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By Alessandro Velluti

In favour or against wepons?

Weapons are tools designed to hurt, kill or threaten people or animals. They are highly controversial, especially when held by civilians. There are many factors that make the arms debate very complex: different cultures, geographical location and political context.


These debates, we get to have to consider the pros and cons of the possession of weapons having to analyze all aspects

The pros of using and owning weapons are: self-defense, a counter-criminal, (where applicable) a right to own and also a sporting use.

The advantages of using and owning weapons

The Cons of Weapons, the negative points of their use and spread: increased violence, domestic incidents, regulatory difficulties and the risk of conflict.

The cons of using and owning weapons

I was impressed that in the United States you can find authorized firearms dealer banks. If you open an account, you get a rifle for free.

Another scene that amazed me

The scene that struck me most was in Colorado on April 20, 1999, when the killers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold were bowling a minute earlier, the next minute they were shooting their classmates and teachers.

The scene that struck me most

It is essential that those who use weapons are trained and understand the risks. Only a conscious use can reconcile the need for defence with respect for human life. That is why if you use consciously they are in favor.
