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Benchmark Professional Development

Jessica EllisEDU 585 - Designing Effective Professional DevelopmentDr. Denise StevensJuly 31, 2024

What is student engagement?Why is student engagement important to Oxford Academy High School?

student engagement

At the end of today's professional development teachers will be able to:

teacher goals

Use resources to increase student engagement

Implement student engagement strategies in their classroom

Determine how motivation and student engagement are related.

Define student engagement

Goal 1 teachers will be able to define student engagement. Goal 2 teachers will be able to determine how engagement and motivation are relatedGoal 3 teachers will be able to implement student engagement strategies in their classroom.Goal 4 teachers will be able to use resources to increase student engagement.

Write a subtitle here

Student engagement is the attention and interest students show in what they are learning.There are five different types on engagement: social, behavioral, emotional, intellectual, and physical (Kramer Ertel, 2022).According to Kramer Ertel (2022) we hit two to three of these during a class period but are likely to miss some. Being aware of the five different types of engagement will help us as teachers to hit more of them more often. Student engagement is important to Oxford Academy High School because it helps students learn and retain information. Engaged students retain more knowledge and therefore do better on tests and projects. In today's society it is hard to keep students engaged. As teachers we need to do all we can to engage our students in class daily.

Presenter notes pgs 2 + 3

(Kramer Ertel, 2022)

This is paragraph of text waiting to be awesome content


Ice breaker

Motivation and engagement are two different things that are often confusedMotivation is needed for engagement.Engagement can lead to future motivation (Parrish, 2022)

Motivation and egagement

The key to engagement is motivation. If students are motivated to learn something they will become engaged during class. "Research suggests that educators can predict students’ motivation responses based on whether they value the task and can expect to succeed at it" (Neebe & Sikora, 2022). "By middle school, only half of students are engaged, and by high school the number of engaged students shrinks to about one-third" (Parrish. 2022). "Motivation is necessary for engagement, but successful engagement could also help students to feel motivated in the future" (Parrish, 2022).

Presenter notes page 6

Student Choice
Gamify Learning

strategies to increase engagement

Student choice empowers studentsGive 2- 3 options for projectsAllow students to choose which problems they want to do for homeworkWork alone or with a partnerFor the next 5 minutes I would you to either discuss with your table or write down on a paper ways you can give students choices in your classroom.

Enhance student engagement by gamifying learning.PlickersKahootKhan AcademyThingLinkGimKitTake 5 minutes to play the GimKit link:

Student choice is a great way to empower students. When students feel like they have a choice in what they are doing to demonstrate their learning they become more motivated which leads to more engagement. One way to do this is to give students 2 - 3 choices to complete a project. The choices could be essay, poster, and model. The students can choose whichever one best suits their talents. Another way to allow choice is through homework. If you are going to assign 10 problems for homework you can let the students pick which 10 they want to answer. Another great student choice is working alone or with a partner. Some students do not like working with others and some love it. It is really up to the student to do what they like best. These are all really simple student choices that can be done in any classroom. When students have a choice they feel like they have a voice in your classroom.

Write a subtitle here

Gamifying learning can help with student engagement. There are many great resources out there to gamify learning. The first one I want to talk about is Plickers. This resource requires minimum technology. Only the teacher needs a tablet or cell phone to scan the room for student responses. Students are each given a plicker card and turn it different ways to give a multiple choice answer. The teacher then scans the room with their device and the device records their answers and creates data.Next is Kahoot. Kahoot requires each individual to have a device to answer questions. Students get more points for answering fast. This is great for a little classroom competition to keep students engaged and motivated. Khan Academy has videos and whole curriculums that students can work through at their own pace. Teachers can assign work to students for extra practice as necessary. It gives instant feedback which kids love. ThingLink can be used to create interactive class materials, escape rooms, do virtual field trips and so much more. We will know watch the video on ThingLink,We will work through GimKit together using one I premade for today's workshop.


10-2-2 Method
Use of a timer

Strategies to increase Student engagement

10 minutes of instruction2 minutes of individual reflection2 minutes of reflection with others i

Keeps students focusedHelps them to stay on taskCan give additional time if necessary or take away timeAttention on teacher when timer goes offCuts down on behavior issues

Students have a limited attention span. When teaching we should do no more than 1o minutes of instruction at a time. After the 10 minutes students need time to absorb and reflect on the information they just learned. After the 10 minutes use a timer to give the students 2 minutes individually to reflect on what they just learned. After those 2 minutes give the students another 2 minutes to reflect in a small group or with a partner, "Shared experiences as a whole class or in teams teach students to depend on one another" (Beaton, 2022). Being able to reflect with other students can clear up misconceptions and help those struggling.

A timer is a great way to keep students focused. Students should always know how much time they have to complete a task. When a teacher says I'll give you a couple minutes they do not really understand what that means. If you notice that students need more or less time you just announce to the class that you are adding or taking away time. You start by saying I'm giving you this many minutes to answer this question. Then you ask 2 students how many minutes you are giving them and what they are supposed to be doing during that time. When the timer goes off the attention immediately goes back to the teacher.Using a timer cuts down on student behavior issues because there is less unstructured time.

Presenter notes page 10

Supplemental Resources

Supplemental Resources

Teachers will engage in small group discussion at the end of the professional development


What additional trainings would you like to see based on today's professional development?

What other suggestions do you have to increase student engagement?

Which strategy to increase student engagement would you like more information on?

What is one thing you learned today that you can use immediately in your classroom?

Please take a few moments to fill out the satisfaction survey. Click here to follow the link

Satisfaction Survey

Neebe, D., & Sikora, S. (2022, January 25). What students have to say about improving engagement. ASCD. https://ascd.org/el/articles/what-students-have-to-say-about-improving-engagement

Beaton, A. (2022, October 27). Keeping older students engaged all year long. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/keeping-older-students-engaged-all-year-long/

Kramer Ertel, P. (2022, July 27). 10 better ways to engage your students. Harvard Business Publishing Education. https://hbsp.harvard.edu/inspiring-minds/10-creative-ways-to-better-engage-your-students

Parrish, N. (2022, November 17). To increase student engagement, focus on motivation. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/to-increase-student-engagement-focus-on-motivation/



Contextualize your topic
  • Plan the structure of your communication.
  • Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
  • Add secondary messages with interactivity.
  • Establish a flow through the content.
  • Measure results.