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Use Autocrat to do the Heavy Lifting

Automate to Communicate

Do Now - Please scan the qr

Scan the QR Code

Please scan the QR code to the left or go to https://bit.ly/CEC2024Auto to complete the short survey.

Automate to Communicate


Gather data using Forms, use the Autocrat extension to automate your communication, and create digital data dashboards to share your information using Google's Looker Studio.

Automate to Communicate


Masters Degree in Education LeadershipElementary School Teacher in Spring ISDTeacher of the Year 2006/2020Digital Learning Coach in Spring ISDDigital Learning Specialist in Aldine ISDFounder of TechEdEdu

Google Suite to the rescue!

BA in History, Idaho State UniversityTaught Middle School Social Studies Campus Instructional Technology Specialist Employee Excellent Award, Spring ISD, 2021Digital Learning Coach / SS Coach Digital Learning Specialist

Belinda Howell

Dan larson

today's agenda




I DOWe will walk through the Autocrat process, explaining what it is and how it is a helpful tool for educational leaders.


YOU DOYou will use the remaining time period to create a working Google Form and connect to a Sheet. You will create a Googe Doc Template then add an Autocrat job. If time permits you can add a Looker Studio Dashboard.

WE DOWe will work together as we give step by step instructions. We will make a copy of an example form and template. We will then go through the steps to create your own Autocrat job.

WE DOWe will work together to use the Form and Google Sheet to create a basic Looker Studio Dashboard

automate to communicate

How can Autocrat and Dashboards help you?


automate to communicate

How can these Google Suite tools help educational leaders?

Overview of autocrat and dashboards


3. Receipient receives feedback w/the information
2. Autocrat collects the data and imports to an email template.
1. Collect Data

What is Autocrat?


Do Now Survey Data

Let's Take a look at Looker Studio and your test data....

Use Looker Studio to create interactive dynamic dashboards for staying on top of your needed information.

Create a dashboard to sort the data


Get notifications sent to the creator and sender for events upon registration.

Registration confirmation

What can you use autocrat for?

How does Autocrat help educational leaders?

Receive static data on weekly checkpoints to monitor progress and make needed adjustments.

Automatically notify parents when a student has a low grade or missing work

Feedback is immediately emailed to teachers

How can you use Autocrat?

Weekly checkpoint


Observation forms


automate to communicate

Step by Step walkthrough of Autocrat

autocrat guided walkthrough



Overview of the process

Create a dashboard

Set up autocrat in google sheets

Create the TEmplate

Set up charts/graphs to display the data as it comes in live

Create the rules for how and when the data is merged

The template is what gets emailed to the teachers using the inputted data

Create the form that gathers the data (ex: walkthrough form)

Create the Google Form

Overview of the process


Adding autocrat to Google sheets

From Google Sheets, click:1. Extensions2. Add-ons3. Get Add-ons4. Search for Autocrat5. Click on AutocratConfirm to add autocrat. It will have you log into Google and confirm again.

Add Autocrat to your Google Sheets


Create your walkthrough form

Create your Google Form 1. Make sure to have separate questions for their names and their email addresses 2. If it's a walkthrough form, have a question to note who is doing the observationFollow along with our sample form!

Creating your Google Form (how you collect the data)


Link your form to google sheets

Creating the Google Sheet1. From your form, click Settings2. Link to Sheets3. Select create a new sheet4. Click Create

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Creating the Template

Create the template in Google Docs or Slides.You must write a <<TAG>> where you want each type of feedback to go. Ex: Date: <<Timestamp>> Teacher: <<Teacher Name>>Objectives Posted: <<Teacher's Objectives are posted>>Instructional Strategies: <<What instructional strategy is being utilized?>>Evidence of Response: <<Identify any evidence of responding to student feedback or student needs.>>Classroom Rules: <<Students comply with posted classroom rules.>>Student Engagement:<<Students are on task and engaged.>>Classroom Glows: <<Glows in the classroom?>>Classroom Grows: <<Grows in the classroom?>>

Creating the Template (what gets emailed)


setting up autocrat

Set up Autocrat1. From your Google Sheet, click Extensions2. Autocrat3. Launch4. After Autocrat launches, click New Job

Creating your Walkthrough Sheet


Setting up autocrat

Name your Merge Job1. Create a name for your merge job 2. Click Next

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up autocrat

Select your Template1. Click From Drive2. Find the template you just made and click on it to add it to Autocrat.3. Click next to continue

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up autocrat

Map out the tags1. Click in the empty column2. Match the tags you created in the template which the corresponding questions. 3. Once you've mapped out all the tags, click next.

