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The fact that he is tied to the rails could mean that it's to the train to stop and not to the planet to move. The planet is stuck here and it's human activites which caused her paralysis.

COP26 is represented by a hot air balloon because it has a global and objective point of view. In addition, a hot air baloon is an environmentally friendly transport because it uses propane, a low-polluting gas. We think that the author's aim was also to show that our actions for climate change are too slow, by comparing the speed of the train to the slowness of a hot air baloon.

We think that the author chose a train because it's a symbol of the industrial revolution which cause the start of the environmental issues. We see that it's picks up speed, it shows us that we have to react now. Smoke is escaping from the train, it representing the fossil fuels because their extraction is largely responsible for global warming. It's what makes move the train, it's the essence of global warming.

We supposed that the rails are the consequences of human actions. They are the one which lead the train to our planet. We can see that the space between the train and the planet is small. It's significated that we don't have so much time to minimize the impact of the train.

The animal's skull could represent the disappearance of species due to global warming.

This speech bubble is pronounced by the air ballon. By the sentence "do we still have time" , the author wants the spectator to feel the climate emergency . It says that they want to save the planet, what is the role of the COP26, but the clock is ticking.

The rails are crossing the image from the background to the bottom right-hand corner.

The rails are crossing the image from the background to the bottom right

This character represents our planet. We see that he is stuck on the rails and that he looks afraid of the train. He is blue and his head has the shape of the planet's globe. He is situated in the bottom right-hand corner.

The landscape reminds us of the universe of westerns with the mountains and the desert. The atmosphere is arid. In western movies, we can see a lot of scenes where people are tied to the rails like the character. We can also notice that there is no life in this landscape, except the Earth, the atmosphere is quite morbid. The sky is also empty, which contributes to the dull and lifeless scenery.

In the top left-hand corner, there is a train thzt picks up speed. We can notice that the smoke is emerging from the train. Global warming is embodied by the train and the fossils fuels by the smoke.

In the foreground, next to the rails on the left, we can see a bovine skull.

At the top, there is a hot air baloon where it's write "COP26". COP26 is one of the Conferences of the Parties, these conferences can have multiple topics, but this one is about global warming.

