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Scatter Plot of Data




Scatter Plots

Other Patterns


Patterns of Association


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Scatter Plots

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A scatter plot is a graphical representation of two variable data.

Example 1: A company conducted research to find out the relationship between hours studied and test scores obtaining the following scatter plot.

It allows us to observe relationships and patterns within the data.

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Each point represents one data obtained e.g. for 1 hour of study the score is 40%

Structure of a Scatter Plot



Scatter Plot

Line of Fitting

Data are observations collected for some purpose.

A line that describes the overall behavior of the observations despite it does not pass through all the points.

A scatter plot is a graphical representation of two variable observations.

Each point on the scatter plot corresponds to one observation, with one variable plotted on the x-axis and another on the y-axis.

Example 1: Plot the following data in a scatter plot.

Creating a Scatter Plot

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1. Identify each observation as a pair (x,y)

2. Place each observation on a Cartesian plane.

3. Note that none of the data could pass through a unique line. In this case, we say the data is dispersed.

Patterns of Association in Data

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By examining the scatter plot, we can identify the relationship between the variables:

Positive, negative, or no association (correlation)


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Interpreting Scatter Plots

Positive ASsOCIation

nEgative ASsOCIation

no ASsOCIation

As x increases y decreases

As x increases y increases


As x changes, not a unique change of y


When two variables move in the same direction, it’s called positive correlation (association).

A negative correlation (association) occurs when one variable increases while the other decreases.

No correlation (association) means no discernible relationship between the two variables.

Height of a Student

Height of a person was measured at different ages. The results are found in the table:

Plot data in the scatter plot and determine if data follow a positive, negative or no association.

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Data follows a positive association.

Other Patterns

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Not always dispersed data means no association. Sometimes association is not linear


No association

Non linear association

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Also, there is some strength in the association depending on how much dispersed the data are.



Weak association

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Try it by yourself:

Try it by yourself:

Try it by yourself:





Summary:Scatter Plots

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Welcome 6th graders!

A journey soon begin through Social Science experiences!

Great job!

See you next time

8TH-SCATTER-PLOT-OF-DATA-EN © 2024 by CASURID is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

It is highly advised to have:


  • Grid paper.
  • Pencils of different colors.
  • Eraser.
  • A rule.
  • A compass.
  • A Protactor.
  • A calculator.
  • Geogebra installed on your phone/tablet/computer (or use online version).

"MA.8.DP.1 Represent and investigate numerical bivariate data."MA.8.DP.1.1 Given a set of real-world bivariate numerical data, construct a scatter plot or a line graph as appropriate for the context.MA.8.DP.1.2 Given a scatter plot within a real-world context, describe patterns of association.MA.K12.MTR.7.1 Apply mathematics to real-world contexts.MA.K12.MTR.2.1 "Demonstrate understanding by representing problems in multipleways."ELA.K12.EE.2.1 Read and comprehend grade-level complex texts proficiently.