NYSCATE Template - Cybersecurity Escape Room
Elizabeth Falsone
Created on September 17, 2024
Please feel free to use this template and make any changes you need. Keep in mind that some of the resources were created in Canva. You can make changes to those resources on the Template Page
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You and your friends find yourselves trapped in a mysterious digital world. To escape, you must solve a series of challenges scattered throughout the virtual environment. Time to put your Cybersecurity skills to the test.
Hints & Tips
Teacher Instructions
Learning Objectives
Privacy Patrol
You can always click this icon in the top right-hand corner. This will let you know where the interactive elements are located. I wouldn't necessarily tell kids this as it takes away the fun of searching.It is best to have students start with the introduction and hint as many will provide clues. Clues Found: Y o u I
Tasks:Identifying PII: Use the magnifying glass to move around the screen and identify the PII. Click on the correct answer to move on. Clues Found: d e n t i pThink Before You Post: Gets kids thinking about the things they may accidentally be showing when posting online. Clues Found: K eHidden Poster: Reveals the online safety poster. You can click on the safety poster to enlarge. Clues Found: S a f eCyber Safety Poster: The do's and don'ts of cyber safety. Clues Found: e t yThink Before You Share: A clue directly found in the scene. Clues Found: r
Password: KeepYourIdentitySafe
Password Protection
You can always click this icon in the top right-hand corner. This will let you know where the interactive elements are located. I wouldn't necessarily tell kids this as it takes away the fun of searching.It is best to have students start with the introduction and hint as many will provide clues and address how to solve the puzzle. Clues Found: - F I I
Tasks:Password Security Checker: This site allows you to check how long it would take a computer to figure out your password. No clues foundPassword Creation Poster: Helps kids understand what makes a good password. Clues found: C W 1 2Password Quiz: Students decide what the best practices are for password safety. Clues found: 2 5 Password Ninja: Students get to practice generating passwords by trying out different parameters. No clues foundchange your password regularly, use a nmemonic device, don't share your password : Clues directly found in the scene. Clues found: Y A m c
Password: AIWFCIY12-25mc
All I Want For Christmas Is You 12-25 mariah carey
Let's Go Phishing
You can always click this icon in the top right-hand corner. This will let you know where the interactive elements are located. I wouldn't necessarily tell kids this as it takes away the fun of searching.It is best to have students start with the introduction and hint as many will provide clues and address how to solve the puzzle. No Clues Found
Tasks:Hidden File: Helps participants see the letters found in the title of a folder. Clues found: u cPhishing Email Sort: Quickly see how fast you can identify a real email from a fake. No clues foundSpot Fake Emails: Helps kids identify fake emails at a slower pace. Clues found: s t o u r n sSpot Fake Emails Poster: Provides students with the clues to help them identify fake emails and scams. Clues found: T Y IPhishing Scenarios: Students choose what they would do when encountering certain emails. They can check their accuracy immedaitely. Clues found: t t n iVerifies Identities : Clues directly found in the scene. Clues found: r s
Password: TrustYourInstincts
It's A Cipher
You can always click this icon in the top right-hand corner. This will let you know where the interactive elements are located. I wouldn't necessarily tell kids this as it takes away the fun of searching.It is best to have students start with the introduction and hint as many will provide clues and address how to solve the puzzle. Clues Found: a v r
Tasks:Letter Reveal: Click to find hidden letters in the scene. Clues found: j j j kDigital Caesar Cipher Tool: Students can trty out different codes and see how they are encrypted. This could be used when trying to solve the main puzzle. No clues foundEncryption Video: Teaches kids how encryption works and why it is important. No clues foundEncryption/Decryption Poster: Defines encryption and decryption and explains how it works. Clues found: y hCipher Examples: Will teach students how to use the cipher and provides an opportunity to practice. Clues found: l o l
Password: crackthecode
Students will have to take their found letters and try to decrypt the message.
You solved the Password Protection Room! Write down this clue for furture reference: AIWFCIY12-25mc
Click on the key to try a new room. Good luck!
Have you solved ALL 4 rooms? Click the lock to escape.
