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Screen 5.7 - Module RecapOutline of key learnings

Screen 5.51 - 5.59 - End of Module Quiz Interactive multiple-choice question to test student t knowledge

Screen 1 - Welcome PageWelcome messageValue proposition to learners

Screen 2 - Learning OutcomesInteractive Slide to highlight learning outcomes

Screen 3 - NavigationInteractive screen demonstration how to navigate the course

Screen 4 - Transition Screen Includes links to navigate the course modulePop up windoow detailing suggested additional material for a

60 minues duration

Multimedia eLearning CourseWireframe Template - Modules 1

Major Scale

Screen 5.6 - Congratulations Screen

Screen 5.2 - Content - ScalesOverview of intervals and scales

Screen 5.4 - Interactive Activity Correctly sort the the Major scale intothe correct order and degree

Screen 5.3 Content - Major ScaleInteractive screen unpacking the major

Screen 5.1 - ActivationStudents to correctly identify a series ogiven songe examples based on the first two notes