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Presentation by Sarah Crosby

Associate Head academic planning and quality

My vision for the role

Three main themes

Academic planning

External regulation & partnership

Institutional quality

institutional quality

Enhancing and quality assuring teaching and learning / engagement

Key performance indicators / B3 / institutional retention plan

Creating and implementing quality processes

Responding to the NSS / oversee action plan / ensure communication with students is undertaken & timely

Ensuring programmes validation compliance / validation / academic board

Identifying opportunities for knowledge exchange & CPD

academic planning

Assure best practie across all T&L activity

Cross department resource planning

Manage timeline of planning activity across the A/Y

Department portfolio

Student experience / NSS

B3 metrics

Recruitment activity

Reporting / Supporting PL's with annual monitoring

Scholarly activity

External regulation & partnership

HESA returns PSRB [engagement/EIM] Office for Students [VLE] Stakeholder consultation / engagement QAA

To include

  1. Assuring programme compliance with external regulator standards
  2. Understanding and responding to data generated in annual returns
  3. Provide a narrative for the data
  4. Creating process to assure PSRBs

Thank you