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SPE8154/1057 & EDU2011 Module calendar 2023/2024




Lectures and workshops


Lectures and time to start your child study


Child Study Data Collection


Child Study Analysis/Write Up


ED2011 students submit child study


Speech students continue child study write up


Speech students submit



Resit Period


The Module Starts

No activity for module in July unless rewriting the child study for a resit

No activity in this module for June



All cohorts will attend the first lecture on Thursday 26th September 3-5pm Click on the date to view the agenda for that day



All cohorts will attend lectures on a Thursday 3-5pm Click the date to view the agenda for the lecture



All cohorts will attend lectures on a Thursday 3-5pm Click the date to view the agenda for the lecture All cohorts will also have two Mimo pacticals this month - see individual timetables

You will have a MiMo language analysis software practical or workshop this week see the timetable for your cohort

You will have a MiMo language analysis software practical or workshop this week see the timetable for your cohort

Reading/Enrichment Week



All cohorts will attend lectures on a Thursday 3-5pm Click the date to view the agenda for the lecture Speech students should start collecting data for their child studyIf speech students have not identified a child to observe, contact sarah.barnett@ncl.ac.uk

Christmas Vacation Speech students should consider starting to collect data



Speech students should be collecting collect data and start language analysis.EDU2011 students should start their write up and analysis so they can take any questions to MiMo practicals in February

Christmas Vacation Speech students should consider starting to collect data

Examination Period



All students should have started their language analysis and take any questions to the MiMo practical drop in sessions this month.See invidual timetables for sessions

You will have a MiMo language analysis software practical or workshop this week see the timetable for your cohort

You will have a MiMo language analysis software practical or workshop this week see the timetable for your cohort



EDU2011 submit their assignments Speech students should continue with their write up

EDU2011 Submission Date 12 noon



Speech students should continue with their write up

Easter Vacation Speech students should continue write up of their child study



Speech students should submit their child study

SPE8154 & SPE1057 Submission Date 12 noon



Students who fail the child study will resubmit a reworked version acting on their feedback in the August resit period

Assessment resit period

SPE8154 & SPE1057 & ED2011 Resit submission Date

Introduction to the module 1a Defining Child Development

  • Definition of development
  • Study of Child development
  • Aspects of Development

Week 1

1b Aspects of Development

  • Norms & milestones
  • Summary of developmental progression
  • The New Born
  • The two-year old child

Social development4a Social Skills: behaviour and Temperament• The development of temperament• Attachment

Week 4

4b Social Skills: Communication and peer relationships• Early communicative development • Social and communicative development in later childhood

Child Speech and Language Acquisition 7a Language acquisition1. Early stages2. Basic components

Week 7

7b Early social context1. Innate features which support language acquisition2. Eye gaze, joint attention

Cognitive development2a Themes & Theories of development• Themes in developmental psychology• Theories of development• Nature vs. Nurture

Week 2

2b Cognition: Piaget’s cognitive-developmental theory2c Cognition: Information processing theory

Week 10

Language Acquisition: Complex Sentences 10a Complex sentences• Coordination/subordination • Sequence of development 10b Social interaction• Referential communication• Identification of communication skills• Use of language in social contexts

Perception and Play3a 3b Perception• Perception in young children• Perception in older children

Week 3

3c 3d Play • Purpose of play • Forms of play

Language development Age 5+ Lecture 11a Communication 5+• Changes in communication • Literacy • Complex communication

Week 11

Lecture 11b Multilingualism• Multilingualism • Advantages • Code switching • Advocacy for multilingualism

Language Acquisition: Words8a Speech sound development1. Sounds in words

Week 8

8b Word meanings1. Word learning mechanisms2. Refining word meanings over time

5 Social skills: Cognition• Theory of Mind (ToM)• Other theories of social cognition

Week 5

Language Acquisition: Sentences9a Combining words• Intonation contours• Productivity• Pivot and open sentences9b Morphemes and sentence structure• Developing clause and phrase structure;• Questions, negatives, passive

Week 9

9c Comprehension, questions and negatives• Early sentence comprehension strategies• Structures of questions and negatives• Sequence development of negatives and questions

How to do a child Study See detailed Assessment Handbook on Canvas

Week 6

How to do a child Study See detailed Assessment Handbook on Canvas

Week 6

International exchange students due date for assignment 12 noon