Amanda - The Procurement Insider: July
Veolia USA Team
Created on September 17, 2024
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For Internal Use Only
Procurement Insider
Sourcing, Savings, Simplification, Support, and Sustainability
Inside This Edition:Fraud Case Study with Deshay MilasCorporate Cards and Expense ManagementProcurement UpdatesMeet the Purchasing CommunityCompliance Corner: After the Fact Purchases
July 2024
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
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Table of Contents
Questions or feedback? Let us know here.
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Deshay Milas, Vice President, Internal ControlJeff Crowley, Vice President, Procurement and Chief Procurement Officer
Procurement Insider Introduction
Welcome to the second edition of the Procurement Insider! This quarter, Procurement and Internal Control are teaming up to shine a spotlight on expense management, corporate credit cards, and fraud prevention.Inside, you'll find a real-life case of credit card fraud at VNA, underscoring the importance of transparency, accountability, and risk management throughout the procurement lifecycle. We've included practical resources to support your corporate card usage and expense management. Why is this important for you and VNA? In today's global supply chains, expense management is crucial for an efficient, ethical, and value-driven procurement function. Internal controls enable procurement to operate with integrity, optimize spend, and build trusted supplier relationships. Additionally, don't miss the procurement updates on page 9, including the latest chemical market reports, our new ticketing system, and the improved vendor request form. You can also meet our purchasing champions and learn about our One to One scavenger hunt winners. Finally, make sure to test your knowledge of "after the fact" purchases in the compliance corner section, and gain insights into how Procurement and Internal Control collaborate to enhance our purchasing practices and drive organizational success.
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Click the arrows to learn about a $32K corporate card fraud case study. Analyze the vulnerabilities that were exploited and how you can safeguard against similar situations.
Q: For general context, can you share how many corporate card frauds VNA has been a victim of over the last 12 months?
Q: What are the repercussions for this type of misuse?
Q: How can individuals raise concerns about red flags they see with travel and expense transactions?
Q: Can you share the details of one of these cases with us?
An interview with Deshay Milas, Vice President of Internal Control
Q: Were there any takeaways from the investigation?
Maintaining effective controls is crucial for organizations to prevent and detect fraud. At the forefront of this battle is the Internal Control team, led by Deshay Milas, who has played a key role in helping to strengthen VNA's internal control environment.Deshay shares her insights into a recent fraud case study on the next page.
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Fraud Insight
I am a Regulated employee. Is anything different for me?
What do I do if my corporate credit card is declined or stolen/lost?
When and why might a corporate card be suspended?
Fraud Insight
What purchases are allowed and prohibited on a P-Card?
Fraud Insight
What is the difference between a T/E card and a P-Card?
Corporate card Q&A
View credit card transactions and download monthly statements here.
Corporate credit card requests: click here to request a new Purchasing or Travel and Expense card or to make changes to an existing card, including a permanent or temporary credit increase
- All regulated and M&S employees now have travel and expense cards.
- In the coming months, we will be shifting everyone to a JPMorgan Lodge Card (versus AirPlus) for airfare.
Corporate Credit Cards
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> $1Mfraud exposure
Concur Expense Training Refresher
Submit a ticket in iResolve.
Need Help?
$62,000 internal of fraud/misuse in last 12 months
344,000card transactions in last 12 months
4.2%total VNA spend on corporate credit cards
By the numbers
Expense Reporting Procedure
Travel Program Procedure
Purchasing Policy
Purchasing Card Procedure
T/E Card Procedure
Travel and Expense Policy
Corporate Card Page
Corporate Cardholder Training (VNAU)
Corporate Card Acknowledgement
Concur Expense Page
Weekly Tips for Expense Reporting
Fraud Insight
Corporate Credit Cards
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Why is it important to submit my expense report on time?
Click here to access Concur
Missing Receipts
Fraudulent Transactions
What are non-reimbursable expenses?
Fraud Insight
What is the expense reporting approval process?
Fraud Insight
By what date does my expense report need to be submitted?
For what expenses do I need to file an expense report?
