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Confidentiality agreements aim to ensure comfort for both partners. Your arrangements should foster open, candid, and authentic communication (Zachary & Fain, 2022, p. 154).

Accountability Assurances

"Ensuring accountability means that both mentor and mentee must answer the question, 'How are we going to hold ourselves and each other accountable in the mentoring relationship?' and then commit to those agreements" (Zachary & Fain, 2022, p. 147)

Well-Defined Goals

Writing down goals is essential for mentees, as it promotes specificity and provides clear direction in the mentoring relationship (Zachary & Fain, 2022, p. 140).

Mentoring Partnership Agreement

Co-creating your mentoring partnership agreement is what is best for the mentor relationship. If you put the agreement in writing both partners know what to expect and what is expected of them (Zachary & Fain, 2022, p.136).

Week 4

Negotiating Agreements

Grace Carriaga- Benavides


My mentoring session outcomes:

  • Completed majority of Establishing Agreements" (Table 5.1, p. 137).
Key Focus areas:1. Clarity of purpose2. Mentoring expectations3. Well-defined goals

Table 5.1 Establishing Agreements

Meeting with my mentee

My mentee and I went over Table 5.3. We agreed that we would follow the majority. The most important being:

  • Time -
    • We will manage our time well.
    • Our meetings will begin and end on time.
    • We will meet weekly for the next 6 months, with check-ins in between as needed
  • Communication -
    • Our communication will be open, candid and direct.
    • We will respect our differences and learn from them.

Table 5.3 Common Mentoring Ground Rules

My mentee and I individually completed the Checklist for Assumption Testing About Confidentiality (Exercise 5.3), then discussed our answers and reached a consensus.

Exercise 5.3 Checklist for Assumption Testing About Confidentiality

After evaluating my mentee's single goal using Exercise 5.1, I found it specific, concrete, and clear. I informed him we need to develop more goals in future sessions.

Excercise 5.1 Mentor's Worksheet for Evaluating Mentee's Goals

In our first formal mentoring session, despite our prior acquaintance, I observed a shift in dynamics. I actively listened to my mentee's updates on grade-level activities and offered curriculum design suggestions. We disscussed our expectations of this new role for each of us. However, we encountered challenges in goal-setting, with him only coming up with only one goal. This will be a focus for future meetings.

My mentee and I individually completed the Checklist for Assumption Testing About Confidentiality (Exercise 5.3), then discussed our answers and reached a consensus.

Exercise 5.3 Checklist for Assumption Testing About Confidentiality