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a sociedade politica na grecia antiga

Disciplina:AINTFeito por: Reyssila S.Nº 11


  • A Democracia Ateniense

How much information does our brain retain through visual stimuli such as images, interactivity,or animation?


Write here thewrong answer

Write here the correct answer

Write here thewrong answer

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to tell and are a support to add additional information?


Write here thewrong answer

Write here thecorrect answer

Write here thewrong answer

Did you know that multimedia content is essential for achieving a WOW effect in the classroom?






Did you know that the window allowsyou to add broader content?


Write here the wrong answer

Write here the correct answer

Write here the wrong answer

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to tell and they are a support to add additional information?



It is clear that, when it comes to learning, the emotional component is a driving force, but how do you think it influences the achievement of learning objectives?


correct answer

Write here thewrong answer

Write here thewrong answer

Write here thecorrect answer

Write here thewrong answer

Did you know that multimedia content is essential to achieve a WOWeffect in the classroom?


Write here the wrong answer

Write here the correct answer

Write here the wrong answer

Did you know that images illustrate what you want to convey and are a support to add additional information?


Write here thewrong answer

Write here thecorrect answer

How much information does our brain retain through visual stimuli such as images, interactivitiesor animations?

Write here thewrong answer



How much information does our brain retain through visual stimuli such as images, interactivitiesor animations?


Watch out! You've made a mistake, caveman

A democracia ateniense foi um marco importante no desenvolvimento da democracia moderna, mas é fundamental entender suas diferenças em relação ao conceito atual. Aqui estão alguns pontos-chave sobre a democracia ateniense:

A Democracia Ateniense

  • Conceito de cidadão: Em Atenas, apenas os homens gregos e livres eram considerados cidadãos, o que representava uma minoria da população. Isso significa que a democracia ateniense não era uma democracia da maioria, apesar de ser direta.
  • Origem da democracia: A democracia ateniense foi conquistada após disputas de poder e conflitos entre diferentes grupos sociais (comerciantes, artesãos e camponeses) e a aristocracia (os eupátridas ou bem-nascidos).
  • Reformas de Sólon: No século VI a.C., o magistrado Sólon foi escolhido para encaminhar uma reforma nas leis, criando um tribunal do povo e estabelecendo a Eclésia e a Bulé.
  • Eclésia e Bulé: A Eclésia reunia todos os cidadãos maiores de 18 anos e nascidos em Atenas, enquanto a Bulé era um conselho formado por homens eleitos.

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