich gwybodaeth o'n ffrindiau fflwfflyd gyda'r cwis:

Shwmae Su'Mae Day

An opportunity to have fun and share the Welsh language – in the shop, leisure centre, work, school, playing fields and with your friends, online or face to face!Learn more here:

Take a leaf out of these Welsh celebrities' books, and start your conversations today with a bit of Welsh!

Can you get 100% in this basic Welsh vocabulary test?

Diwrnod Shwmae Su'Mae

Mae'n gyfle i gael hwyl a rhannu'r iaith Gymraeg - mewn siop, ganolfan hamdden, gwaith, ysgol, caeau chwarae gyda'ch ffrindiau, ar-lein neu wyneb i wyneb!Dysgwch ragor yma:

Cymerwch ddalen allan o lyfrau'r enwogion Cymraeg hyn, a dechreuwch eich sgyrfiau heddiw gydag ychydig o Gymraeg!

Gallwch chi gael 100% yn y prawf geirfa Cymraeg hwn?