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Mesozoic Era

251.9 to 66 MYA

The Mesozoic era was filled with organisims such as; Dinosaurs , birds, reptiles and marine reptiles.

The Mesozoic Era had generally dry and warm climates and ranges through dry subtropical to warm and cool temperatured climates, however there was less of a ddifference between the temperatues at the equator and the poles according to Early Mesozoic Phytogeography and Climate by Alfred M. Ziegler, et al.

this era was known as the age of reptiles. Icthyosaurus, plesiosaurus, and mosasaurus were just some of the many reptiles that flourished in this era

One of the major events that happened in the Mesozoic era was the massive meteor that hit the planet 66 million years ago and wiped out an estimated 70% of plant and animal species along with the complete extinction of dinosaurs. It was said to be more than 10 kilometers in diameter and hit the yucatan peninsula, according to "The Evolution and Extinction of Dinosaurs" by Fastovsky, David E. The consequenses of this meteor were; tsunamis, climate disruption (release of greenhouse gasses), a heat wave and a reduction of light due to dense clouds.

Some unique facts from the mesozoic era are, the coninetal drift, when pangea broke up into the modern day continents, and formed the Rocky Mountains, vertibrets faired better than invertibre counterparts in the last extinction so in the triassic we saw a diversification of them. Oceans were dominated by mollusks (gastropods, b ivalves and ammonities. And finally, this era introduced flowering plants.