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MackinVIA is a great resource for online information, including databases, audiobooks, and eBooks.

follett destiny

Follett Destiny is a library management system for print materials, like books, graphic novels, and other online materials. Contents are specific to a school library.

Search Types

Advanced Searching

Boolean Terms


Searching Tips

Online Research!


Search Types and Purposes

Researching Material

When using MackinVIA, you are likely to find all online materials. There aren't any specifics for a school library; Instead, you get worldwide information. When using Follett Destiny, you find the information that is specific to your school and the library within it. Purposes:MackinVIA - databases and online materials for researchFollett Destiny - finding materials to read in a school library

Tips and Tricks

Advanced Searching

When using MackinVIA, advanced searching is easy. You can click on one of the databases to refine your search to one broad topic. Then, within that database, you can search for the mateirals that you want. With Follett Destiny, you can narrow your searches by using the dropdowns below the search function OR completing an author, title, keyword, or subject search.

List of popular Boolean Search Terms

  • AND
  • OR

Boolean Terms are used to help a person that is using a database find more precise results. As a person is looking for information, these search operators can help the person refine the information they get. See video for more details:

What are they and how are they used?

Boolean Terms


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit

Daron. (2017, May 30). Searching With Boolean Operators [YouTube Video about Boolean Terms] [Video]. Western Library. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ9kfmpBtHE

A limiter is something that reduces the number of results that you get for a particular topic when you are searching.


In Follett Destiny, there are different search types that you can use to limit the results: Keyword, Title, Author, Subject, Etc. You can also refine by the type of material: book, audio, video, kit, etc.

In MackinVIA, when you are looking at the databases, you can click on one that limits the serach to that particular topic. Within that database, there are further limiters like type of content (biography, video, etc.) or even just looking further into that particular topic.

Sometimes when you are looking for information about a topic, that topic is very broad. Using the following tips can help narrow your searches as well as make sure that you are getting the information that you need.

Search Tips

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