All Concur Expense Tips
Expense Reports Made Easy: use the Concur App
Personal Mileage
expense management tips
- Harmonized Concur Expense platform
- All employees have access to Concur Expense, removing the need for manual access request
Expense Management
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Click here to access the Concur travel page, with more information, training, and resources
On the Concur travel page, check out the Employee Boulevard to learn about travel discounts available to you as a Veolia North America employee
CONCUR TRAVEL: Your new integrated travel booking tool!
Concur Expense Page
Delegation of Authority Policy
Expense Review Protocol
Submit a ticket in iCare
Need Help?
6,000expense reports submitted monthly
9,000employees in Concur
By the numbers
Expense Reporting Procedure
Purchasing Policy
Travel and Expense Policy
Concur User Guide
Concur Expense Training Refresher
Concur Login Page
Weekly Tips for Expense Reporting
Expense Management
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Procurement Updates
Your NEW service portal is here.
The latest chemical Market Report is now available!
Chemical Market Report
The new vendor request form is live.
Vendor Requests
Title 1
Theresa Schroeder
Stephanie Taylor
Vinita Keshari
Ann Ferrizzi
Ayla Rodriguez
Barbara Fox
Fernanda Almeida
Jeslita Ferrell
Drucilla Dyes
Holly Clark
Janelle Monsanto
Mary Gillane
Kathryn Nichols
Kimberly Adair
Jennifer Oestriecher
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Check out the top 15 players from the Procurement One to One scavenger hunt by hovering over the bell to the left. Didn't get a chance to play? Go through the scavenger hunt on the Procurement One to One page before the end of July and be entered for a chance to win AWESOME points.
Melissa Ordoyne
Lesley Patterson
Naylise Cruz
Calandra Choates
Patricia Zirpolo
Lisa Morris
Jenny Hiraman
Shelly Sorrell
Joining together from a range of sites and business units across VNA, the Purchasing Champions are a community of purchasing experts. Each champion is involved in the entire purchasing process and is your go to guide for purchasing questions! The champions have the invaluable role of influencing purchasing behavior transformation in VNA.
Meet the Procurement Purchasing Champions!
Purchasing Community
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How can you reduce the number of POs after the fact? Click here to find out.
Compliance Corner
Test your knowledge about "after the fact purchases" with these questions.
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Procurement Team
Responsible for the overall contract lifecycle, compliance, supplier diversity and sustainability improvement activities
Responsible for VNA’s Source to Contract process including purchasing category strategies, vendor selection, competitive bidding and contract negotiation
Responsible for all the procurement tools the company uses (implement new functionalities and functional upgrades, evaluate new tools etc.)
eProcurement Tools
Responsible for the Procure-to-Pay process including vendor management, purchasing procedures and program administration, data analysis and reporting
Purchasing Operations
Contracts and Sustainability
For more information, visit the Procurement website
Strategic Sourcing
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For Internal Use Only
What did you think?Click here to share your feedback
Procurement Team
Thank you!
Bryan Hines
Centrally Managed Categories
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Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the procurement purchasing community
Find out what you know about after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Find corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
Hear from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
Non-Reimbursable Expenses
- In-flight WiFi for flights less than 2 hours
- Optional travel, personal accident or baggage insurance
- Office parking costs
- Parking or traffic tickets
- Personal entertainment including sports events or nightlife
- Personal toiletries such as toothpaste, toothbrush, cold medicine, etc.
- Personal medical expenses
- Pet care
- Shoeshine
- Souvenirs/personal gifts
- Tobacco products
- Property lease and rental agreements such as apartments and condominiums
- Alcoholic beverages on flights
- TSA/US Customs Trusted Traveler Program fees/dues
- Standard travel documents (e.g., passport)
- Office supplies greater than $50 USD
- Any costs incurred at adult-themed businesses
- Prepaid cards (e.g., Uber Cash, Lyft, Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts)
- Gift cards
- Software
- Departmental expenses
- Gifts, entertainment, contributions
- ATM fees, credit card delinquency fees, annual fees, and finance charges
- Airline club membership dues: VNA may allow one airline club membership maximum for frequent travelers. Any such expense will require approval of the employee’s supervisor and the Veolia Travel Manager.
