Want to make interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

Over 30 million people build interactive content in Genially.

Check out what others have designed:


Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Horizontal infographics


Oceano indiano

Oceano pacifico

Oceano atlantico

0ceano glaciale artico

Oceano antartico



L'America meridionale




L'America settentrionale



Monti urali

Le Alpi

le Montagne rocciose

la Catena costiera


I Monti dei draghi

L'Acrocoro etiopico

Gran catena divisoria

Alpi neozelandesi



la Pianura del Mississippi

Il Gange

Huang He

La Pianura padana

Il Bassopiano germanico

Il Bassopiano sarmatico

Il Bassopiano siberiano

Rio delle amazzoni

Il Congo

Il Gange


Il Nilo

Il Mississippi

IL Chang jiang

Huang He

Il Mekong

IL Volga

IL Danubio


Regione americana dei Grandi laghi

Regione africana dei Grandi laghi

Il Caspio

Write an awesome title

Sections like this help you create order

With the Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content?

No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate reaches us via sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.

+ info

+ info


Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your audience’s attention.

Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.

Here you can put an important title

When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns. To do this, it can be good practice to make an outline and use words that will be imprinted in the memories of your audience.If you want to add additional information or develop the content in detail, you can do this with your verbal presentation. We recommend training your voice and rehearsing; the best improvisation happens when you’re prepared!


+ info

You can enter numbers like this

+ info


Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.

Did you know? In Genially you’ll find more than 1,000 templates that are all ready for you to enter your content and customize, and that will help you tell your stories.

Interactive visual communication, step by step

  • Plan the structure of your communication.
  • Give it a hierarchy and give visual weight to the main point.
  • Add secondary messages with interactivity.
  • Establish a flow through the content.
  • Measure results.

of what we do and see, we remember.


Synthesis and organization, the two pillars of presentation


Did you know? We retain 42% more information when the content has movement. It may be the most effective resource for capturing your audience’s attention.

Note: In Genially, we use AI (Awesome interactivity) in all our designs so that you can level up with interactivity and turn your content into something that engages and provides value.

We don’t like to bore. We don’t want to be repetitive. Communicating in the same old ways is boring and doesn’t engage people.We do it differently. We annihilate boredom. We create things the brain likes to consume because they stimulate it.

Write an awesome title

Describe the problem you’re going to resolve and, above all, the reason why your idea is interesting

+ info

When giving a presentation, you need to go after two main objectives: to convey information and avoid yawns.

+ info


To remove interactivity ... It’s as easy as clicking on the icon, making the changes you want, and clicking on Save.

Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your audience increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.

Tip: Interactivity is the key to capturing the interest and attention of your audience. A genially is interactive because your audience explores and engages with it.

Here you can put animportant title

Did you know that Genially allows you to share your creation directly, with no need to download?

A great presentation ...Is clear and structured in order to convey information in an orderly and hierarchical way, and to deliver content that excites the brain. To do this, animation and interactivity are two fundamental pillars.Tooltips, windows, links, audios ... In Genially you can include any type of interactivity to allow you to add additional content, and add animation in order to capture the attention of your audience.

All ready for your audience to view it from any device and share it anywhere


Tip: Emotional connection or engagement with your audience increases when they identify with the message you want to communicate.

You can use this feature ... To highlight super relevant info. 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight.

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight