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History of English

CE= Common Era
BCE= Before Common Era
AD= Anno Domini (In the Year of the Lord)

1000 AD/CE

1000 BCE

2024 BCE

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Influences on English Language


Romans- Latin


Anglo Saxons

509 BCE - 27 CE

Roman Empire

Languages Develop and Change

During the Roman Empire, the main language was Latin. All over what is now Europe people spoke Latin.

As hundreds of years pass, languages change. Different languages emerged throughout Europe stemming from Latin. These are called the Romance Languages because they came from the Romans.

449 CE - 1066 CE

Anglo-Saxons in England

911 CE - 1204 CE


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Anglo-Saxons spoke Old English. We still use some of these words but most of Old English is not understandable by modern English speakers.Years: 450 CE - 1066 CECan you recognize any of the words in the video?

Are you speaking English?

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In 1066, the Normans invaded Britain and brought the French language with them. Over many, many years, the English language changed and adopted many French words or parts of French words. We call this Middle English. This video is a reading from the Canterbury Tales, a famous story from about 1387 written in Middle English.Years: 1066 CE -1500 CE

Are you speaking English?

Yes, Shakespeare wrote in modern English. It might sound different from how we speak, but the language hasn't changed enough since his time to be considered a different language.Years: 1500 CE - Present Day

Shakespeare is Modern?!?