- Alternative travel memberships such as “Priority Pass” are included in the one maximum count and cannot be combined into overlapping memberships.
- Babysitting
- Barbers and hairdressers
- Car washes
- Clothing, with the exception of items with the Veolia logo with manager approval
- Country club dues
- Golf fees (when not part of a pre-approved customer entertainment or charitable event)
- Health club facilities, saunas, massage, or spa charges
- Helicopter services for airport transfers
- Luggage or travel equipment purchases
- Excess baggage fees (i.e, checked bag fees for more than one suitcase)
- Magazines, books, newspapers, or other subscriptions (except professional subscriptions with manager pre-approval)
- Movies or games (including in-flight and hotel entertainment)
As the business process owner of Procure-to-Pay (P2P), the team also partners with other VNA departments and business units to develop and implement initiatives that are aimed at improving and streamlining our processes to gain efficiencies for better decision making. We strive to make purchasing easier and not harder, it's what drives the Purchasing Operations Team, and there is no shortage of opportunities!
Purchasing Operations
The Purchasing Operations Team is mostly on the front lines for any request related to procurement. To that end, we work tirelessly every day to provide the best service to support our stakeholders whether it is vetting a new vendor, providing guidance on a purchase requisition, helping a corporate card holder, or analyzing available data to help drive compliance of our policies and procedures and mitigate risk.
Q: What are the repercussions for this type of misuse?
A: We take fraud very seriously at VNA. In this particular case, the cardholder admitted to the fraud during our interview process and was terminated for misconduct.Our next steps post-termination are as follows:
- A demand letter is sent by our Legal department requirement repayment in full by a given deadline.
- If we do not receive a response or repayment in time, the balance due is forwarded to a third party for collection.
- In addition, we turn the details of these cases over to local law enforcement agencies for them to further investigate and take appropriate action.
- How many days from the transaction date do corporate card holders have to report fraud to JP Morgan? 60 days
- How many days from the transaction date do corporate card holders have to report a dispute to JP Morgan? 60 days
- How many days does Veolia have from the transaction date to report employee misuse (and assuming the employee is terminated)? 30 days
All expense reports must be submitted on time. This mitigates the risk for fraudulent transactions and corporate card misuse. This also ensures that fraud and disputes are submitted in a timely manner to be covered by JP Morgan, as outlined below.
Submitting Expense Reports on Time
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Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
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Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
Q: Can you share the details of one of these cases with us?
A: One of the more egregious cases was identified in December last year when a supervisor was reviewing their employee’s expense report in Concur. A receipt for a business dinner included a kids meal which seemed unusual. This prompted the supervisor to dig deeper into the details of the report. Upon further review, there were several transactions within the same report that did not have a clear business purpose.After a complete audit of the cardholder’s spend, more than 200 transactions totaling $32K were uncovered across a period of 12 months that were personal in nature. Some of the items purchased included kids cough syrup, cans of chewing tobacco, a 75” television, garage organizers and personal car repairs. There was even a charge for a marlin fishing excursion supported by a falsified invoice.
Q: Were there any takeaways from the investigation?
A: There are definitely some lessons to be learned from this case:
- The case highlights the importance of a thorough manager review when approving expense reports in Concur. Hover over each number to learn the top 5 things to look for while reviewing expense report spend:
- Many frauds start small and grow over time. Why? Because the fraudster feels more and more confident about being able to get away with their bad behavior the longer they don’t get caught. Stop fraud before it starts! Ask questions about your employees’ expense report spend even if you already know the answer. This will convey the message to them that you're paying attention, and the details matter.
- It is important to inactivate all corporate and virtual credit prior to an employee being terminated. We’ve seen an uptick in post-termination spend which can be easily avoided by contacting Procurement (procurement@veolia.com) and asking for the employee’s accounts to be inactivated as well as by collecting all physical cards.
Q: For some general context, can you share how many procurement-related frauds VNA has been a victim of over the last 12 months?
