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Differentiation in millwood high school.

Shakiera Ceo
  • Millwood High School has had a noticeable decline in the school's academic score for the past few years for special education students.
  • This can be attributed to the lack of differentiation in the classroom.

overview of problem of practice

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act defines special education as tailored instruction designed to meet the unique learning requirements of individuals with disabilities, irrespective of the setting, be it a classroom, home, or hospital. (Francisco et al., 2020).

Diversity Affects?


What is Diversity?

SYnthesis of diversity related to differentiation

In the teaching profession, ethics acts as a guide that teachers use as an act of protections for themselves and other stakeholders around them. This help students make the desired changes in their behavior and encourages teachers to approach students with more commitment (Temel, et al., 2022).

Synthesis of ethical behavior related to differentiation

What is ethics?
How does differentiation relates to ethical Behavior?

There is an example of mutual respect as ideas and opinions are exchanged. This cause for active listening, commitment to respect, empathy, and having an opened mind. It is a means or method in which people engage in civic reasoning (Lee et al.,26)

SYnthesis of civil discourse related to differentiation

What is Civil Discourse?
Framework and Decision-Making?

Critical thinking related to differentiation

What assumptions came about from the problem of practice?

According to the eight multiple intelligences, students do not learn in the same way and should not be treated as such. Teachers should identify each student’s intelligence category. This will make the Differentiation in Schools 4 process of grouping students easier. The implementation of differentiate instruction is known for enhancing the engagement of students, their motivation, understanding, and learning skills (AM et al,. 2023).

Howard Gardner suggests that learners are able to learn in eight multiple intelligences. This has been identified as logical/mathematical, verbal/linguistic, musical, visual/spatial, bodily/kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist (Magablen, 258).

Recommendation and critical reflection

AM, Muh. A., Hadi, S., Istiyono, E., & Retnawati, H. (2023). Does differentiated instruction affect learning outcome systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Pedagogical Research. Magableh Ibrahim, S. I., & Abdullah, A. (2021). The Impact of Differentiated Instruction on Students’ Reading Comprehension Attainment in Mixed-Ability Classrooms. Interchange, 52(2), 255-272. Defining and Implementing Civic Reasoningand Discourse: Philosophical and MoralFoundations for Research and Practice. (2021). In C. Lee, G. White, & D. Dong (Eds.), Educating for Civic Reasoning and Discourse (p. 26). National Academy of Education. Francisco, M., Hartman, M., & Wang, Y. (2020). Inclusion and Special Education. Education Sciences, 10(9), 238. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci10090238 Temel, A., Kangalgil, M., Mamak, H., Emre, T., & Aydın, E. (2022). Ethical values of teachers: Differentiation according to regular physical activity. Journal for the Education of Gifted Young Scientist, 10(3), 363–383. https://doi.org/10.17478/jegys.1133255


What is civil discourse?

  • Civil Discourse is the constructive communication that requires mutual respect from all participating parties.

Professional Skills

Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline
Write a great headline

Disciplines like Visual Thinking facilitate visually rich note-taking thanks to the use of images, graphics, infographics, and simple drawings. Go for it!

Do you feel like your text is still missing something? Add animation to capture your audience.

Bring your creation elements to life with animation. It's impossible not to pay attention to moving content!

Write a great text by clicking on Text in the left sidebar. Note: fonts, size, and color should suit the theme you are addressing.

Tools and Resources

Did you know...90% of the information we assimilate comes through sight? Visual resources are very helpful to reinforce your message: images, illustrations, gifs, videos... Not only because they remain in memory, but also because they are more attractive and easier to understand.

  • It is clear and structured
  • Tells stories hierarchically.
  • Matches your audience.
  • Adapts fonts and color to the theme.
  • Includes images and entertains.
  • Represents data with graphics.
  • Uses timelines.
  • Is animated and interactive.
  • Excites the brain through multimedia elements.
  • Does not exceed with bullet points 🙃​.