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The British Empire


Davide De Peron, Massimo Olivotto


The Commonwealth

What kind of Empire was it?

The role as colonisers

The economy of the Empire

The expansion of the Empire (pt2)

The expansion of the Empire (pt1)

The origins of the english imperialism


The first tentative steps toward the establishment of the British Empire began with overseas settlements in the 16th century. Great Britain's maritime expansion accelerated in the 17th century and resulted in the establishment of settlements in North America and the West Indies. The East India Company began establishing trading posts in India in 1600, and in 1651 The great Navigation Act was passed. This and other Navigation Acts eventually create a closed economy between Britain and its colonies. All colonial exports have to be shipped on English ships to the British market, and all colonial imports have to come by way of England.

the origins of the english imperialism

  • Elizabeth I and James I

  • Map of Maryland colony

New Zealand became officially British in 1840, after which systematic colonization there followed rapidly. In the wake of the Indian Mutiny (1857), the British crown assumed the East India Company’s governmental authority in India. Cyprus, which was, like Gibraltar and Malta, a link in the chain of communication with India through the Mediterranean, was occupied in 1878. Hong Kong island became British in 1841.

The expansion of the Empire

After the 1857 Indian Mutiny, India came under direct rule by Britain, and Queen Victoria was crowned Empress of India by the British prime minister, in 1877.


Part 1

The greatest 19th-century extension of British power took place in Africa. Britain took over Egypt in 1882. In the second half of the century, the Empire began to extend British influence in Nigeria. The Imperial Companies operated in what are now Kenya, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Malawi. Britain’s victory in the South African War (1899–1902) enabled it to annex some territories and to create the Union of South Africa in 1910. The resulting chain of British territories stretching from South Africa northward to Egypt realized an enthusiastic British public’s idea of an African empire extending “from the Cape to Cairo.”



The expansion of the Empire

19th Century: -Area of 4 million square miles -More than 400 million people The largest empire in history.

The main imports were: raw cotton, sugar, wool, silk, tea, lumber, wine, linen, hides and tallow.

The economy of the Empire

In 1867, British exports to its Empire totaled 50 million pounds. They were from India, second was Australia, followed by Canada, Hong Kong , Singapore and New Zealand.

  • A map of the main ocean's routes.

The Slavery Abolition Act 1833 abolished slavery in the British Empire from 1 August 1834.


It was believed that the English should impose their superior lifestyles, laws and policies on the natives.


the role as colonisers

Because the British came into contact with and subdued vastly different areas at different times, they were able to shape imperial and colonial policy gradually, adapting to different realities and producing an empire united in name but varied in fact.

what kind of Empire was it?

Over time, various countries within the British Empire gained different levels of independence. At the 1926 Imperial Conference, it was agreed that Britain and the Dominions were equal members of a community within the Empire. Although they all owed allegiance to the British monarch, the United Kingdom no longer ruled them. This community became known as the British Commonwealth of Nations, or simply the Commonwealth.

The early Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is one of the world’s oldest political associations of states. Its roots go back to the British Empire, when countries around the world were ruled by Britain.


The Commonwealth

The Dominions and other territories of the British Empire gradually became fully independent of the United Kingdom.At a Commonwealth Prime Ministers meeting in 1949, the London Declaration said that republics and other countries could be part of the Commonwealth. The modern Commonwealth of Nations was born.

Birth of the modern Commonwealth






The Indian Mutiny was a widespread but unsuccessful rebellion against British rule in India in 1857–59. Started by Indian troops in the service of the British East India Company, it spread throughout the country. In India it is also called First War of Independence and other similar names.


The Opium Wars were two conflicts in China during the mid-19th century. The First Opium War was between China and Great Britain, triggered by China's efforts to stop the illegal opium trade led by British merchants. The Second Opium War involved Great Britain and France against China, as the Western powers sought to gain more commercial privileges in the region.

The Opium Wars