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Cheating and Plagiarising


Office Hours

What weare goingto learn

Student Expectations


New and Emerging Technology Syllabus 👩‍🏫

AI UsePolicy

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You are always welcome to contact me, during my office hours or outside of my office hours. My office hours are posted at the top of the course. During my office hours my time is dedicated to tutoring and helping students. This is the best time for you to receive help from me. Please note that whenever I am at my computer, my gchat status will have a little green light. If you chat with me during my office hours, it will be like you raising your hand and I will answer as soon as possible. If it takes me a second to respond during my office hours, it will be because I am helping another student and I will respond as soon as I am able. If I am green lighted and it is outside of my office hours, however, I may be in meetings or working on other work that is time sensitive and needs to get done. If I am available I will be happy to help you during that time. If I am busy with other work, however, please know that I will respond when I am able.Phone: 801-923-3962 Email: cvanausdal@mountainheightsacademy.org

Office Hours

& Contact information

This course requires you to work in groups, participate in discussions, and communicate with your teacher and peers. Make sure to keep your choice of topics and language appropriate and practice online netiquette.

Etiquette Policy:

the deadline. All work is due by 6:00 PM on the date listed in your welcome email. You must earn an 80% grade in this course to earn credit. Because of this, grading works a little differently. In this class, you will start at 0% and will work your way towards a passing grade of at least 80%. Any assignment that you have not yet completed will be calculated into your grade as 0 points. Each time you complete an assignment, you will earn points that raise your grade. As you work through the course, you will watch your grade rise higher and higher.

All students should put forth their greatest effort towards their initial assignment submission. Some tests and quizzes will allow multiple attempts, and I urge you to take advantage of these opportunities. Once a student submits an assignment, a grade will be posted within one or school day. If you, the student, wish to improve your grade, please contact your teacher. This credit recovery course is self-paced, and all assignments are due by the deadline listed in your welcome email. It is divided into modules to help you stay organized and plan your time to finish by


It is expected of you to put forth your best effort into your work. You are expected to use all of the resources provided for you inside of our course to help you learn the material. You will be expected to give your best effort in learning each of the new concepts and give yoru best attempt on each assignment. When struggling, you are expected to respectfully reach out and ask the teacher for help. Also, you are expected to have some fun while learning about the new and exciting field of AI and completing awesome projects!

What are you expected to do?

Student Expectations

  • When using AI to help in an assignment you must cite that AI was used.

A few items to consider when thinking of cheating and plagiarisim in this course:

  • Students may work together on an assignment, but must each submit their own unique work. When working together both students must actively participate in the activity.
  • Copying and pasting another student's work is cheating.
  • Using AI to help you on an assignment when not given permission is considered cheating.

Students are allowed to receive help on their assignment and projects, but are to do the actual work themselves. Click HERE for more information about the school's academic h onestly policy on pagest 21-22.

Cheating and Plagiarism

You will learn the following topics in each quarter:Quarter 1/3

  • Minds of the Machine: Exploring the World of Artificial Intelligence
  • Mastering the Magic Words: Crafting Effective Prompts for AI.
Quarter 2/4
  • Using AI Tools Ethically in Education
  • Creating and Completing an AI Generated Personal Learning Plan

In this class we will be learning all things AI! We will learn the pros and cons of AI and how to use it ethcially and responsibly. The overall goal of this class is to teach you how to use AI so you can become a life long learner and understand that you can now learn any subject with the help of AI.

What are we going to learn?

In this New and Emerging Technologies course, we will explore the exciting world of AI and learn how to use it responsibly and ethically. To ensure a safe and productive learning environment, the following AI policy is in effect:

  • Authorized AI Tools: You are permitted to use only the AI tools and SchoolAI spaces provided within this course by the instructor. These resources are specifically designed to support your learning and exploration of AI concepts.
  • Designated Use: AI tools and SchoolAI spaces are to be used solely for the purposes and assignments designated by the instructor. This may include:
    • Completing specific activities and projects related to AI concepts.
    • Engaging in discussions and collaborating with classmates within designated SchoolAI spaces.
    • Exploring and experimenting with AI tools in a safe and controlled environment.
    • Creating and developing a personalized learning plan to guide your exploration of a chosen topic.
  • Course-Specific Use: AI tools and SchoolAI spaces provided in this course are exclusively for use within this class. Do not use them for assignments or assessments in any other course.
  • Ethical and Responsible Use: All use of AI tools must adhere to the principles of academic integrity, responsible AI practices, and ethical considerations discussed in this course.
Any misuse of AI tools or SchoolAI spaces may result in consequences as outlined in the school's Academic Honesty Policy. If you have any questions about the appropriate use of AI in this course, please do not hesitate to ask the instructor.

AI Use Policy