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Edit the File Settings1. Write the name of the file (that gets emailed)2. Select Doc or PDF 3. Select Multiple Output Mode4. Click next to continue setting up Autocrat

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Choose File Location1. Choose what folder you want these documents to be stored in. By default it selects your Drive.2. Click next

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Choose File Location1. Skip the step about adding a dynamic folder.

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Set Merge Condition1. Select Add Condition2. Choose the column and make sure it equals "NOT NULL"3. Select the last question 4. Choose next

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Sharing Settings Part 11. Click Yes to share docs/send email2. Select what type of file it creates 3. Select whether to allow collaborators to re-share4. Select whether the email comes from a generic no-reply address or your email address.5. Scroll down

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Sharing Settings Part 21. Write the tag for the receipient email address ex: <<Teacher Email>>2. Type the subject of the email3. Type the message. You can use <<TAGS>> to pull data here too4. Click next.

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

TriggersIf you enable a trigger, it will merge the files and send an email automatically (either whenever the form is created or by certain times). 1. Select Run on Form Trigger (it will ask you to confirm--say yes)2. Click Save

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Success!!You have created your first autocrat job!1. This now shows your current job. From here you can edit it, run the job manually, view it, or delete it.Click the x to close it.

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Test it out!Go back to your form and temporarily add yourself as one of the teachers. Test out the form where you select yourself as the teacher and see whether you get the feedback!

Creating your Walkthrough Form


Setting up Autocrat

Verifying it works To verify whether others are receiving their feedback, scroll to the right in Google Sheets until you see the autocrat job information it adds once its run.Click in Document Merge to read if there were any email errors.

Creating your Walkthrough Form

automate to communicate

Step by Step walkthrough of the Dashboard

Dashboard guided walkthrough



Setting up Autocrat

Setting up the Dashboard

  • Open your newly created form
  • Click on Response and View in Sheets
  • Click on Extensions in your Menu Bar
  • Select Looker Studio
  • Click on Create
  • Change the title of the Report
  • (OPTIONAL) Change the title of the file

Creating your Looker Studio Dashboard

  • Click on add a chart from your Looker Studio menu
  • Make your selection for which type of chart you wish to add
  • Using the Setup Control menu select which data you wish to use in the chart
  • Add a title to the chart using the Text selection from the Looker Studio menu
  • Select choose a control if you wish to add controls to your report, such as date ranges, or selecting specific users or data to track

Setting up Autocrat

Adding Charts and Graphs(NOTE) When dashboard is first created, the system will create a possible template for you. If you do not want that sample data in your dashboard, simply click on the chart and delete.

Looker Studio Dashboard Add Your Data


NOTE: The video disturbance was an intentional transition...

  • Once you have completed your dashboard you can easily share it out with others.Click on Share from the Looker Studio menu.
  • You can select on copy link to share the link for others to access. Or, you can simply share the file directly with them.
  • NOTE: Be sure to set your settings to allow those shared with to be able to access.

Setting up Autocrat

Sharing your Dashboard with Others

Looker Studio Dashboard Sharing




Template Document

Observation Google Form

If you did not receive the links from the Do Now Activity you can use these links to do the Autocrat Walkthrough activity

Hands On Walkthrough

Setting up Autocrat

Looker Studio Dashboard Sharing

ASSIGNMENT: Working on your own, using the resources provided create your own Form. then, create a template document. link your form to a google sheet and create an autocrat job.we are here to assist through any step along the way.


Google suite to the rescue

Here are some resources to take home


Dan larsondlarson.tee@gmail.combelinda Howellbhowell.tee@gmail.org

Sample form


Scan the qr code!

Video Walkthrough of Autocrat & Dashboard

Resources and contact

Google suite to the rescue