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Scene management Infographic


There are several hazards an EMS crew might be presented with while on duty such as...

Scene management is maintaining the safety of yourself, partner and patient and remaining aware and vigilant throughout the entire call. I believe it begins when you’re first dispatched and apart of the initial scene size up. Without scene management, the scene can quickly become chaotic and uncontrolled, by either random curious bystanders disturbing the crime scene, rubbernecking vehicles contributing to the accident if flares or other precautions are not in place, or family/ friends/ crowds trying to stay by the patient and interfering with patient care. Scene management helps you maintain control and keep any evidence safe as well.


  • The patient or family member could attack the EMS crew with an object or attempt to shoot or stab the EMS crew

Exposure to blood/chemicals

  • Toxic Fumes / Substances due to chemical suicide, accidental spills or drugs in the area

Injury from environment or accident

  • Struck by a moving vehicle at a crash site.
  • Falling into ice/slipping on ice
  • Sliding down an unstable/slippy hill
  • Damaged structures due to a fire could collapse
  • Risk of electrocution due to downed powerlines

How would I handle a violent patient/Caregiver/Family member?

I would handle a violent patient, caregiver or family member by having an open non-threatening posture and demeanor. I would introduce myself, explain what’s going on, that i’m a member of EMS and i’m here to help. I would also stay aware of my surroundings so I can exit the scene if the environment becomes even more hostile or dangerous. I would use therapeutic communication to de-escalate the situation and reassure the person that I am just here to help.

Reference: Gifs - GeniallyKnowledge - pre hospital care 12th edition