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escape room

ER Room Arrival

You're working Friday night and a patient is brought by ambulance. Start your escape by meeting the patient in their ER room! Good Luck:)

route map


A 65 year old man with fever and cough presents by ambulance with no interventions in place. He is alert but anxious.



His VS Are: HR 110 (Sinus tach), RR 28, BP 142/70, SpO2 90% RA, T 102.3 FWhat is the appropriate ESI?






He has altered vital signs and a complaint of fever with cough making him high risk or ESI 2


Urine sample and tylenol

BVM, NPA, prepare for intubation

Nasal Cannula and warm blanket

While placing an IV, THe patient reports SOB.You look up at the monitor and note his spo2 drops to 80% with a RR of 8.He then becomes lethargic.Your Clinician is bedside what do you predict they will request?



Patient is rapidly decompensating. He is in Respiratory Failure and his airway needs to be managed.



Find the 10 Intubation Supplies


You've gathered all the supplies for intubating a patient!!

Great Job!

the ER gods bless you with this offering

You failed...Go back and try again.

RSI Med Game

Your clinician is preparing his supplies and wants you to draw up the RSI Medications, LETS PLAY A GAME!

route map

Pharmacy is not availble to help, please answer the next questions about your RSI meds!!

RSI Med Game



10-20 sec

60 secs

The onset of Etomidate is:

5-10 mins

25-30 mins

The Duration of Etomidate is:

10-20 secs

60-90 secs

The onset of Rocuronium is:

5-10 mins

30-45 mins

The Duration of Rocuronium is:

10-60 secs

3-5 mins

The onset of Propofol is:

30 mins

3-10 mins

The Duration of propofol is:

the ER gods bless you with this offering

Please administer 30mg etomidate and 120 mg Rocuronium and I will Intubate this patientoNCE YOU'VE GIVEN THE ETOMIDATE START THE TIMER TO SIGNIFY WHEN YOU NEED TO START CONTINUED SEDATION

Oops, it's not correct!

Uncoverthe mask

You're patient has received etomidate and rocuronium and is now intubated. Placement is confirmed and his SpO2 is 94% and climbing with assisted ventilations. Start the timer now! and then uncover the mask!

route map

Your patient is now intubated but their care doesn't stop here! Uncover the mask to see the whole patient picture!

look for the mask


keep going!

30 mins

20 mins

5-10 mins

Question 1


How long do you have before the etomidate wears off?

10-20 mg

1-2 mcg/min

5-20 mcg/kg/min

Question 2


Your clinician orders Propofol for sedation. What's the dose for continued sedation?

^ by 10 mcg/kg/min and 10 mg bolus

Bolus 10mg no rate change

^ by 5 mch/kg/min

Question 3


The Propofol order says to titrate to RASS of -3. Your patient is at 10 mcg/kg/min but is agitated. How do you titrate the Propofol?

0.02 mcg/min

0.02 mcg/kg/min

1.0 mcg/kg/min

Question 4


Your patient is now calm with eyes closed. Their blood pressure has dropped to 70/46 (MAP 54). How much Levophed should you start with?

No Titration

Titrate up 0.01 mcg/kg/min

Titrate down 0.01 mcg/kg/min

Question 5


At 2 mins, patients BP is 78/48 (MAP 57). What's your next step?

You've found all the artwork!



Here you can include a text to congratulate and wish luck to your audience at the end of the quiz.


Unconquered ground

Backup or Difficult Airways- King, Igel, LMA, Crich, Trach

You have lost a piece of the museum!

ET Tube- Correct size plus one up and down

Monitor-Rhythm/Rate, RR, BP, SpO2, ETCo2

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

Working IV or IO

You have lost a piece of the museum!

BVM or Ventilator

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

10 cc syringe

Stylet-Correct size or bougie

RSI Meds

Unconquered territory

You have lost a piece of the museum!

You have lost a piece of the museum!

Suction- hooked up and turned on

Unconquered ground

You have lost a piece of the museum!