MIDDLE SCHOOL_Rules of Engagement
Sarah Khaneboubi
Created on September 16, 2024
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Rules of Engagement
How to survive Ms Sarah's English classes
Be punctual
Bring your material to school
Do your homework
Raise your hand to speak
Do not make fun of, or dismiss, other people's opinion
Do not move around the classroom unnecessarily
Follow teachers' directions
Take responsibility for your actions and choices
PUNCUALITY This means coming to class on time, but also trying to submit your work when it's due. Excuses such as forgetting the notebook home or your grandparents' will only work ONCE, maybe.
SCHOOL MATERIAL Every lesson requires the use of writing tools AND some form of paper. Please be aware that forgetting your textbook or your correct notebook at home will NOT be tolerated for long. I will take regular note about who constantly comes to school unprepared, and take measures. Specifically, the school rules establish that I can give you a MINUS on the register EVERY TIME you forget your materials at home. At the end of the term, all the MINUSES will contribute to your grade.
HOMEWORK Homework is not optional. I will try to give you ONLY what is necessary, and I will strive NOT to overload you. However, you are kindly requested to do your homework every time I assign it.
ENGAGING WITH THE CLASS If you want to contribute to the discussion, please raise your hand and wait for the teacher to call your name. Please refrain from SHOUTING answers at me.
OPINIONS Although I may not agree with everybody, every opinion counts to me. Please, refrain from expressing offensive comments to other people's opinions and views. If caught in doing so, I will take measures.
KNOWING YOUR PLACE People constantly moving around the classroom while teachers or other classmates are talking is extremely disruptive. Please be aware that you cannot get up and go wherever you want at any given time. During the lesson, you should be seated unless otherwise told so.
RULES FOR EVERYONE Rules are there for everyone, no exceptions. Accept that I don't have anything against you personally, but I want to be consistent with the class.
ACCOUNTABILITY Please be aware that everything you DO and everything you SAY is evaluated during your classes. Think before you act or speak, because you will be held responsible for what you deliberately choose to do or say.
TESTS You may be given the opportunity to retake a test ONLY under the following circumstances: - Your test received an insufficient mark. - Only once a term. - The insufficient mark will stay on the register together with the new mark.
HOMEWORK COMPLETION I will regularly check your homework submission, and the THIRD TIME you fail to submit on the due date, you will be assigned a 4 on the register, as per school rules. Approximately TWICE a term, I will check your notebooks. Please be aware of the following: - The first time I will provide FEEDBACK, in case you need to improve on some aspects of note-taking; the second time I will assign a MARK. - I will correct homework in class regularly. YOU are RESPONSIBLE for your own homework correction on your notebook. .
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY You are expected to submit your own work. While working in groups may be sometimes allowed, the work you submit should be YOUR OWN intellectual property. - Identical submissions among students will receive a 4 on the register for BOTH students. - Copying and pasting from the Internet will give you the opportunity to SHOW me that you can do the task IN YOUR OWN WORDS: If you don't, you will receive a 4 on the register.
TOILET BREAKS I honestly don't want to end up directing TRAFFIC TO THE TOILET every single hour. Please take toilet breaks when it is STRICTLY necessary. We all feel like a break every now and then, I understand; but if I can hold it and be with you for the whole hour without constantly going to the toilet, so can you. If I catch you coming from the toilet as I enter the class, how do you expect me to let you go again 20 minutes into my lesson?