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Roadmap Unit 3 Timeline

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Navigation Acts

French and Indian War

Sugar Act

Quartering Act

Tea Act

First Continental Congress

Common Sense

Albany Plan

Pontiac's Rebellion

Stamp Act

Boston Massacure

Intolerable Acts

Second Congretional Congress

Declaration of Independence

This caused resentment to build within the colonists. They felt it was a violation of their rights. This resentment later grew until they started taking decisive actions that would cause a rift between the colonists and britain. This rift would eventually grow into the American Revolution

Description: The Navigation Acts were a set of laws made by the british as a way to limit trade for colonies. This was done by making the colonies able to only trade with Britain.

Navigation Acts

This war was fought between the British colonies and their Native American allies against the French and their Native American allies. The main target of this war was the Ohio River Valley which was extremely fertile and the middle part of the Americas. The main problem was that the British was extremely poor due to this battle. In addition, many colonists were forced to fight in the war against the French. This war influenced why the British passed the acts in the future, as they needed money and felt like the colonists owed them money for protecting them; however, they did have profits too as they earned significant land gains in the Americans. Many colonists felt that it was unfair that many of them were pulled into the battlefield while having more taxes later on. It's safe to say that this war was the main starting point of the spite that the colonists will have later on in the American Revolution.

French and Indian War

A meeting of delegates from the 12 out of the 13 colonies. This discussion was brought out as a result of the Intolerable Acts, where the colonists felt that they were being unfairly treated. The result was a boycott of British goods until the acts were reverted.Though similar to the Albany Plan where colonists had met together to discuss what to do against a foreign threat, it is still very different as now the colonists are considering separating from the British crown and were extremely angry with how "selfish" the British were being. We can see the growing tension between the colonists and the crown. This would later cause the Second Continental Congress due to the British still keeping the Intolerable Acts despite the colonist's efforts.

First Congretional Congress

Historical Skill: his resulted in the proclomation line. The proclamation line led to colonists anger towards the british. The colonists felt that not being able to settle beyond a certain point was unfair and a violation of their rights. This development led to colonists disobeying the crown and creating more conflict. Eventually this led to to the American Revolution.

Description: Pontiac's Rebellion was a nnative american led rebellion against the british. Pontiac started this rebellion as a result of british laws being made that threatened native american land

Pontiac's Rebellion

After the Boston Tea Party, where the colonists had dumped massive amounts of tea into the Boston harbor in protest, British soldiers came to the Boston harbor. A riot started, and resulted in 5 of the colonists being shot dead. This was a result of the brewing spite that the colonists had, especially towards the Townshedd Act. The colonists felt that their complaints were falling on deaf ears and felt that the situation overall was unfair. This was similar to the French and Indian War as it was another moment where the colonists hatred had spiked up, a breakthrough of sorts. The British crown, however, was angry at the fact that the colonists, who came from and had been ruled by the British, were rebelling against the royalty.

Boston Massacure

Historical Skill: This changed from the previous molasses act. This act had similar principles and goals but was enforced more heavily. This new extreme enforcement caused the colonists to dislike britain further. This dislike eventually turned into to strong hatred. This hatred caused the colonists to come together and seek reform from britain. When reform was rejected the colonists' anger led to the American Revolution

Description: The Sugar act was an act that aimed to curb smuggling of sugar and molasses. This was done to force the colonists into only buying from britain. Smuggling saw extreme scrutiny.

Sugar Act

The offical and formal document detailing the reasons why the colonists are seperating from the crown and the fundemental ideals that the government will uphold. This document will heavily influence future events (even to this day many people use this for their political ideals). This began the American Revolution with many dying from the war and the eventual defeat of the British. It is also noteworthy to mention that the document was heavily influenced by Enlightment ideals, similar to the Common Sense pamphlet like the natural rights mentioned by John Locke.

Declaration of Independence

When the tension with the British and French were tightening, the colonists decided to gather together to form a self-government in defense against the French proposed by Benjamin Franklin. Though the British government shut it down, it showed that the colonies were able to run their own government and prevent the Iroquois from teaming up with the French. This plan was only approved by 7 of the 13 colonies as a lot of colonists still feared about a centralized government inside the colonies. Despite its relativelly "unsuccesful" attempt, it helped to have an early attempt to the colonist's unification as it would make future talks between the colonies easier. The British government showed that they fear that the colonies having too much authority. This is different from the events later on as we can see that the colonists still want to be a part of the British government, a far cry from the spite that the colonists will have later on

Albany Plan

Historical Skill: This is a direct cause of the American Revolution. By acting as a government they created and organized many services and people like the navy. which led to a stable group that had the ability to fight against the British Crown. This led to direct conflict as the British felt threatened and fought to try to bring them under their control.

Description: The Second Continental Congress convened after the the hostilities between both groups reached a boiling point and caused real conflict. Also worked as a national government to bring the colonies together.

Second Continental Congress

Historical skill: The tea act direcly caused the American Revolution. The act led to the Boston Tea Party which was done as a response to the tea act. This act of rebellion eventually led to the intolerable acts which created even more tension between the british and the colonists. which would eventually cause the American Revolution.

Description: The tea act was passed as a way to aid the British East India Company in selling of their supply of tea. This gave the company a monoply that allowed them to be the sole tea seller.

Tea act

Historical Skill: This is different from previous acts that only seeked to impose taxes. This act directly took basic rights of property away from the colonists. This was a partial cause of the boston massacre as the resentment of being forced to allow british soldiers to stay in your home caused further resentment and rebellion. These actions eventually led to british soldiers firing and killing colonists in the boston massacre. This was a important cause of the American Revolution.

Description: The Quartering act was an act that allowed british soldiers to take refuge in any colonists' homes. The colonists also must accomodate the soldiers. This included food, drinks , fuel , and transportation.

Quartering act

Historical Skill: This is similar to previous acts that caused taxation on certain products like the sugar act and the tea act. This act caused taxation on a larger group of products. Due to this a huge amount of people were affected. This led to rebelling groups becoming popular like the sons of liberty. Who played a crucial role in the events leading up to the revolution like the boston tea party.

Description: The Stamp Act imposed taxes on most printed materials including: Commercial papers, legal papers, newspapers, pamphelts, and playing cards.

Stamp Act

The Intolerable Acts was a series of measures implemented by the British. First, the Boston harbor would be closed unless the colonists had paid equal to the amount of tea lost in the Boston tea Party. Second, their charter was abrogated the colony’s charter of 1691, reducing it to the level of a crown colony. Third, British officers were allowed to do trial in England instead of in the colonies. Lastly, they reinforced the Quartering ActsThis was a continuation of the "retribution" that the British crown felt that the colonists owed them. Despite this being the exact reason why the colonists were angry with the crown that started in the French and Indian War, the British thought that stricter rules would somehow convince the colonists to submit to the British. This act convinced the colonists that they had to do something or else they would be slapped with even more unfair policies.

Intolerable Acts

AA pamphlet written by Thomas Paine trying to persuade the colonists to hold up arms against the British government.. It detailed that the government was meant to help and serve the people, listening to the complaints and the concerns of the people, yet the crown was governing how they deem fit instead.This was a result of the Enlightment ideals. With promoted literacy among the population, many were able to read and understand the pamphlet, fueling their rage against the British. Not only this, but it also advocated for more freedom by the people, which was another Enlightenment principle. With more colonists on board with the idea of the seperation of the crown, it helped making the discussion of the Declaration of Independence even easier. Lastly, it helped with the foundations that the colonists will utilize to make a government.

Common Sense