Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

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Requirements for education, training, certification and licensure

Career Opportunities

My Career Interest

Suzzie Sweet

3.2 Career Path 👩‍🏫

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We avoid being part of the content saturation in the digital world.

...and More!

We need to interact with each other. We learn collaboratively.


We teach through stories. They entertain us and help us stay focused.


We are able to understand images from millions of years ago, even from other cultures.


We are in the era of the explosion of digital information. This causes our way of obtaining information to have changed, we have transitioned from traditional reading to a cognitive strategy based on navigation.

Requirements for Education

4Tier Licensure Chart

  • Improve understanding about any topic.
  • Engage the entire class...
  • And keep their attention until the end.
  • Include visually appropriate elements to the topic.
  • Display data and information visually.
  • Use interactivity to delve into concepts.

Show enthusiasm, give a smile and maintain eye contact with the rest of the people in the classroom can be your best allies when it comes to presenting content and creating motivating learning experiences. With that and some interactive content up to par, no class will resist you!

Career Opportunities in Education

With Genially templates you can include visual resources to engage the class from minute one. You can also highlight key content to facilitate understanding and even embed external content that surprises and provides more context to the topic: videos, photos, audios... Whatever you want!

Write a subtitle that provides further information

My Career Interests

This is a picture from my campus tour of Bowling Green

Teacher Academy has helped me learn more about my path in Education. Over the Last spring I visted Bowling Green to tour the Campus and learn more about their Education program.