A: In the last year, we have investigated and confirmed 4 fraud cases that fall under the procurement umbrella. The value of these frauds totaled $62K, and all relate to the personal misuse of corporate credit.In other words, employees who were given business bank cards improperly used this credit for the purchase of goods and services for personal use or gain.
- Vendor Guidance. This document shows you exactly what fields your vendor will see when they go through and complete the form. This gives you visibility into what information your vendor needs to provide and what fields might be pending.
- Tips and FAQs. This cheat sheet walks you through commonly asked questions and tips to escalation your form with your vendor.
- Step by step training guide. This guide shows you screenshots of each field of the requester form, including for new vendor set ups and changes. It also has screenshots of the emails and statuses you can expect at each stage of the process
NEW Vendor Request Form
The new vendor request form (here - bookmark the link!) is available as of June 27. Below are training documents to help you learn the new form and expedite your requests.
Note: Cards will be automatically suspended/deactivated for employees who are on leave of absence (LOA). When the employee returns from LOA, they or their manager may request that the card be reactivated by emailing corporatecardprograms@veolia.com.
Reasons for Corporate Card Suspension
- A Cardholder’s employment is terminated
- A Cardholder transfers to a new position which does not require a Purchasing Card
- The Purchasing Card is used for personal or unauthorized purposes
- The Purchasing Card is used to purchase any substance, material, or service, which violates an internal policy or external law or regulation to which VNA must adhere
- The Cardholder allows the card to be used by another individual
- The Cardholder splits a purchase to circumvent the purchase credit limit of the Purchasing Card unless in an emergency situation and justification is provided and approved by VNA Chief Procurement Officer. Justification must be included within the completed expense report.
- The Cardholder uses another Cardholder’s card
- The Cardholder fails to provide detailed receipts showing what goods or services has been performed
- The Cardholder fails to submit expense reports by the 10th of each month following the transactions through and including the last day of the month
- The Cardholder fails to provide, when requested, information about any specific purchase
- The Cardholder accepts a cash refund in lieu of credit to the Purchasing Card account
- The Cardholder does not adhere to this procedure
- For any other reason the Company deems appropriate
What to do if your corporate card is...
Declined: If the transaction is declined, call the phone number on the back of your card or log on to JP Morgan to check authorizations and decline activity on the account. Submit a ticket through iResolve (choose "Other Procurement Requests" and Corporate Cards under "Category") with the reason for decline (i.e. membership, conference or training) to request a Merchant Category Code (MCC) override. Once the MCC code is unblocked, clear your browsing history before attempting to make the purchase. Stolen/Lost: Your corporate card number may be compromised even if the card is in your possession. If you have multiple charges which do not appear to be your purchases on the billing statement, contact JPMorgan Customer Service at 1-800-270-7760 to replace the card. You can access your billing statements here: https://www.paymentnet.jpmorgan.com
Expense Reporting Approval Process
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Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
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Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
Click the --> to navigate to each section
Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
Our team's primary responsibilities include managing the Vendor Contract Lifecycle Process from initial engagement to execution and retention of an agreement. In addition, our team leads the Supplier Diversity Program, which complements and enhances the overall DE&I initiatives that we are focused on throughout our business. Our team also partners with global procurement and compliance to lead sustainability and risk mitigation efforts through tools such as Ecovadis and Compliance Catalyst.
Contracts and Sustainability
The Contracts and Sustainability team supports Veolia's multifaceted performance objectives and strategic goals within the procurement team. In supporting these objectives, we strive as a team to mitigate commercial and legal risks through stringent contracts management, to develop a more diverse vendor population, and to support sustainability initiatives both at the global and local levels.
Click the --> to navigate to each section
Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
Click the --> to navigate to each section
Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
- All corporate card transactions for the previous month (except future air travel dates) must be placed on an expense report AND submitted into the Concur approval workflow by the 10th AND approved by your manager by the 18th
- Card suspension will occur on the 19th for employees who have unsubmitted expenses for the previous month
Expense Reporting Dates
Moreover, the eProcurement Pillar actively promotes the adoption of tools implemented like Concur Travel & Expense through comprehensive end-user training. Continuous optimization efforts ensure alignment with organizational objectives, keeping the pillar agile and responsive to evolving business needs.
eProcurement Tools
The eProcurement Tools and Solutions Pillar at Veolia is instrumental in driving the strategic implementation and management of electronic procurement systems. Tasked with identifying and selecting optimal tools, the team streamlines the purchasing processes, enhances efficiency, and helps drive cost reduction initiatives. Collaborating closely with cross-functional teams ensures seamless integration with existing business processes and technologies, fostering alignment with broader organizational goals.
