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  1. Introduction
  2. Course assessment challenges
  3. Risk Assessment
  4. AI Action Plan

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Designer/Facilitator: Panagiota Tzanni

AI Action Plan for Introduction To AI for EAP tutors

© 2020 - 2023 Digital Learning Institute. All rights reserved.

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The goal of this plan is to assist students to create a clear business case, risk analysis and establishing a plan of action for utilising generative AI tools in your organisation.  This plan will also serve as the assessment for the AI for Learning certification programme. Use the assessment that you created in challenges 1 – 4 to create a risk analysis and action plan for your company or institution.

Purpose of Action Plan

Part 1 – Course Description

I am designing a professional development course targeted to EAP (English for Academic Purposes) Tutors who work in higher education institutions in the UK and China.

  • Audience: EAP Tutors with a basic understanding of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and tech skills
  • Outcomes: By the end of this course, EAP Tutors will be better equipped to update their courses and show learners how to use AI tools more responsibly and efficiently.
  • Learning experience: Learners will have access to online videos, screencasts and at least three live sessions. The VLE will also include core and additional readings and online activities, such as quizzes and H5Ps.
  • Assessment: Learners will be asked to design or adapt two learning activities with the use of any AI tools. They should find at least one AI tool to incorporate.

Part 1 - Course description

Part 2 – Project AssessmentYour Previous Challenges

Challenge 1 - Analyse

Challenge 1 - Design

Challenge 2 - Develop

Challenge 3 - Implement

Challenge 4 - Evaluate

Part 3 - Risk Assessment

Action Planning

Risk Response Development



As you consider implementing AI in your organisation, it's important to identify potential risks and develop a plan to manage them. To help with this process, you'll be guided through the creation of a risk management plan, step-by-step.

Part 3 - Risk Management



Green Zone (Low Risk) Ethical Concerns Regarding AI Use




Yellow Zone (Moderate Risk) Time Management Issues Resource Constraints

Red Zone (Major Risk). Resistance to Change

A simple method for assessing risk is scenario analysis. This involves considering the likelihood of a risk event occurring and the potential impact it could have. Please use the chart below to plot any identified risks.

Risk Assessment

Manage the risk using the table below. Score as follows, for Likelihood and Impact: High = 3, Medium = 2, Low = 1

Part 3 - Risk Response and Control

Part 4 - AI Action Plan

Part 4 – Action Plan