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Learning Outcomes

Here are six learning outcomes tailored to the work simulation you've just completed. These learning outcomes are designed to cover a broad range of competencies needed for a Accountant, helping you to build a strong foundation in Break-Even Analysis.

Data Collection and Research Skills

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Financial ScenarioAnalysis

Business Recommendations

Reporting and Presentation

Reflection and Continuous Improvement

Detailed breakdown

Here's a breakdown of what's to come in the course.


Remembering: Identify the essential components and steps involved in conducting a Break-Even Analysis. Understanding: Explain the role and importance of Break-Even Analysis in business decision-making.

Preparation Task

(10 minutes)

Preparation Task

(10 minutes)

Remembering: Identify sources and steps for data collection. Understanding: Define the business question or objective.

Preparation Task

(10 minutes)

Applying: Collect financial data for a hypothetical business scenario, including fixed costs, variable costs, and sales price per unit. Analysing: Organise and input the data into a spreadsheet, preparing it for break-even calculation.

Research Task

(30 minutes)

Remembering: Identify sources and steps for data collection. Understanding: Define the business question or objective.

Preparation Task

(10 minutes)

Applying: Calculate the break-even point using the collected data. Analysing: Perform scenario analysis by varying costs and pricing, and observe how these changes influence the break-even point.

Analysis Task

(30 minutes)

Remembering: Identify sources and steps for data collection. Understanding: Define the business question or objective.

Preparation Task

(10 minutes)

Creating: Review the outcomes of the Break-Even Analysis and make recommendations for pricing or cost-control strategies.Evaluating: Develop a comprehensive financial report that includes the Break-Even Analysis, scenario analysis, and visual representations of key findings.

Create Task

(20 minutes)

Remembering: Identify sources and steps for data collection. Understanding: Define the business question or objective.

Preparation Task

(10 minutes)

Creating: Compile the findings into a structured report and prepare a brief presentation summarising the analysis and recommendations.Evaluating: Present the report and receive feedback, refining the final output based on suggestions.

Document & Present

(15 minutes)

Remembering: Identify sources and steps for data collection. Understanding: Define the business question or objective.

Preparation Task

(10 minutes)

Evaluating: Reflect on the learning experience and its application.Understanding: Consider how the exercise enhanced skills and identify areas for further improvement.

Reflection Task

(10 minutes)

Detailed breakdown

Here's a breakdown of what's to come in the course.



By the end of this activity, you have developed a strong understanding of Break-Even Analysis, from collecting and analysing financial data to making informed business recommendations. This hands-on experience has enhanced your skills in financial analysis and decision-making, which are crucial for a career in accounting.Now it's time to mark this section as complete and make a start on the soft skill simulation module!


Reflection and Continuous Improvement

Develop critical reflection skills by evaluating the analysis process, identifying challenges faced, and proposing improvements for conducting future financial analyses.

Reporting and Presentation

Improve skills in compiling a comprehensive financial report and creating engaging presentations that clearly communicate Break-Even Analysis results, supported by charts and graphs.

Financial ScenarioAnalysis

Learn to conduct in-depth scenario analysis by adjusting key financial variables and observing the resulting changes in the Break-Even Point to support decision-making.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Enhance proficiency in using data analysis tools (e.g., Excel, Google Sheets) to calculate the Break-Even Point, perform scenario analysis, and understand how variations in costs and pricing impact financial outcomes.

Business Recommendations

Gain the ability to synthesise Break-Even Analysis findings into actionable financial recommendations, including strategies for pricing and cost control, tailored to the hypothetical business scenario.

Data Collection and Research Skills

Develop the ability to identify, source, and gather relevant financial data, including fixed and variable costs, for conducting a Break-Even Analysis in a business context.