January Academic Calendar
Danielle Arena
Created on September 19, 2024
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Room 122
Music with Ms. Arena
My name is Danielle Arena. I graduated from Berklee College of Music in 2018 with a degree in Music Education. This is my third year teaching at the Richardson Middle School.My primary instruments are guitar and voice, but I am have been playing the piano since I was five. (I am capable of playing many other instruments, however these are the ones I am most competent in.)You may have seen me conducting or playing piano at a chorus concert or perhaps running sound or backstage during one of our school musicals.
- It's called "playing" music for a reason
- Every child deserves an honest chance at quality education
- There is always something to be learned
- A solid foundation makes it easier to build the roof
- Children are capable of "hard things"
Advisory is a small ungraded class at the beginning of the day. Our administration and Mrs. Santarpio have put together a unique curriculum that allows students to increase their social/emotional awareness, contextualize holidays and world events and explore the nuances of middle school in a safe environment.Weekly, students check their grades on Aspen, create SMART Goals and work towards academic growth. Your child will keep track of their growth and overdue/missing assignments on a Google Sheet that they will share with you.Bi-weekly your child will have a 1:1 conference with me about grades and behaviors and to give them the opportunity to share with an adult.There are games, activities and competition built into their advisory calendar that promotesocialization, community and innovative thinking.
Last week, students identified "Upstanders" and "Trusted Adults" amongst their peers and the adults in the building. This was part of the "Just Say Hello" initiative created by the parents of the Sandy Hook Tragedy.Later in the year, students will compete against other sixth grade advisories in a Pumpkin Decorating Contest, Gingerbread House Making Contest and Ceiling Tile Contest.At the end of the year, students will compete in a school-wide kick-ball tournamant where each grade crowns one advisory as the champion.
Advisory P2
In summary, advisory is a great opportunity for students to work together, make new friends and grow as individuals.
Students meet two to three times per week. The Sixth Grade General Music Class is designed to summarize knowledge of musical notation and introduce students to vocal technique, guitar and keyboard. Students take these tools and learn how to compose their own music using standard notation and rhythmic symbols.
Class summary:
6th Grade General Music
Play in Middle C Position using steps and thirds with starting fingers providedIdentify and utilize quarter notes, quarter rests, whole notes, half notes and half rests in 2/4 3/4 and 4/4 time.
Keyboard Goals:
Play single note melodies on the first three strings with some reference notes providedRead a chord chart
Guitar Goals:
Identify shift between headvoice and chest voicesMatch pitch (or match at the octave)Have a basic exposure to solfeggio singing and changing "keys"
Voice Unit Goals:
Demonstrate and apply knowledge from throughout the quarter by creating their own composition.
Final Project Goals:
6th Grade General Music
6th Grade Daily Agenda:-BellRingers-Keyboard-Clean Up-Voice OR Guitars
The 7th Grade General Music curriculum is designed to help students draw connections between the music they listen to and music from around the world. Throughout the course students will analyze their musical likes and dislikes, discover music from a variety of cultures and compare and contrast musical styles.
Class summary:
7th Grade General Music
Week One: Expectations, My Musical Identification Week Two: Start Passport ProjectOceanaWeek Three: Continue Passport ProjectNorth AmericaWeek Four: Continue Passport ProjectSouth AmericaWeek Five: Continue Passport ProjectAsiaWeek Six: Continue Passport ProjectEuropeWeek Seven: Continue Passport ProjectAfricaWeek Eight: Begin Final ProjectWeek Nine: Present Final Project
Course Summary: Chorus is an elective musical ensemble. Students work together to sing musical works for the purpose of concerts and evaluation. Students in middle school chorus will learn the basics of how to follow sheet music and will sing in two, three and four part harmonies. Over the course of the year, students will sing and memorize more than five works including the Star Spangled Banner.
6th Grade Chorus
Concerts and Events 10/19/2024 Halloween Dance (The Halloween Dance is not a performance but is a fun opportunity for your child to dress up and play games with other ensemble members from RMS and DHS. *12/10/2024 Winter Concert This is a graded performance. Attendance is mandatory. *5/15/2025 District Chorus Concert This is a graded performance. Attendance is mandatory. Telethon and Spring Sing information has not yet been released. Performance dates and times for these events will be distributed closer to the day of the event when information is obtained. Students in multiple ensembles will have additional concerts associated with their other performance groups.
Daily Agenda:StretchesWake-up exercisesTechnical ExercisesLiteracy ExercisesRepertoire
6th Grade Chorus p2
Repertoire:This year's theme is Disney music. Students received their sheet music this morning.Although I'd love it to be a suprise for the concerts, the expectation is that students are practicing at home :)Audiofiles and sheet music copies can be found on their Google Classroom, so students can leave their music at school in their folders.
Voice Parts:Sixth grade students rehearse in two voice parts, soprano and baritone. Throughout the year they will have combined rehearsals with the 7th and 8th grade where they will rehearse/perform their parts while Soprano II, Alto and Tenor are added on. This means they are exposed to hearing complex harmonies and gradually introduced to texture and layering as their musical ears grow.
