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Ark's Approach to Reading

The what and the why

Key leadership questions

Key Reading

Models of excellence

Developing practice and expertise

Foundational expectations

Reading is a source of knowledge and agency. All children should have equitable access to the benefits and pleasure of being able to read well, and the opportunities that it provides in their lives. Children who attend Ark schools should expect to be able to read at or above their chronological age – it is their entitlement and our responsibility. We aim to rapidly close the provision gap to enable all pupils to read at or above their chronological age. While we've made good progress in this, there are still too many children who are not able to access the curriculum and are in danger of falling further behind. We will address this by building teacher and leader expertise in reading across our schools, deploying interventions w hich rapidly improve reading, ensuring that across the curriculum and beyond pupils get ample reading practice to build fluency. Carefully selected and skilfully enacted strategies will support all pupils to access well-chosen and engaging texts and thus establish a culture which places reading at the heart of the provision.

  • Do all teachers, support staff and leaders understand the vision for reading at your school?
  • Is reading prioritised in your AIP?
  • Is reading embedded into your wider review cycle?
  • Are you confident that your reading age data is accurate, and your diagnostic assessments ensure interventions match specific need?
  • Do you have capacity in place for all pupils that are behind in their reading to get the right intervention and remain on it until they have caught up? What plans are in place to build/sustain capacity to ensure consistency of high quality intervention provision for all pupils in need?
  • Do you know which interventions are having an impact? Do you take action to ensure any weaknesses are identified and addressed swiftly?
  • Do teachers and other staff confidently model reading aloud across and outside of the curriculum?
  • Does the curriculum, as appropriate to subject, include well written and engaging texts which support the learning intention?
  • Do you ensure all pupils gain the reading practice (eyes on text) they need to build fluency?
  • Are teachers considering accessibility of text and how strategies might support this when planning their lessons?
  • Have you considered appropriate book match for pupils (reading age and interest) in all strands of your provision?
  • Are library visits high leverage?
  • Do you know how your pupils feel about reading, how often they read and what they think about the text choices within the curriculum?
  • Are parents actively engaged in supporting their children to read?
  • Do you have a clear plan to develop the culture and profile of reading over time? provision.

DFE: The Reading Framework – Teaching the foundations of LiteracyThe National Reading Panel Report: Practical Advice for TeachersEEF: Improving Literacy in KS1EEF: Improving Literacy in KS2EEF: Improving Literacy in KS3Ark Early Reading Guide for SecondariesArk Early Reading Guide for Primaries

Annual NGRT Test for all pupils

Accurate diagnosis of need

Well-targeted intervention for all below CRA

Phonics Programme

Reading assessment and intervention model strategies

Reading Fluency and Comprehension

Early Reading Guides


Signature Strategies: Reading

Culture of Reading

Reading for Pleasure


Curriculum & Assessment

Reading across the curriculum - Ark Soane