Rishi & Jaideep Road to Revolution Project
Rishi Avula
Created on September 20, 2024
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Road to Revolution
French and Indian War 1754-63
Navigation Acts of 1661
Albany Plan of 1754
Pontiac’s Rebellion1763
Sugar Act of 1764
2nd Continental Congress of 1775
Boston Massacre of 1770
Tea Act of 1773
Quartering Act 1765
Stamp Act of 1765
First Continental Congress 1775
Common Sense 1776
Intolerable Acts of 1774
Declaration of Independence 1776
The Pontiac Rebellion was a Native American uprising against British colonial rule in the middle east region post French-Indian War. The Natives (led by Pontiac) participated in the rebellion against the British encroachment on their land, which resulted in the issuing of Proclamation of 1763, which limited colonial expansion westward. In the Natives perspective, they noticed that European encroachment very negatively influenced their cultural values and their land, and there was now a rising tension between both sides.
The French and Indian war was between France and Britain over land in North America with Native Support on both sides. This war was mainly over the Ohio River Valley and ended with a Peace Treaty from France as Britain won. The French and Indian War was caused by conflicts in the Ohio River Valley between the French and the British over land. However, this conflict also plays a role in the bigger Seven Years War. In the perspective of Natives, they mostly sided with the French at the beginning. However, after the war, they lost a lot of French backup which led to British dominance.
The Albany Plan was suggested by Benjamin Franklin at the Albany Congress. The purpose of the Albany Plan was to propose a plan for creating a more centralized government under the 13 colonies. The Albany Plan resulted from the mounting conflicts due to the French and Indian War. The original plan for the day of the Albany Plan was to establish peace between the Natives. From the perspective of the British, the British end up choosing to reject the Albany Plan because they felt it gave too much independence to the colonists while undermining their authority.
The Navigation Acts were a series of laws passed by the British between 1651 and 1847. They regulated colonial trade and enabled England to generate income from the colonies. The Navigation Acts were meant to benefit England economically by only having the colonists trade with them, which upset the colonists and led to them smuggling goods and resenting these rules.
The Sugar Act of 1764 was a British Law imposed on sugar and other goods that were imported to the American colonies. The British imposed these rules to milk the colonies as much as possible for revenue, and to generate income while also reducing the amount of smuggling. Patriots were offended by these rules because it hurt their industries income, primarily the rum industry. Therefore, the phrase "No taxation without representation" was born.
The Stamp Act of 1765 was a law passed by the British that forced colonists in America purchase and use specially stamped paper for legal documents, and other forms of paper. The Stamp Act was created in order to generate income from the colonies for Britain’s War debts and losses, which the loyalists mainly supported as it was a legal way for Britain to generate revenue.
The Quartering Act of 1765 is a British law that required American colonists to provide housing, food, and supplies for British troops that were stationed in the colonies. The Quartering Act led to colonial anger because colonists were forced to support British troops, and they opposed of this since it was an invasion of their property from some random people they didn't even know.
The Boston Massacre was a Conflict with the British and the American colonists which escalated into deaths. Political tensions led to 9 British soldiers ended up shooting several people in the crowd. The Boston Massacre resulted from the unfair ruling by the British Parliament through lack of representation and over taxation. Continuous tension that led to both parties escalating to the big disaster of the Boston Massacre. From the perspective of American colonists, they are very angry and see it as continuous misuse of power from Britain leading them to fight for independence.
The Second Continental Congress was a gathering of different representatives from the Thirteen Colonies whom met up in 1775, following the Revolutionary War. The Congress was held to discuss how they would take matters into their hands if Britain didn't modify the acts that they placed. Britain viewed this meeting as an act of rebellion, and disapproved of the removal of the acts, which inevitably led to the American Revolution.
The First Continental Congress was a Meeting between delegates of the colonies to discuss the intolerable acts. Held in September 1774 in Philadelphia. This event resulted from the creation of the Intolerable Acts. The colonists felt that the Intolerable Acts were too severe and harming their independence which led to this meeting. From the perspective of the British, they felt that this was an attack on their authority again. Consecutively, the King refused the petition and denied the Congress to have much authority. The British continued to suppress the American colonists for their power.
The Intolerable Acts were laws that were created to punish Massachusetts after the Boston Tea Party incident. These laws closed the harbor, allowed soldiers into homes and reduced Massachusetts self-governing power. This is very different in comparison to the Townshend Act which simply taxed goods while the Intolerable Acts created a crater in the independence among the American Colonists. From the perspective of the British, it seems likely that they felt they needed to use this opportunity to continue exhibiting their colonial power. The Intolerable Act was mainly to suppress and control the colonists after the Boston Tea Party.
The Tea Act of 1773 was a British law created to assist the struggling British East India Company by giving it a portion on tea sales in the American colonies. The Patriots strongly opposed the Tea Act, seeing it as an attempt to rebel against Britain, which led to the Boston Tea Party.
The Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and served as a baseline for law in the government. It declared the American 13 colonies to be free from colonial Britain. The DOI resulted from a continuous spiral of conflict between the colonists and Britain. Issues over taxation, representation and maintaining colonial power are the main factors that caused conflict between both sides. From the perspective of American Colonists, this was a massive turning point after a series of conflicts. For example, the Boston Massacre, Townshend Act and the Intolerable acts all fueled colonist hatred towards the British while the DOI provides relief from these events.
Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine to advocate American Independence from Britain. This is a change because ,although colonists were angry at Britain for the misuse of colonial power, several colonists opted in for reconciliation. However, after the publication of the Common Sense, it was evident that the colonists gained a personal drive for independence.From the perspective of American colonists, this continued to supply their discontent with the British as well as create drive. The common sense created a more unified and American goal of independence.