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MothsColor: Pale and dull red, purple, pink or white Nectar Guides: Absent Odor: Strong sweet; emitted at night Nectar: Ample, deeply hidden Pollen: Limited Flower Shapes: Regular; tubular without a lip

BeetlesColor: Dull white or green Nectar Guides: Absent Odor: None to strongly fruity or foul Nectar: Sometimes present; not hidden Pollen: Ample Flower Shapes: Large and bowl-shaped

BirdsColor: Scarlet, orange, red or white Nectar Guides: Absent Odor: None Nectar: Ample, deeply hidden Pollen: Modest Flower Shapes: Large funnel-like cups, strong perch support

FliesColor: Pale and dull to dark brown or purple; flecked with translucent patches Nectar Guides: Absent Odor: Putrid Nectar: Usually absent Pollen: Modest Flower Shapes: Shallow; funnel-like or complex and trap like

ButterfliesColor: Bright, including red and purple Nectar Guides: Present Odor: Faint, but fresh Nectar: Ample, deeply hidden Pollen: Limited Flower Shapes: Narrow tube with spur; wide landing pad

BatsColor: Dull white, green or purple Nectar Guides: Absent Odor: Strong musty; emitted at night Nectar: Abundant; somewhat hidden Pollen: Ample Flower Shapes: Regular; bowl-shaped-closed during day

BeesColor: Bright white, yellow, blue or UV Nectar Guides: Present Odor: Fresh, mild, pleasant Nectar: Usually present Pollen: Limited; often sticky and scented Flower Shapes: Shallow; have landing platforms; tubular