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Pontifex Maximus

Manes and Lares






group of diviners who specialized in interpreting the will of the gods by examining the entrails of sacrificed animals, particularly the liver. This practice, known as haruspicy, originated from the Etruscans

Manes and Lares

The Manes were considered the spirits of deceased ancestors in Roman belief. The Romans believed that after death, a person’s soul would join the collective group of the Manes, who were honored as guardian spirits of the familyThe Lares were protective deities that were believed to watch over households, roads, fields, and the entire city. Each Roman household had a small shrine, or lararium, dedicated to the Lares, where daily offerings were made to ensure their continued favor and protection

Pontifex Maximus

regulated religious law and supervised the calendar. The pontifices played a crucial role in ensuring that religious practices were observed correctly, maintaining the relationship between Rome and its gods.

Vestal virgins

they were women, tasked with maintaining the sacred fire of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth, ensuring the protection of the city.


interpreted the will of the gods by studying the flight patterns of birds (auspices) to predict future events.


The Salii were priests devoted to the worship of Mars, the Roman god of war. The Salii were known for their ceremonial processions through the city, during which they carried the ancilia, sacred shields believed to have been sent by Mars himself. They performed ritual dances and chanted hymns known as the Carmen Saliare, especially during the month of March, which was sacred to Mars.


priests dedicated to specific gods, such as the Flamen Dialis, who served Jupiter