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once upon a time...

c0nosci il bosco incantato?

La Lepre Veloce

La Volpe Astuta

Il Gufo Saggio

Chi custodisce la prima chiave magica nel Bosco Incantato?

Question 1/4

Il Gufo Saggio

La Lepre Veloce

Il Drago Gentile

Question 2/4

Quale animale sfida i bambini a una gara per ottenere la chiave?

La primaver torn al villaggio

L'inverno eterno continua

Il Bosco si trasforma in una foresta oscura

Che cosa succede quando i bambini trovano tutte e quattro e chiavi?

Question 3/4




Quale qualità i bambini devono dimostrare al Drago Gentile?

Question 4/4

You have gathered all the animals on the farm.Here's a gift to play with them.

Well done!

Correct answer

Incorrect answer

Incorrect answer

What percentage of our brain is involved in processing visual stimuli, such as images, interactivities, or animation?

Question 7/10

Did you know that images are a support to add information?

Question 8/10

Correct answer

Incorrect answer

Did you know that images are an aesthetic resource that tell stories by themselves?

Question 9/10

Incorrect answer

Correct answer

Incorrect answer

Did you know the window allows for wider content?

Question 10/10

You have gathered all the animals on the farm.Here's a gift to play with them.

Well done!

Place the little animals

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Volver a la granja


It got dark andyou haven't finished your tasks!


Oh no! The animals have escaped and we need your help to gather them. Answer the questions correctly to find them and be careful! If you fail, you may lose them all.