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Edgar Allan Poe

five short stories

-edgar allan poe was born in xix centuries in boston, massachusett.-after the mother's death, edgar was sent in virgina to live whit a rich couple: jonh and frances allan.-poe at the age of 13 started writing poetry and in 1826 he went to the university of virginia. BUt for economic problem he had to leave it. -poe lived in poverty and his success began in 1840 beacouse a collection of poe's stories was published.-he died in 1849 after his wife death. but the couse of his death was never discovered.

the life of edgar allan poe

-the characters: the narrator, mr cornelius wyatt, mrs wyatt and wyatt's sister-the plot: during a boat trip, the narrator notes strange things and in the end he will discovered something terrible

the oblong box

-the characters: the narrator, the young lady, the painter-the plot: the narrator takes refuge in a tower of a castle and was fascinated by the painting of the young lady. he read the truth of the painting and was shocked.

the oval portrait

-the characters: the prince prospero, the red death, the masqueraders-the plot: the red death was roaming in the city so the prince Prospero called all his friend in his big castle. but during a masquerade party the read death killed everyone.

the masque of the red death

-the characters: the narrator, the old man, the crowd-the plot: the narrator was sitting in a cafè when he noted in the crowd outside. he decided to follow him.

the man of the crowd

-the characters: the narrator, the old man, the police officer-the plot: the narrator was tormented by the old man's breathing, and every night he whatched him sleep. during a night he killed him and hid it under the boards...

the tell-tale heart

by anonym author


Beowulf is a epic poem wrote by an anonymous author. It is set around 8th century in Denmark.

the historical context

In Denmark there was an orrible monster that lived in darkness and during the night it killed some people. Beowulf wanted to help Healfdene and he traveled to Denmark. Beowulf in the next time fight whit Grendel and he won. But the next night Grendel's mother went in the hall for revange her daughter. Grendel's mother lived under a lake and Beowulf, after a long fight, won...

the plot:

- Beowulf- The King Healfdene- Grendel- Grendel's mother

the character:

This book was very sad but still had some interesting mystery stories. The one I liked the most is the oval portrait beacouse you don't often know what's behind the paintings and you undersand the worth of somenthing olny whend you lost it.
I didn't like it much beacouse was a bit banal, the usual hero story.I liked the descriptions of the places and characters.


five short stories

personal opinion