These options are further detailed on the “How 2… Report a Fraud Concern” page on the One-to-One intranet. Remember - If you see something, say something!
Q: How can individuals raise concerns about red flags they see with travel and expense transactions?
A: There are five ways to raise fraud concerns here at VNA:
- Talk to your supervisor unless they are part of the concern.
- Use one of Veolia’s whistleblowing Hotlines: VNA’s Compliance Helpline or the Group tool, Whispli.
- Notify Internal Control by reaching out to a team member directly or via email (vna.internalcontrol@veolia.com).
- Contact a member of the Fraud Review Committee (FRC).
- Submit an Expense Report Audit Request by following this protocol.
This page also includes chemical price lists, additional market data, and a link to our new "Chemical News" Google Space.
Note that other categories, including MRO, have similarly been updated on the new "suppliers/categories" page.
Chemical Market Reports are Now Available
Chemicals represent a substantial and volatile cost within our various businesses, most notably Municipal Water, ESS and SIB. The Chemical Market Reports provide quarter to quarter price trends as well as updated budget guidance for the current year. This data provides you with YTD and QoQ insight into flucuations related to pricing.The reports are linked on our NEW chemicals page, which you can find here.
Reducing POs "after the fact"
- Submit the PO as soon as you know about the purchase, and update the final amount once you receive the good or service
- Use the Non-PO route for approved Non-PO payments such as utilities, legal fees, and more
- Use Blanket POs for recurring spend with the same vendor. Include the estimated spend over the period and update with exact amounts once the good or service is received.
- Use your purchasing card for allowable expenses under $2,500, such as utilities and uniform purchases. A list of approved p-card purchases is available on the last page of the Purchasing Card Procedure
- Partner across accounting, operations, admins, and project managers to ensure purchases are being communicated for PO submission before the goods/services are purchased
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Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
Purchases to include in an Expense Report
- AirPlus/JPMorgan Ghost Card Payment Types: Airfare and travel agency fees
- Corporate T/E Credit Card: travel related corporate card purchases
- Corporate Purchasing Credit Card: purchase of products using P-card
- Personal: For any reimbursable business expense where the employee has paid using his/her personal card, cash, or for mileage reimbursement that VNA will be reimbursing the business expense.
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Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
Purchasing Card vs. Travel and Expense Card
The Purchasing Card (P-Card) is a company-liable credit card designed for the direct purchase of certain goods and services from suppliers, bypassing the standard procurement process involving purchase requisitions in systems like Ariba, OWAM, VAMS, or SAP S/4HANA. The P-Card bears the employee's name and functions like a regular credit card, allowing purchases to be made online, over the phone/fax, or in person.The Corporate Travel and Expense Card (T/E card) is a company-liable credit card intended for business-related travel expenses and incidental costs (such as hotels, meals, and car rentals) incurred while traveling on behalf of the company, excluding airfare expenses.*Note: For air travel, Veolia North America utilizes a Ghost/Lodge Card, a centralized payment method for airfare expenses linked to your Concur Travel Profile. The Ghost/Lodge Card is not a physical card but rather a virtual payment solution.
Click the --> to navigate to each section
Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
iResolve: The New Procurement and AP Ticket Portal
ACCESSING IRESOLVESubmit a ticket to the new iResolve portal here.🌟 Why iResolve?This powerful platform is designed to take our service management capabilities to new heights. With its intuitive interface, advanced tracking features, and lightning-fast resolution times, iResolve promises to deliver a smoother, more efficient experience for all users. 🏆 What are the benefits?
- Enhanced Employee Experience: iResolve's intuitive interface makes submitting and tracking requests a breeze.
- Improved Efficiency: Expect quicker responses and resolutions as requests are optimized and routed to the right people.
