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Unit Overview: Operations with Integers





Big Ideas


Essential Questions

Learning Targets




Unit 1

StandardsEligible Content

IXL Textbook

Unit 1: Operations with Integers Pre-Assessment Unit 1: Operations with Integers Common Assessment

A1. Compare and/or order any real numbers. Note: Rational and irrational may be mixed. A1. Simplify/evaluate expressions involving properties/laws of exponents, roots, and/or absolute values to solve problems. Note: Exponents should be integers from

Standards/Eligible Content UNIT





Integers and Absolute Value

Big Ideas

Integer Operations

Powers and Square Roots

order of Operations


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Essential Questions

How can the integers be compared? How do we add integers with different signs?

How can we predict that the sum of two integers is positive, negative or zero?

Can we use our rules of adding integers to help us subtract them? How can you use subtraction of integers to solve real-world problems?

Does the amount of negatives you are multiplying affect the sign of the outcome?

Using PEMDAS, can division be done before multiplication? Subtraction before addition?

Learning Targets

  1. I can compare and order integers.
  2. I can add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers.
  3. I can find the absolute value of an expression.
  4. I can evaluate integers using exponents and simplify expressions with exponents/square roots.
  5. I can evaluate given expressions using order of operations and simplifying.
  6. I can translate verbal phrases into algebraic expressions.
  7. I will be able to show this by simplifying different expressions involving multiple operations.
  8. I can show my understanding of evaluating expressions by writing an expression and using order of operations to simplify.
  9. I can simplify/evaluate expressions with exponents, roots, and absolute value.


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Key Terms

Negative Number Positive Number Integers Coordinate Inequality Absolute Value Opposites Additive Inverse Exponent

PowerBaseSquare RootPerfect SquareEvaluateOrder of OperationsNumerical ExpressionVariableAlgebraic Expression

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