What can you do as a parent to help?
Encourage your child to practiceThere are audio-files of all music on G.C. for them to practice with and sheet music for them to look at
Say kind things about their singing voiceChoral singing is primarily done in head-voice, which is typically weaker and requires training. When children feel vulnerable and discouraged from singing in head-voice, they will avoid using it and it will become harder to do so.
Respectfully watch their performancesYour children spend months working on two to three songs and only perform them once on a stage. Children whose adults watch their performances feel more loved and secure. This makes them more comfortable trying new things (like complex harmonies or new songs!)
Get involvedThere is an active Boosters Club for parents of band, orchestra and chorus at all levels of school across D.P.S.Get to know other parents in the Dracut Performing Arts Community.
Course Summary: Chorus is an elective musical ensemble. Students work together to sing musical works for the purpose of concerts and evaluation. Students in middle school chorus will learn the basics of how to follow sheet music and will sing in two, three and four part harmonies. Over the course of the year, students will sing and memorize more than five works including the Star Spangled Banner.
7th/8th Grade Chorus
Concerts and Events 10/19/2024 Halloween Dance (The Halloween Dance is not a performance but is a fun opportunity for your child to dress up and play games with other ensemble members from RMS and DHS. *12/10/2024 Winter Concert This is a graded performance. Attendance is mandatory. 4/11/2025 Festival of the Arts at Six Flags New England. Attendance is optional and fees will apply.*5/15/2025 District Chorus Concert This is a graded performance. Attendance is mandatory. Telethon and Spring Sing information has not yet been released. Performance dates and times for these events will be distributed closer to the day of the event when information is obtained. Students in multiple ensembles will have additional concerts associated with their other performance groups.
Daily Agenda:StretchesWake-up exercisesTechnical ExercisesLiteracy ExercisesRepertoire
7th/8th Grade Chorus p2
Repertoire:This year's theme is Disney music. Students received their sheet music this morning.Although I'd love it to be a suprise for the concerts, the expectation is that students are practicing at home :)Audiofiles and sheet music copies can be found on their Google Classroom, so students can leave their music at school in their folders.
Voice Parts:At the beginning of the year, students were range-tested and sorted into Soprano I, Soprano II, Alto I, Alto II/Tenor and Baritone. These voice parts do not define the unique qualities of your child's voice!!! They are just terms we use to tell them which part to sing in choral music. Your children are still growing and their voices are still developing! These voice parts will change as their headvoices strengthen and their chest voices deepen.
What can you do as a parent to help?
Encourage your child to practiceThere are audio-files of all music on G.C. for them to practice with and sheet music for them to look at
Say kind things about their singing voiceChoral singing is primarily done in head-voice, which is typically weaker and requires training. When children feel vulnerable and discouraged from singing in head-voice, they will avoid using it and it will become harder to do so.
Respectfully watch their performancesYour children spend months working on two to three songs and only perform them once on a stage. Children whose adults watch their performances feel more loved and secure. This makes them more comfortable trying new things (like complex harmonies or new songs!)
Get involvedThere is an active Boosters Club for parents of band, orchestra and chorus at all levels of school across D.P.S.Get to know other parents in the Dracut Performing Arts Community.
Show Choir
Students looking for a challenge are encouraged to Audition for our after-school Show Choir Club.Much like the high school, they will work together to performe a song/dance routine that features contemporary music and engages the audience.This club is not a requirement, nor is it a graded course.The PTO requires a small fee of ten dollars per student to retain funding. Show Choir Music is an opportunity for advanced students to perform more challenging repertoire and for students who do not take chorus to explore the arts.
Auditions will be held on October 3rd after schoolOnly 12 students will be selected via an audition points systemRehearsals begin Thursday October 10th from 1:45-2:45(Students who are also in the musical are encouraged to do both)
Guitar Ensemble
Many students take to the guitar unit in their general music or have a guitar at home and want to learn more. Guitar ensemble is an opportunity for students to perform music on the guitar in multi-part harmony. It's like a chorus made of guitars. Students do not have to own a guitar, but they are encouraged to so that they can practice. Children are welcome to use their own instruments from home. If their guitar is electric, they must also bring a small amp (15 inches or less) as they will not be provided for them.Sheet music, tablature and tutorials will all be provided on Google Classroom.Performance date is TBA based on enrollmentGuitar ensemble starts Wednesday October 9th after school in room 122 and meets weekly from 1:45-2:45
Musical Theater
Every Year RMS puts on a musical theater production. Last year, students performed Willy Wonka Jr. and the year prior, Seussical the Musical Jr. Although this year's production can not be announced yet, I strongly encourage all parents to attend the informational meeting on October 23rd to meet the rest of the team and learn more.THE TEAM:Musical Director: Ms. Arena (General Music and Chorus)Stage Direction: Mrs. Fortier (7th Grade English)Choreography: Mrs. Frasier (7th Grade Social Studies)Production: Ms. Wood (Central Office)
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