Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:









Bartolomeo Diazraggiunge Capo di Buona Speranza

Cristoforo Colombo giunge l'America

Trattato di Tordesillas

Vasco da Gama circumnaviga l'Africa

Ferdinando Magellano inizia la circumnavigazione del globo.Hernàn Cortés arriva nella capitale dell'impero azteco

Francisco Pizarro conquista l'impero Inca

Navigazioni e scoperte oltreoceano








Riforma e Controriforma

Martin Lutero scrive le 95 tesi

Dieta di Worms

Rivolta dei contadini tedeschi

Il re Inglese Enrico VIII emana l'Atto di Supremazia

Pace di Augusta

Concilio di Trento






L'impero di Carlo V



Carlo V diventa imperatore

Scoppia una guerra tral'Impero e la Francia

Lega di Cognac contro Carlo V

Pace di Cambrai

Carlo v abdica e divide l'impero tra il fratello e il figlio

Pace di Cateau-Cambrésis

write a great title here

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. Also, highlight a specific phrase or fact that remains engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline,step by step

write a great title here

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

Write a great title here

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. Also, highlight a specific phrase or fact that will be engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. Also, highlight a specific phrase or fact that remains engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline,step by step

To tell stories in an organized, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step

To tell stories in an organized, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

Write a great title here

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. Also, highlight a specific phrase or fact that will be engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. Also, highlight a specific phrase or fact that remains engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline,step by step

write a great title here

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

Write a great title here

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step

To tell stories in an organized, hierarchical, structured, and concise manner. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step

With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to leave your audience open-mouthed. Also, highlight a specific phrase or fact that will be engraved in the memory of your audience and even embed external content that surprises: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

To tell stories in an orderly, hierarchical, structured, and concise way. These are the four pillars to carry out a successful presentation.

Write a subtitle here

a Great timeline, step by step