- Transparency Unlocked: You will have clear visibility into the status of your requests, reducing the need for follow-ups.
- Comprehensive Tracking: All of your requests will now be consolidated in one place for easy management.
Instructions to download the Concur Expense App available here: https://www.concur.com/en-us/mobile
Download the Concur Expense App
Simply take a photo of each receipt on your smartphone and ExpenseIt within Concur will automatically create, itemize, and categorize expense entries.
- Make paper receipts a thing of the past
- Eliminate manual data entry and reduce errors
- Get a near real-time view of all spend
Click the --> to navigate to each section
Table of Contents
Walk through a real fraud case study at VNA with Deshay
Meet the Procurement purchasing community
Test your knowledge: after the fact purchase orders
02 Credit Card Fraud at VNA
05 Purchasing Community
Chemical Market Report, iResolve, and the new Vendor request form
06 Compliance Corner
04 Procurement Updates
Corporate credit card and expense resources
03 Expense Management
A note from Deshay Milas and Jeff Crowley
01 Introduction
- As Regulated and M&S employees do not have access to the Office Depot and Amazon punchout catalogs in Ariba, purchases for office supplies, cell and tablet accessories and cables should be made on a p-card through a verified Office Depot or Amazon account.
- This is the only exception to the prohibited and allowable p-card purchases detailed in the earlier question.
To activate your account with either Office Depot or Amazon, or both, contact procurement@veolia.com to request access. Upon approval by VNA Procurement Department, you will receive a link to your Veolia email address with instructions on how to access your account and make purchases using your P-Card.
Regulated and M&S P-Card Exceptions
Personal Mileage and Corporate Card Usage
- Never use your corporate card to fill up your personal vehicle in lieu of mileage
- Use "Mileage - Personal" when completing your expense report to be reimbursed for the business miles driven
- Use the mileage calculator within the expense line
- If you have an auto allowance, you must use "Mileage - Auto Allowance"
- Once approved for auto allowance in accordance with HR_135 - Vehicle Allowance and Reimbursement, your Concur profile is updated to allow this menu option
- The use of your corporate card to purchase gas can only be used when you have a rental car. Use "Transport Rental Car - Fuel".
Prohibited P-Card Transactions
- Alcoholic Beverages
- Automotive Purchases for Leased or Veolia Owned Vehicles enrolled in 3rd party fleet maintenance programs
- Capital Purchases (unless pre-approved by Finance)
- Cash Advances/Reimbursements
- Cell phone & tablet accessories
- Cell phone, tablet, data card and associated monthly service fees
- Client-Related Expenses not in alignment with the VNA Gifts and Entertainment Policy
- Computer Hardware and Software
- Contributions and sponsorships
- Electronic Payment Methods - eBay, PayPal, Block, etc. (unless pre-approved by Corporate Program Manager)
- Employee Gifts not in alignment with the VNA Gifts and Entertainment Policy
- Employee Relocation Expenses
- Gift Cards and Certificates
- Intellectual services and consulting purchases
- Meals and Entertainment – Off-site
- Sub-contracting services purchases (non-emergency)
- Personal Purchases
- Property Rental Payments
- Travel and Entertainment (uses T/E card)
- Wholesale Club Memberships (e.g. Costco & Sam’s Club)
- Workers Compensation Claims
Allowable P-Card Transactions
- Copier Leases
- Dues (professional organization)
- Emergency Purchases
- Fuel (bulk on-site stored fuel including diesel, gasoline or fuel oil)
- Incidental Purchases
- Lab Analysis Testing
- Meals and Entertainment – On-site only
- Vehicles not enrolled in 3rd party fleet maintenance programs
- Office Supplies
- One-time, non-strategic purchases with vendors that are not established in Ariba or SAP S/4HANA
- Physical Exams/Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Non-recurring purchases under $2,500.00
- Rx Safety Glasses
- Safety Shoes
- Shipping (FedEx, UPS, DHL)
- Trade Show Fees
- Uniform (rental and purchase)
- Utilities (electricity, natural gas, internet services, trash service, landline phones)