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Proactively engage plan members to optimize their coverage and save on healthcare spend through Reclaim's claims-driven healthcare financial advocacy platform.

Reclaim Health

Proposed agenda.


  • Introductions (Keith): 5 min
  • Recap Previous Call (Keith): 5 min
  • Demo User Experience (Nataly): 15 min
  • Discuss Analytics (Dogu): 15 min
  • Questions and Discussion (All): 15 min
  • Next Steps (Keith): 5 min

CRO | Commercial leader

Scott Fillenworth

CTO | Tech leader

Chris Quirk

CEO, Board Director

Nataly Youssef

Chief Strategy Officer Health expert

Dogu Celebi

Board DirectorPartnerPillar VC

Jamie Goldstein

Chief Data Science Board DirecorAnalytics Chair at MIT

Dimitris Bertsimas

Board DirectorFormer COO CVS Health

Jon Roberts

VP Business Ops

Michele Lowe

Reclaim's vision was created by a team of health, insurance, and technology experts who also happen to be patients and caregivers. We are empowered by software and algorithms designed and built by MIT researchers.

Reclaim was spun out of MIT with the purpose of helping families manage their healthcare dollars and optimize their health coverage.


Recap previous conversation


  • Introduced to Reclaim through Emperyan
  • Currently using HDMS, which is being sunsetted
  • Aetna is medical, dental, and vision
  • Have MSK, 2nd MD, Spring Health, Maven, Calm, FitOn, Fidelity, LearnLux, Sleepio/Daylight, Big Health.
  • Requirements Doc Shared

Claims-driven billing, spend, underwriting and coverage insights

Simulation optimization personalizing recommendations

RECLAIM overview

AI-generated health events and bill savings

Itemized medical & Rx claims

track every dollar

Bill corrections, reversals, and reimbursements


Voluntary payouts, ancillary programs, network savings.

select right coverage

Save $950 by switching to the low cost plan

Claims-driven. AI-DRIVEN. Proactive.

Collaborative filtering predicting care utilization over time

From buying the right health insurance to saving on their healthcare bills.

Reclaim is an AI-powered healthcare financial advocacy platform helping families manage their health spend.

Reclaim proactively reviews the user's healthcare bills and highlights ways they can save on cost.

save on bills

RECLAIM overview

Reclaim proactively reviews the user's healthcare bills and highlights ways they can save on cost.

RECLAIM overview

save on bills

RECLAIM overview

OPTIMIZE coverage

Reclaim personalizes coverage recommendations in the context of the user's own recent health visits.

RECLAIM overview

OPTIMIZE coverage

Reclaim personalizes coverage recommendations in the context of the user's own recent health visits.

  • 74.1% activated for new groups
  • 84.8% activated for existing groups

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High activation rates unlock our proactive engagement throughout the year.

Reclaim is offered to ALL plan members. Reclaim accesses employees across patient cohorts, demographic segments, and coverage needs.

78.8% of employees activated Reclaim across all groups (new or existing).

High activation rates

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- 1 -

60.1% of engaged employees adopt Reclaim's recommendations.

Reclaim Health
Get started with Livongo today

Hi Taylor, we reviewed your bill for your Aug 5 visit. No charges other than your copay. Tap here to review the details and get started on a personalized action plan with Livongo, completely free of charge to you.

Reclaim proactively engages members throughout the year in the context of their own claims/bills, highlighting voluntary payouts, care management programs, and other ancillary programs and network considerations.

Of those activated, 70.5% employees proactively engaged throughout the year in the context of their bills.

High engagement rates

Here's a breakdown of prominent types of bill savings, per employee with 2023 qualifying events:

  • $2,630 in voluntary benefit payouts
  • $770 in bill corrections.
  • $580 in reimbursements by providers for reversed claim charges

Reclaim Health
Hospital payout has been approved!


Hi Taylor, Brenda here from Reclaim. I have some great news: your $1,100 hospital payout has been approved! The funds should show up directly in your bank account within 5 business days. Tap here to chat if you have questions!

Oh my absolute pleasure! I am working on reviewing the services billed by Dr. Johnson for your March 5th visit. Some of the charges were recently reversed by your insurance. I will get back to you shortly with next steps.

$1,960 in average employee bill savings per employee for qualifying events.

OMG!!! Thank you!!

Employees save money

Page 5

Compare these savings to:

  • $1,606.7 overpaid overall on current plan for employees that are yet to activate Reclaim.
  • $937.6 overpaid overall on current plan for activated employees that have not run a recommendation.


$753 in average employee overall savings per employee trusting Reclaim's recommendations.

Employees save money

Page 6

  • For network-efficient plans (tiered, reference-based), 6x increase in adoption, with 95.6% retention rate (84.8% for those yet to activate Reclaim)
  • Proactively linking 78.0% of employees with diabetes and 80.2% with asthma to care management programs, in the context of bills related to their asthma/diabetes care.


87% increase in 2024 cost-effective plan adoption compared to adoption before Reclaim rollout.

Improved benefit utilization

average cost differential across all employees: ~$23 PMPM

average cost differential across all employees: ~$57 PEPM

  • We've followed a cohort of employees across groups that were fully covered by their employer coverage for both 2022 and 2023.
  • We do not attribute these claim savings to Reclaim. Rather, we are highlighting correlations, not cause and effect. This is most likely the effect of amplifying the employer's benefit and cost containment strategies, combined with Reclaim's deployment to ALL plan members and high engagement rates.


Engaged employees exhibit lower cost trends compared to those yet to activate or adopt Reclaim recommendations.

Amplify cost containment strategies

Engage your team and employer clients with real-time access to activation and engagement insights and actionable targeted member communications.

Optimize member communications informed by actionable savings opportunities.

TO YOU AND employers

Targeted communications

Integrating detailed claims data for each of your employer clients, Reclaim's offers aggregate insights and sensitivity analysis to simulate product-member fit to personalize your benefit offering to your own plan members needs.

Simulate your healthcare benefitdesign given your plan members' specific needs.

TO YOU AND employers

Simulate benefit strategies


AI algorithms highlighting billing and/or adjudication errors given event context.


AI-generated health events and bill savings

Uncover billing and adjudication errors


Incl. diagnosis, service, location, denial codes. Direct from carriers via data agreements.

In partnership with large employers, we ingest claims for all covered members, including 3-5 years of historicals and ongoing incremental data.

It all starts with the detailed medical and Rx claims data.


Detailed claims data


Contextualize claims into health events

AI-generated health events and bill savings



Collaborative filtering ALGORITHM predicting care needs over time

Takes attributes of recent events as features. ML yields distribution of evolving care needs.


Match to people with similar health events

AI proactively recommends actions through the lens of people like me.

simulation optimization recommending health coverage

AI-generated health events and bill savings


















Simulation optimization computes out of pocket cost for utilization scenarios across distribution of similar patients.

Collaborative filtering ALGORITHM predicting care needs over time

SIMULation optimization

Optimize recommendations and minimize financial risk

Takes attributes of recent events as features. ML yields distribution of evolving care needs.


Match to people with similar health events

AI proactively recommends actions through the lens of people like me.