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This virtual walkthrough will guide you in completing course map template.

VIrtual Walkthrough



The course map is the basis of all content within the course. All resources used within the course will be placed here with proper APA formatting, time on task, and required links or coding.

What is the course map?


Within the course map, the course description and learning objectives are predetermined by the university and will be placed within the course map template by the learning design specialist.

The SME is required to complete the remaining content within the course map.

Unit title

Topic Title

Proper APA Citation

Time on Task


Learning outcomes/objectives

Click each dot to reveal each section of the course map. Click the dot again to hide the information (does not work for all content).



Naming, time, points, and learning outcomes

How to complete the course map


The units were determined within the storyboard prior to starting work on the course map.

Unit title

Topic Title


The first step in completing the course map is determining the units and topics within each unit.

All 7 unit titles must be placed within the course map in the designated areas. The unit titles would have been approved within the completed storyboard.

Within each unit, the topics are determined based on the content being presented.

Resources placed within each topic will help determine an appropriate naming convention.

The discussions and assignments were determined within the storyboard prior to starting work on the course map.




Next step is to add in the information for each discussion and assignment.

All discussion titles need to be added to the appropriate unit. These were approved within the storyboard.

All assignment titles need to be added to the appropriate unit. These were approved within the storyboard.

Time on task will be discussed next.

Click again to hide

Time on task


Time on task is calculated for every resource, discussion, and all assignments.

  • Time on task is predetermined for all discussions; these cannot be edited.
  • Time on task is determined by the complexity of the assignment.
  • Video resources are to be rounded to the nearest whole minute. No decimals.

Points need to be allocated for each assignment. The total for the course is 1000; 280 come from the discussions, and another 720 need to be added to assignments throughout the course.

Time on task and points are predetermined for all discussions; these cannot be edited.


All assignments and discussions will need to have the learning outcomes added. These are determined within the approved storyboard.

Courses are required to have a total of 135 hours. Time is automatically added together and will show at the end of each topic, unit, and the end of the course. Formulas cannot be modified.

There are suggested times within the activity time on task tab at the bottom of the worksheet.



Formatting for resources is completed using the APA 7th edition style.

What is proper APA formatting?


Basic APA formatting requires four pieces of information: Who, When, What, and Where.

Within the course map, resources will be listed in the correct APA formatting

Author Last, First I. (YYYY, Month, Day). Title of Source all lower case. Source. URL

Ricks, A. F. (2020, June 26). How to communicate organizational change. Harvard Busness School. https://online.hbs.edu/blog/post/how-to-communicate-organizational-change

For more complex sources, such as journal articles or podcasts, visit "Citation Machine" to help create the citation. Be sure to select APA 7th edition.

Citation Machine

APA Style

View example larger

Specifics on references can be found on the APA style website.


YouTube and other video citations need careful attention to URLs and require an embed code.

Author Last, First I. (YYYY, Month, Day). Title of Source all lower case [Video]. Source. URL

You Can Reach J. (2014, May 26). Choosing the entity that best fits your business needs [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/1H6qE7eyLWk

View example

  • While they follow a similar format, additional information should be provided.
  • For example, if no author is listed, use the video creator's information in place of the author.
  • In addition, [Video] should be added after the name but before the period.
  • The hosting platform (YouTube) is listed directly after.
  • The source URL must be a permanent link, meaning the YouTube link does NOT contain 'watch?'

View what is NOT a permanent link

Download detailed instructions on capturing the permanent link and the embed code here


Thank you for completing this virtual walkthrough training.
