Week 3 - BIEM 17
Vin Sapo
Created on September 20, 2024
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Week 3 - BIEM 17by Vincenzo Maria Saponaroand Stas Szymanski
weekly Report
About next weeks
Positive news
Class issues
Syllabus progress
3 lessons for a total time of 4.5hours. On monday, we analysed utility, price-consumption and income-consumption curves, the concept of welfare. From wednesday, we started production technology and cost analysis. On thursday, we analysed efficiency and profit maximization.
3 lessons for a total time of 7hours. We studied stakeholders' analysis and their power. We analysed Uber's case study (Tuesday). On wednesday we introduced shareholders' theory of the firm, types of shareholders and ownership, types of investors, short and long run investments.
3 lessons for a total time of 4.5hours. On monday, we've finished structures' chapter. On wednesday we introduced functions in R; on thursday we learned fundamental functions properties. A total of 4 new theorems (global: 13/33).
General mathematics
1 lesson for a total time of 3hours. We ended the first part of the course, analysing three techniques to collect valuable informations (statistics, explainations, analogy) and the rules of rational and functional debating.
Critical thinking
Consumption decisions (Ch. 6, Sec. 6.1)Production technology (bb)Costs and theory of the firm (bb)
- Statistics, explanations, analogies (bb)- How (not) to respond to an argument (bb)
Critical thinking
The corporation and its stakeholders (ch.2)Governance and management (ch.3)Mini case: UBER (bb)
10h/10h of Structures3h/10h of FunctionsChapters 6.1-6.7; 17.1; 22.1; 22.5-22.6.1 of the textbook
General mathematics
Syllabus progress
The class has not exchanged feedback on current issues yet. Our main task is to choose the class representatives. Some lessons have been not really clear to some students, and we are lacking of practice sessions. It's too hot in the classes (urgent issue to solve).
Week 3. Class issues
5 students candidated as class' representatives, with different and interesting proposals to take account of.The class is receptive, and the environment is friendly. The last course aperitif has been a good opportunity to make new friendships.The boring critical thinking part is over, and we are going to have group works for the first time.
Positive news
Associations aperitifs (spread over the week)
BIEM 17 Course aperitif (19/09/2024)
Astra Open Wine (18/09/2024; cancelled due to weather)
Silent wi-fi concert (19/09/2024)
Bocconi Art Gallery (19/09/2024)
Law Associations on display (16/09/2024)
Prepare for a tougher week, do math homework, critical thinking group work and Patagonia case study-Your (hopefully) future representatives
We are called to vote for class representatives' elections. The duties of the future representatives will start on the 30th September. Critical thinking first groups are going to present their work on Friday.
We are going to have more lessons. Tuesday is going to become a full-day of lessons. Workload will be higher than previous weeks. We are going to have more practice sessions (ex. Microeconomics on Tuesday)
Monday is going to be an important day for management: first case study session. We are called to read the Patagonia case study (main book; page 145) during the weekend to be prepared before the debate.
About next week
Report completed!
Written by: Vincenzo Maria Saponaro (aka vins; +39 3914234497)