Pay special attention to the placement of the correct answers.
use a mnemonic device
change your password regularly
don't share Your pAssword
Your password is a mnemonic device that uses a Christmas song title, date, and singer initials.
Verify Identies
Think before you click
This password is 3 words (no spaces). (5 letters, 4 letters, 9 letters)
You solved the Let's Go Phishing Room! Write down this clue for furture reference: TrustYourInstincts
Click on the key to try a new room. Good luck!
Have you solved ALL 4 rooms? Click the lock to escape.
The password you have found has been encrypted using a Caesar Cipher with a positive shift of 7. To decrypt, use a -7 shift. (12 letters)
You solved the Privacy Patrol Room! Write down this clue for furture reference: crackthecode
Click on the key to try a new room. Good luck!
Have you solved ALL 4 rooms? Click the lock to escape.
Think before you share
This password is 4 words (no spaces)( 4 letters, 4 letters, 8 letters, 4 letters). Not all clues are immediately visible.
You solved the Privacy Patrol Room! Write down this clue for furture reference: KeepYourIdentitySafe
Click on the key to try a new room. Good luck!
Have you solved ALL 4 rooms? Click the lock to escape.
Click to fill out your certificate
You come face-to-face with a digital marketplace where personal information is bought and sold. Learn about the importance of protecting your privacy and keeping your Personally Identifiable Information (PII) safe from prying eyes. Navigate through various scenarios and make choices that will safeguard your identity.
Welcome to the Cybersecurity Escape Room!
- Choose a room to get started.
- Start by reading the introduction. Hints are also available.
- Each room has clues, activities, and advice based on its theme. Not all activities will give you a clue but are important to the learning.
- Once you think you have collected all of the clues, click on the lock to try and escape.
- The only way to move on is by escaping the room that you are in.
Teacher Instructions
Privacy Patrol
Password Protection
Let's Go Phishing
It's a Cipher
Click on a room to learn everything you need to help your students. Get answers to puzzles and learn more about specific activites. The teacher instructions are password protected. You should have received this information in your email. If you didn't and would like to request a password, click HERE. All rooms can be completed without this information but it may be more difficult.
Hints & Tips
- You are looking for green letters and symbols
- Have a piece of paper and a pencil nearby to keep track of clues. Once you solve a puzzle, make sure you keep track of the password, you'll need it for the final lock
- Not all activities will provide clues but they are necessary for learning
- You may have to come back to an activity as it may not make sense. Gaining knowledge from another activity can help you
- Not all clues are visible right away. Make sure you check the learning environment
- Read ALL Introductions before starting
- There is a hint available in each room that will provide more information about the password
- All passwords are case-sensitive, have no spaces, and have to do with the theme of the room
You stumble upon a simulated email inbox filled with messages. Some are legitimate, but others are suspicious and could be phishing attempts. Your task is to identify the phishing attempts and avoid falling into the traps set by cybercriminals.
- Identify the characteristics of a strong password
- Demonstrate the ability to create and remember secure passwords
- Explain the importance of keeping passwords confidential and not sharing them with others
Learning Objectives
NYS CS/DF Learning Standards
Password Protected:
- Define phishing and recognize common phishing tactics.
- Identify suspicious emails or messages
- Demonstrate the ability to verify the authenticity of emails and websites
Let's Go Phishing:
- Describe the purpose of encryption and decryption in cybersecurity.
- Explore the Caesar cipher technique
- Apply encryption and decryption techniques to encode and decode messages.
It's A Cipher:
- Define Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and examples of PII.
- Identify potential risks associated with sharing PII online.
- Demonstrate strategies for protecting privacy and minimizing the exposure of PII on the internet.
Privacy Patrol:
- You Find yourselves trapped in a virtual vault filled with treasure, but the only way to escape is by cracking the password. In thIs room, you'll learn about the importance of strong passwords and how to create them. Solve puzzles and answer questIons to uncover clues that will help you unlock the vault and escape safely. When you think you have all of your clues try cracking the code by clicking on the lock icon.
You encounter a mysterious message written in code. To decipher it and proceed further, you must learn the art of encryption and decryption. Explore the Ceasar cipher technique and use your problem-solving skills to unlock the secrets hidden within.